Podcast #271-Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon Reviews with 100% More Rocket Racoon

Podcast271Jan2014George reviews two episode of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon. We look at: 

*Season 1 episode “Flight of the Iron Spider.”
*Season 2 episode “Guardians of the Galaxy.”


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If you missed any of the other podcasts here they are.

Podcast # 270- Friday Night Kingpin Fight
Podcast#269-Reviews of Superior Spider-Man # 21-23 and Annual #1
Podcast # 268- Friday Night Drunk Hobgoblin Fight

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  1. Oh okay that’s cool you mean like how cap and iron man were acting or the consequences of spidey unmasking(which I disliked as well)

  2. Hey Daniel. It’s just a taste thing for me. The Iron Spider suit is a product of the Civil War, which I intensely disliked. In Civil War there were so many Marvel heroes acting completely out of character that it just plain drove me nuts. 🙂

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