700.2 cover

Back in October, the writer of this book tweeted that it would be apart of the ‘Peter Parker: Spider-Man’ title.

Sadly, it wasn’t and was pushed back to now. If you’re reading that title expecting quality, I’m sorry.Despite the reservations of the writer, I still think this is the strongest two part story I’ve read in awhile.More after the jump. LEAVE A COMMENT!  

Writer: David Morrell
Art: Klaus Janson
LETTERS: VC’s Joe Caramagna
EDITORS Tom Brennan
PUBLISHER: Dan Buckley

FROST PART TWO asm 700.2 pg 1STORY: So the Story picks up front where we left off. The City still is in gridlock, and Spider-Man is desperate to get to Aunt May. As Peter begins his journey, he must stop and help the firefighers from last issue fight the fire that began there, resuce the people inside, and then continue. He gets to the Queensboro bridge, and encounters an ambulance stuck with someone in need of attention inside. As he begins to get the snow out of the way, a plow driver falls asleep and nearly knocks the ambulance off the bridge. Spidey manages to pull the ambulance out and save the day. In grattiutde, the plow driver drives him near Aunt May’s home. Exhausted, he begins halouenating his enemies attacking him. Uncle Ben arrives and helps him take the crutial steps that he needs to get to Aunt May’s home. Once arriving, he does his best to get her confortable. (He barely arrived in time, but he does his best to get her warm. She awakens, and the power is restored. Visably tired, she tries to get him to rest, but Peter will not have any of it. He then fixes the window, makes her breakfast, and shovels the drive. He’s nearly done, but May knowing her nephew realizes that he needs to slow down and rest. 
THOUGHTS: When you’re an established writer, you tend to have your mark that you leave both on the reader and the character. Think about Stan Lee: Bombastic, epic storytelling with two of the best at what they did in terms of Artists. While I had my complaints about Klaus Janson last time, I feel more confortable with his artwork this time around. Perhaps its because I was so engrossed in the story that I felt this way but I didn’t 

feel as passionate about the complaints this go around as I did last time. The problems are still there and they still exist, but its not as in-your-face as before. Morell has done a very good job getting the voice of the charater down, and working along with Janson to get to feel of this story right. He’s a compent writer, more than that really, he’s a good writer and a successful one and the voice of Peter is right. When I was reading this book, I did notice the problems Mr. Morell had with the book in terms of the final product. Supposedly, there will be the corrected version on the book in the trade, but since the guy was offering both a copy of corrections and a how-to guide as to how to write comics, it seemed that he was pretty peeved off originally and has cooled as time has gone on. It is difficult for me to just gloss over the problems, espeically some this glaring, but I feel that I have to look above those things as I’m reading them, mainly to not sound just like others when discussing this storyline. Alot of times, a stock story doesn’t have the impact on the reader that it was intended, sometimes a stock story is just that, a medicore issue that won’t knock your socks off. But for some reason, I suppose it is because it has been refereshing to read a Peter Parker that isn’t at time a dithering jerkface who just really wants to take over the world pinky and the brain style. This Peter Parker is true to chracter and I can’t help but grade the story as a whole of both parts. We all knew that this would end with Peter saving the day, but it really encompasses what makes us love the character. We need to reminded of that at times, because far too often we take for granted the characters we love. As for the series of unfortunate events (IE, the driver on the bridge, the ambulance) I thought it was fine, that despite a A strong start last issue leads to a solid (Notwithstanding the errors) second helping.

GRADE: A  If the quality on an issue is defined by how many times you read it, then it does well.

Over the next few days we’ll wrap up the time that Marvel gave us with Peter Parker, so stay tuned!  

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1 Comment

  1. Since I haven’t bought a Spidey issue since #700, my opinion of these issues are probably colored by my view of what’s happened since that monumental issue. Even though the story is very light (let’s face it, the plot is wafer-thin), these two issues were the most fun I’ve had reading Spidey in a loooong time, even counting the couple dozen issues before #700. I can even overlook the misuse of the Spider-Sense here (me reading the comic: “That’s not how the Spider-Sense works!!!”). Not much happens, but it felt good to read it.

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