Podcast 260: Spider-Girl Halloween Costume, Worthless Comics, Goblin Nation,New Warriors

Podcast260picThe gang tackles Spider-News in this episode. 

*Kevin and Brad have a very good debate about the Spider-Girl Halloween costume and if it’s sexist. 
*Are your comics worthless? 
*Gene Simmons from Kiss is up for the Green Goblin role in the Spider-Man musical. 
*Amazing Spider-Man 2 will feature Jamie Foxx, Pharrell and Hans Zimmer.
*Would you buy a $10,000 Todd McFarlane sketch comic? 
*Anime Avengers cartoon coming soon to Japan that will feature Spider-Man. 

*We’re currently looking for a new sponsor, if you’d like to advertise your website, business or product shoot me an e-mail. 


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If you missed the other November podcasts here are the links

Podcast 258- Spider-Jeopardy
Podcast 259-Reviews of Spider-Jeopardy

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1 Comment

  1. I’m a bit behind on my Crawlspace episodes, so I just listened to this. I have to commend you guys for the costume debate. Very good and very enjoyable.

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