$10,000 McFarlane Spidey Sketch

$(KGrHqV,!qEFItjiMK7yBSQj3mQbQw~~60_57Spider-Man legend has penciled our web head again. This time is was on a blank Marvel cover.  He did this at a Stan Lee tribute show in Las Vegas. The owner of the book will depart with it for the low, low price of $9,999 on ebay. Would you pay it? Couldn’t he get a blank Spidey cover? I mean if I’m paying nearly 10 grand, why is it for a Captain America book? LOL

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  1. @4 – So you’re saying the person who bought is just holding onto this and waiting for McFarlane to die?

  2. Not going to be worth so much while Todd’s still around
    to do this again and again and….

  3. Yeah, I saved the jpg to my Spidey pic folder, which is my Screen Saver. So that was good enough for me.

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