Dan Slott’s new project is RAD!

Rad teaserMarvel has begun another round of their one word teasers with creative teams attached for new books, and today we’ve gotten a tease of Dan Slott’s new project. On this month’s podcast we speculated on what it might be and whether it would be Spidey related, but it seems that’s not the case. In fact, this may be another major development called early by CrazyChris, who suggested on the show that it may be a Silver Surfer book and was damn near laughed out of the room by the rest of the panel, myself included. But can it be a complete coincidence that the Silver Surfer’s real name is Norrin Radd? What are your thoughts, Crawlspacers?

And on another note, a teaser of the word “CORPORATE” was also released for the creative team of fan-favorite Spidey writer Peter David and artist Carmine Di Giandomenico, likely dashing our hopes here at the Crawlspace that David’s new project would be a new Spider-Man 2099 book (unless that corporation happens to be Alchemax).

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  1. There is a Superior Spider-Man related “The End” Teaser with Dan Slott.

    Its to obivious to be really the end of SpOck.

  2. I think between the infamous “Silver Surfer pitch” folder left on his desktop in Chicago earlier this year and now “Rad” I would be shocked if the new series was anything other than Surfer (maybe Defenders?). I know Slott is the master of misdirection, but to have this series be something completely unrelated to Surfer that would be an incredible trolling effort that serves absolutely no one.

  3. If this is surfer then I hope Slott makes it light-hearted. I’m a tired of gloomy and sad surfer.

    I would love corporate to be an Iron Man title (he’s yellow and black too).

  4. Going to have to listen to the new podcast episode then, unless it’s one that hasn’t been posted yet, but I assume Chris cited Bleeding Cool suggesting that Slott would be taking over Silver Surfer? Besides, as Asa said, the color and the pun make it really easy to guess what this is, so I’m certain that this is Silver Surfer, and for the record, “Corporate” is most likely an X-Factor relaunch or something.


  5. It’s Silver Surfer and Corporate is either the new Mandrox series starring his double or it’s Spider-Man 2099.

  6. This might mean that Slott will be scaling back his Spider-Man work- he’s repeatedly stated he can only comfortably write two book a month.

  7. When I first saw “RAD!” I thought “Radical!” Slott can’t say “radical”! Millhouse says “radical”! That’s his thing that he says!

  8. I thought Silver Surfer too, because its a silver Rad but it could be misdirection. Maybe the 1 in the background has some significance

  9. Saw this on Twitter and instantly thought of Silver Surfer too. But I don´t know, maybe that´s too obvious?

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