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  1. I’m not trying to defend anyone… I’m not even gonna buy it…. I stopped collecting numerous titles long time ago and just focus on Spidey. I’m just tired of the whining….but then I guess I don’t need to read the comments do I.


    Can I get my Goblin-glider riding punk criminal back anytime soon?

  3. Well, I’m sure I won’t be buying it. I’m getting less comics, not more, and I am pretty much done with crossovers. What’s this, the third one in four years to change everything? ::Sigh::

  4. And guess what, EO…

    I’m tired of people defending them!

    Freedom of speech.. look it up.

  5. Decent pun.

    Marvel didn’t lost money from the Punisher movie. And The Incredible Hulk (which they invested in) did make a profit.

  6. Call the wambulance… if you don’t like em don’t buy em. I’m tired of internet crybabies. I don’t like BND… that sucks… it costs too much.

  7. Are you even F***’n kidding me?!?!? goddam these crossovers are getting old REALLY quick!

  8. Marvel Board Meeting –

    “I got an idea. Lets do another crossover and bump the prices of the books. If we are luck, we might recover the costs of last years Punisher and Hulk movies”

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