Happy Birthday Brad

brad bd


Join Mousie and Sha Shan in wishing our webmaster Brad a happy birthday! Sha Shan made him cake and Mousie gave him a “Chris was right” t-shirt. What will you be giving Brad for his birthday?

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  1. Happy Birthday Mr Douglas!!! Hope you had a Spectacular Day!!! Or an Amazing one… or a Superior one???? D’oh!!!

    Keep On Thwipin’!!!

  2. @28 Andrew,

    Additionally, it’s a callback to an article Bertone posted a couple years ago pointing out the racism/sexism in that very panel.

  3. @28,

    It is. I’m just not.

    Actually it’s more of a criticism of how Marvel portrayed Sha Shan…making fun of their racism but I could see how that gets lost in all this.

  4. “Rove”? Really?! I thought this site was better than to play into hurtful Asian stereotypes.

  5. Happy Birthday Bard,
    You without a doubt have one the most refreshing Spider-Man related sites on the web, you show on it everything from the positive, to the-strangeness of everything related to your main hero Peterpuss no that isn’t right nether SpOck but the man we as comic fans all love Mister Peter Parker. I was just wondering something birthday boy did you get into your line of work as newsman because of Peter’s photo gig or because you loved his boss ol rough and gruff Jolly J. Jameson ? anyway I hope you have a wonderful day even if you get sticky web covered gifts for your special day!Oh and here’s me with Spidey as my birthday guest when I was 32 in 2004.

  6. Happy Birthday Brad!! You bring fun to my life everyday with everything you do on this site.

  7. Happy birthday, BD! Thank you so much for creating this awesome site. I hope you had a good one, buddy. 🙂

  8. I’d wish you a Happy Birthday, Brad, but “Happy” just isn’t good enough.


    Thanks for all the hard work, Brad, and for all the joy and laughs over the years.
    And as always, “Make Mine Crawlspace”!

  9. Brad, I’m giving you ten mint, unread copies of
    The Amazing Spider-Man issue #1 for your natal anniversary.

    Of course, these will be the new numbering after Superior (?) Spider-Man runs its’ course.

  10. Happy Birthday Brad! All of your hard work and dedication to this site and community is very much appreciated! Enjoy your day!

  11. Happy Birthday, sir! Please! Save a slice for the Mousie. HA HA!!

    Thanks for the best Spider-Man site on the web.

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