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Santa Knows the Spider-Man Theme Song

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  1. Living in Colorado, I found this site by following a link from Google. Very Glad I did. Useful topic, and great blog. Keep up the Wonderful Work.

  2. CNN did a story on the Unmasking and I thought ‘what a waste of hype’. There was nothing in Civil War or Amazing that indicated that they had any intrest in making a decent story out of it. I thought of all the issue sthey could of sold if they had done it right. But Spider-man was already changing and morphing into different things and situations, there was not point to it. It would only confuse new potential readers and frustrate us current ones. I don’t know about this, though.

  3. I would imagune Marvel is very happy with a solid book selling consistantly around 57 000 and making the Top 15 (or higher) every month…

  4. Amusing tidbit: My web browser automatically replayed the video after it finishing once for some unknown reason….Well I thought it was funny. Aaaanyway, I thought it was funny how she at the end of spoiling the entire issue just say for people to get over it in a very aggressive tone 😀 She seems just as unintrested in reporting this as the guy, if not even more so..

  5. @1, 2

    I love Don Lemon as a CNN anchor because when he’s covering a story that he doesn’t deem newsworthy he lets everyone know that talking about this on the air is a big waste of CNN’s time. You can almost see a little bit of his soul die when he has to talk about Spider-Man or Paris Hilton.

  6. #11

    Hi Chris,

    You know what? That’s my fault for tossing it around… “Gang of Five” was a moniker that people were using on another message board to describe the current team running Marvel and/or Spider-Man (i.e. Quesada, Alonso, Brevoort, Wacker, and I’m assuming Dan Slott)

    Anyway, it was my dumb mistake. I shouldn’t have used it.

  7. “But clearly Marvel higher-ups are happy with the mid-to-low 50s sales in recent Spidey books, since they’ve given the big Marvel NOW relaunch to Slott and Wacker rather than bringing in new blood.’

    You really think they are happy hovering above or under 50,000? They have tried almost everything to jack up the sales, with variety covers, gimmicks to retailers and event story lines and they still can’t get back not only the readers that have left after ‘One More day” but the so called readers they were crowing that they were getting when “Brand New Day” started. They went as far as to promote Slott to regular writer when they started “Big time” and that did not get people to stay with the book.

    “They could easily find new staff to work on the current post-OMD Spidey, but instead they’ve kept these two on – clearly that says something about their assessment of recent performance.”

    They are keeping Slott and Wacker around because they can’t go back on the press and hype they gave those two. If they admit they failed, its huge egg on many faces with huge egos. If this story line that started with Amazing 700 blows up in their faces and lower sales more, i doubt they will give Slott another chance. Wacker will stay around but Slott will be their sacrificial lamb and they did give him a chance.

    ‘The need to paint current ASM as an obvious and total failure always seems a bit of a stretch to me.”

    I think its even more of a stretch to think that Marvel is happy with getting only 50,000 readers with all the hype and promotion they put into the book.

    “Marvel must think it’s doing fine, at the very least, or their recent actions make no sense.”

    Did “One More Day’ make any sense?

  8. @7 But clearly Marvel higher-ups are happy with the mid-to-low 50s sales in recent Spidey books, since they’ve given the big Marvel NOW relaunch to Slott and Wacker rather than bringing in new blood. They could easily find new staff to work on the current post-OMD Spidey, but instead they’ve kept these two on – clearly that says something about their assessment of recent performance. The need to paint current ASM as an obvious and total failure always seems a bit of a stretch to me. Marvel must think it’s doing fine, at the very least, or their recent actions make no sense.

  9. “Obviously we long time fans are furious, but 700 still sold well and SSM probably will keep selling its regular number. ”

    The book will fall back to this mid to low 50,000. It always does after a hyped event. Despite the hype from Slott, Wacker and Marvel, they have not set the world on fire or brought in new readers. That’s why they resort to stunts and variant covers to boost up the sales.

    “Is it possible that we (long time fans) have lost touch with the sensibilities of these new generation?”

    The book has not replaced the readers that it lost with “One More Day”, so I doubt it has a new generation of fans.

  10. Obviously we long time fans are furious, but 700 still sold well and SSM probably will keep selling its regular number. Is it possible that we (long time fans) have lost touch with the sensibilities of these new generation? The same generation hat apparently like the Ultimate Spider-man cartoon? Does this A.D.D. generation really doesn’t mind Dock Ock in Spidey’s body prancing around?

  11. @krankyboy: It is indeed sad and unbelievable that Peter Parker is currently not featured in a single book Marvel is publishing. And here we were thinking they were being incredibly foolish not featuring Mary Jane in a single comic book in the early days of Brand New Day. The payoff at the end of SSM better be good, Dan Slott!

  12. Marvel seems to be getting all of the attention they wanted out of this ridiculous shake-up, that’s for sure. If fans are “furious,” then I have a feeling the Gang of Five are smirking in victory.

    On the other hand, I noticed a story over at Newsarama detailing how a lot of comic retailers are not happy about Slott’s little “status quo change” either, indicating that ASM #700 is a better exit point for readers than an entry point for new buyers. Like Ben Reilly, they have no idea how to explain this all-new Doc Ock-Spider-Man hybrid to a kid coming into the shop to read about Peter Parker. We’ll see how it pans out, but you literally can’t find the most popular, relatable young hero in a single comic book anymore. Only the name remains. Spider-Man has become nothing but replacement characters. Could anyone have predicted that one a few years ago?

  13. What CrazyChris said. I guess someone over at CNN is a huge Spidey fan as well. Someone NOT named Don Lemon, that is.

  14. Man, that anchor cannot hide how much he does not care and does not understand why he has to report this. I don’t understand it for that matter either. This is CNN-worthy news?

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