Disney Buys Lucasfilm

What are your thoughts about Disney buying Lucasfilm? Have they done a good job with Marvel? Are you excited for Episode seven? Discuss it in the comment section.  And what would a Spidey/ Star Wars team up look like? See it after the jump.


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  1. I would love to see a Pixar Star Wars movie, not Episode 7 (or 8 or 9) but I’d love to see some sort of Star Wars story made by Pixar.

  2. I think this is a good thing, Disney bought Marvel and Pixar and their movies have been mostly awesome, no reason to think the same won’t happen with the Star Wars franchise.

  3. @6 Left them alone to do their jobs rather than barging in and interfering? So yeah, if what fans want is someone other than Lucas to work on Star Wars, maybe this doesn’t bode well. Maybe he’ll just be doing three more bad films with a bigger Disney budget. Have to wait and see.

  4. Funniest thing. A guy just tweeted Slott this:

    Maybe @DanSlott could write a Star Wars series about Darth Vader, but have someone other than Anakin in the suit!

    and Slott replied:

    Or… maybe you could wait till the book ACTUALLY comes out before jumping to conclusions?

  5. “What are your thoughts about Disney buying Lucasfilm? Have they done a good job with Marvel?”

    WHAT job with Marvel? What have they done with them?

  6. #3: They’ve been hands off with Marvel so far, but Star Wars has been integrated into the parks for a while now.

  7. Though I will say, for those who are still worried about Star Wars, as far as I can tell Disney’s been almost totally hands off with Marvel, so that seems to set a good precedent.

  8. He’s serious about episode 7. They say they’re targeting it for release in 2015.

    Personally, this is something I can’t even muster an opinion on. I’ve stubbornly refused to stop caring about Marvel against my better judgment over the years, but I stopped being even remotely concerned about Lucasfilm ages ago.

  9. I hope you are kidding about episode 7 XD Not sure what I think about it. I guess it could go either way. Does that mean though that Marvel will be releasing Star Wars comics again? And if so, what about all the current Star Wars titles being released by Dark Horse? I think a Spidey/Star Wars crossover could definitely be fun. As long as it was done with care.

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