Avenging Spider-Man #13 Review and FREE CODE GIVEAWAY

It’s been a while since I thoroughly enjoyed an issue of this book.

Avenging Spider-Man #13

Writer: Kevin Shinick
Art: Aaron Kuder
Color Art: Matt Hollingsworth
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Cover: Shane Davis, Mark Morales, and Matt Hollingsworth

Spidey Team-up: Deadpool (Wade Wilson)


PLOT: Note: This story takes place before Deadpool #50. That means Deadpool has a death wish right now.

Last issue, Spider-Man teamed up with Deadpool so the web-head could wake from the dream world. As it turns out, Spidey wasn’t dreaming at all but was hypnotized by the Hypno-Hustler, and the dream world high school was in reality the funky villain’s prison.

Hypno-Hustler uses his goggles and a receiver (planted on Spidey’s mask by Deadpool) to make him believe every inmate is a member of his rogues gallery. After overcoming this obstacle, he manages to free Deadpool from mind-control, and the two easily trick and defeat the Hypno-Hustler. Spider-Man decides to teach Deadpool a lesson and leaves him behind bars under the influence of the hypno-goggles.

THOUGHTS: Avenging Spider-Man #13 finally delivers the quality I’ve been expecting from this book. Right off the bat, it addresses the criticisms I made about last issue, such as the choice for high school as last issue’s setting (Spidey was made to believe the prison was really a high school, and all the thugs he beat were really guards). On top of that, things get more personal for Spider-Man as he faces almost the entirety of his rogues gallery in one room. He correctly deduces that they are not really whom they appear to be, and, while it was brief, it was an awesome sequence and definitely my favorite part of the whole issue. Even Jonah shows up!

Our two protagonists get a little role reversal. Whereas last issue Spidey served as straight man to Deadpool’s antics, here he gets to quip more while kicking butt. He’s also not so much of a punching bag for Deadpool’s jokes. Conversely, Deadpool acts as a villain for most of the issue, so he becomes less goffy and more of a serious threat. I especially enjoyed that, in the end, Spidey got the last laugh and left Deadpool locked up, at least for a little bit. Finally, I really enjoyed the Hypno-Hustler’s appearance, even if he doesn’t figure into the story much.

Since it’s the same creative team, all the strengths from last issue are present in this one. The dialogue is clever, the many visual gags are funny (like H.H.’s autographed poster of Mysterio), and the art is amazing (I especially appreciate Kuder using the classic appearances for Spidey’s rogues). I can legitimately say that I have zero complaints about this issue.

SPIDER-MAN: (about the Hypno-Hustler) This is the joker who hired you?
DEADPOOL: To be fair he did get you to break him out of a high-level security prison.
SPIDER-MAN: High-level security? He’s got a roommate, for crying out loud.
TINKERER: Tinkerer says tone it down, folks.

VERDICT: Avenging Spider-Man #13 is a fantastic issue. It makes up for the perceived weaknesses of the previous issue while mainting all of its strengths. It’s funny to read and beautiful to look at, and long-time Spidey fans will definitely appreciate it. 5 Webheads out of 5.

FREE CODE GIVEAWAY: You really need to check this issue out. Be the first to ask for it in the comments and you can win a code for a free digital copy for your Marvel Comics app.

SHAMELESS PLUGS: Follow me on Twitter! @2BitSpecialist

~My Two Cents


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  1. @hornacek – Boomerang has been with the “Beta” Thunderbolts team since well over a year ago, a month before Fear Itself got started. The “Lost in Time” story has been going on for 18 issues and is just now wrapping up. Before that, Myers was jailed at the Raft, not the prison featured in this story.

  2. #5 – Not reading Thunderbolts, but when did this happen with Boomerang? This story takes place ~6 issue ago since it’s before Deadpool #50 and Deadpool is at ~56 now. Plus Deadpool is left in jail at the end but in his own book this is never referenced, so I guess we have some “suspension of disbelief” involved.

  3. @hornacek – It was the smallest of nitpicks, which is why I didn’t bring it up, but Boomerang is with the Thunderbolts lost in the timestream, so he shouldn’t have been there. 😉

    @Spencer – You got it. I’ll have it for you tomorrow.

  4. “I’ve never been hit harder in my life!” Really, Morlun hits harder than the Hulk??? Lame.

    But seriously, it was nice to see the wide selection of villains, including Morlun. And we even got a reference to Boomerang!

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