Since 1998, there was one title that withstood the chopping block 8 times. A title that was written in the asg-30classic Merry Marvel Manner, that a legion of fans held onto with baited breath as we, the fans, had to fight to keep the title alive.

Flash forword to 2009, and the Final Issue of Amazing Spider-Girl comes to a close. After 132 issues of Spider-Girl, it would be no more.

I’ve made no bones about Mayday’s most resent foray being in my opinion, the best story arc of this volume. Did the ending meet my high expectations?





“Never Say Die”

Our issue starts with a bang, as May, Peter and the Mystery Woman fight Stormin Norman for Peter’s body, mind and soul. We see various memories of Peter’s life, with the Green Goblin Battles that we all know and love, But on the outside, we see MJ, holding Benjy, her arm broken, the Hybrid of Peter, May, Nu-May, and inside Norman, we find out why Black Tranchula hates Arana, and Normie, Brenda Osborn (His wife), Hot on Goblin Gods Trail. We also get to see come memories of the first volume with Spider-Girl and Lil Normie O all growed up.We also get appearances of Kaine, and he leaves his mark, Darkdevil, and MJ falls off the bridge. (AkA, the DAMNED. Bridge.)

Thoughts: Well, the Development with Benjy having something that Peter never did, er, well had shortly, was awesome. He’s going to be running around before you know it. It seems his powers have evolved eariler than May’s, which that in itself is interesting. Kudos for the Mark of Kaine reference, that’s not been brought up in a long long time. My favorite part was when May was trying to reason with Nu-May that she could be her sister, I felt like it was a FANTASTIC DEVELOPMENT. It goes back to what I’ve always thought was one of the best parts of the Clone Saga: the Brotherly relationship that Ben and Peter had. KUDOS! I think the Aunt May being May’s Guide was pretty predictable, but good and made sense. Noman and May duking it out was a plus.

Overall, this issue didn’t really feel like it was final. It just felt that it was a continuation of what came before. Which, in my opinion is good. Whereas last volume there was a ‘gap’, this time, there feels like there is no gap here, so you can pick up this issue and be ready for next ish.

Picking up the Digests is key. They’re cheaper than most other trades, easy reads and good format. I recommend this issue highly.

Sal and Ron brought their A game, just like every month. So A+++ For them

Tom is made of awesome, and Tom Brennon is probably my favorite editor on the title. Well, his predessor was awesome too, but Tom Brennon’s Brub on the Letter’s Page was a welcome site. I’ve always liked Wacker, and his assistant is also high class.

Favorite Line: “You like that Norman? It’s Called the Mark of Kaine. I hear it hurts… A LOT

Rating: 5 OUT of 5

Be sure to check out Spider-Girl either Online, or IN ASM Family.

This is Spideydude, signing off, for ASG. Looking way forword to next month.

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  1. I agree that the brotherly relationship between Peter and Ben was the best part of the Clone Saga, so it’s cool to see Tom D bringing that theme back. Really, this arc reads a lot like DeFalco’s original plan for the Clone Saga (as per The Life of Reilly) — especially with two Spider-Girls surviving to the end. I’d love to see them use the “new status quo” that the Clone Saga was supposed to establish — one more responsible, more experienced Spidey (Peter), and the less responsible, less experienced Spidey (Ben). I could definitely see those roles being played by May and the double (Gwen Reilly?) to interesting effect.

  2. Still the only true, natural, and intelligent Spider-Verse continuity and title left besides USM.

    The Superman Red/Superman Blue homage in the next issue (131 for people who count ’em all), is hilarious.

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