X-Men/Spider-Man #4 Review

I apologise about the lateness of this review, I’ll make sure it never happens again. Speaking of reviews…

The Mutant Hunter
WRITER: Christos Gage
ARTIST: Marco Alberti
LETTERS: Jared K. Fletcher
Morlocks are being hunter by someone who looks suspiciously like Kraven the Hunter. When the X-Men hear about this, we decide to visit a certain Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man and head to Westchester to try and locate Kraven. They start to link the situation with Sinister and are suddenly cut off with a black out. They are attacked by a hunter, (who looks like he hasn’t been outside in decades) and start to get beaten, as the hunter seems to know all of the mutants’ weaknesses. Spidey webs him up but he escapes and reveals himself to be…XRAVEN!!

No, I don’t know how to pronounce it either.

Just when Nightcrawler and Wolverine seem to have an advantage over Albino Kraven, he reveals he has all the original X-Men’s powers! He takes Kitty Pryde hostage, using Jean Grey’s telepathy. However, Cyclops opens his mind to the unpronounceable villain, who can’t take all the tragedy and flees.

Yes, that was what happened in the last issue as well.


-Some humour in the issue.

-Colourful art.



-The series became repetitive and this story feels like the three before it.


Well, this was the issue that was supposed to affect the current Spider-Man stories. Judging by the quality, I certainly hope not. This issue was a total cop-out. The rest of the series hinted that the original Kraven would make a return, but eventually we got Xraven. An albino, hairless hunter, with the powers of some X-Men. He looks like something that belongs in the 90s. It wasn’t all bad, though. The fight scene was actually entertaining and good to look at. This was mainly due to the art, which was good to look when something was happening, but dull during the dialogue moments.

Overall, the series was fun, but very simplistic, repetitive fun that started to wear thin. If you’re looking for something to pass the time…don’t get this. Get something with some better quality. I can practically guarantee it won’t have Xraven, so there’s a plus.


SPIDER-MAN: Kraven’s as dead as my bad guys get. Which I admit is not terribly assuring.


2 out of 5 webheads.

My one word review: Anti-climax.

OK, one and a half words.

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  1. yeah to be honest Kraven has been used a LOT in spidey. i have heaps of good Kraven stories already


    if Sinister was going to make a super soldier for himself, giving him the mindset of the greatest hunter in the world dosnt hurt.
    its not really Kraven as much as it isnt Jean Grey, Cyclyops or Sisnter himself.

    to be honest its a little “super skrully”. but for a one shot comic. i dont mind, would have liked to have seen the X-men hunt him down though. Would have been a good “short- standing” villian, as one of sinisters puppets.. i hope they dont make him a break away long standing one.

    I think a master hunter with Jean Grey’s powers would have been good enough really. psychics are pretty dangerous arent they? hrmmmm i suppose you got psi-scramblers though.

  2. btw a good editing technique for when u wanna remove something from a page, is to put sticky tape on it, and rip it off quick repeatedly.. this will take off the art. Dont do a too huge an area though. Then after that you just put some clear sticky tape over the top.

    Its not too bad, good for when u wanna remove those little things you dont like.
    Also if you wanna remove a whole page, use your ruler to rip the page out but leave a little gap between the spine so the corresponding page is still secure.

    Soz.. but for cases like this.. where there is lots a great stuff mixed with a few things that bring it down. It really saves it and you get left with awesome stuff.

  3. this is a rare BUY for me. (just this last part4 issue)

    I dont own much X-men, but this is deffinitive of what the X-men are all about. The interaction between them and Spidey is also great.
    As someone who is not much into the current Spidey this dosnt have to fit in anywhere with Amazing for me.
    The fight scene at the start was GREAT, the group fight scene was a little hrmm…not too bad, but i edited out a couple pages to make it work better.

    **i took out 2 pages after he breaks out of the iced webbing so that it goes straight to collosus saying “Kitty! What have you–” *This makes the fight scene even better*
    also got rid of the Gwen picture in the montage – i dont incorporate spidey scaring her to death to protect his identity.
    and personally i took out the second page of the montage at the end, i think this makes the Spidey speech at the end work much better.

    Definitely like the end results.

  4. Well, I have a theory how this supposedly can effect what’s currently going on in Amazing Spider-Man. Apparently, there’s supposed to be an upcoming story arc called the “Sinister 666” and that, apparently, there’s a connection towards Guggenheim’s earlier ASM arc “Kraven’s First Hunt” as shown in last week’s Amazing Spider-Man Extra #3. Perhaps “Xraven” (pronounced “Za-Raven”?) will show up along with other clones created by Mr. Sinister. And maybe there’s 666 clones that were created by Mr. Sinister. Sinister 666–get it?

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