Podcast 140-ASM 660-662 Reviews, Itune Reviews, Marvel Reboot

Two podcasts uploaded in two days? We have one more this month and I plan on releasing the last one before June. Highlights of this episode include:
*Reviews of Amazing Spider-Man # 660-662
*Itune Reviews
*Message Board Questions and Answers
*Should Marvel reboot the universe like DC?


Here is a link to our xml feed and you can subscribe to it here.
You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.
Once you listen to the show review it on this thread on our message board

In case you missed podcast 139 here’s the mp3


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  1. Thanks to you all. I just discovered this podcast and it is a breath of fresh air for sure man. Well done. Tipping the hat. Take good care to you wonderful people. I’m excited about ASM #664

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