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  1. Talk about being missed on Tuesday night I went to get the daily comic strip, when all I got was YOUR SITE TO BUSY Or something very similar in context was on my computer monitor. I happen to attach the strip Comic that is to my daily post here at by the way I have brought up the site many times on it, which I hold so dear to my heart since I can’t get my monthly Spidey as I used to back at the end of volume one which is when I realized sometime more important things in life matter but I still love Spider-man in whatever form I can get him in. Thanx to a web head fan, named Brad Douglas!

  2. Curses! My Dark Crawlspace Avengers failed! I’ll get you next time, Douglas!!!

  3. I was beginnning to wonder if you got evicted! Glad to see all is well again. 🙂

  4. I was wondering why I couldn’t get to the site. I almost messeged Brad on the Playstation Network to see what was going on. I was even thinking I was banned or something;)

  5. Oh good, I thought it was my computer! I missed my morning readings of the comic strip!

  6. Phew! I was worried….what is this image from, by the way? Black suit spidey swinging, it is gorgeous

  7. Oh thank heavens! I’ve been trying to check out the Crawlspace since Tuesday. I thought something was wrong with my internet at first. Serious withdrawls.

  8. Wait, the site was down? …:P

    Glad it’s back, and now I’m off to see what became of my Fight Club match.

  9. … like I missed my “Thursday night” when she decided to give me a discount based on my stellar performance…

    … WHAT?!?!?[/sarcasm]

    Seriously, though… I was beginning to think you fell victim to a revenge scheme…

  10. Awesome! It’s finally back! I was going through withdrawals and considering taking up crack to compensate for my lack of Crawlspace!

  11. HOT DAMN, WE’RE BACK!!!!!! XD

    You have no idea how much I missed this site. I post here more than all the other websites I visit COMBINED. On Tuesday, I was in the middle of posting a comment on a thread…When I clicked “Submit”, it never went anywhere. I thought something went wrong with my connection. I was CONSTANTLY refreshing my page, trying repeatedly to get my Spidey fix…but to no avail.

    I’m immensely glad to have the site back. I’ve met a lot of great people here over the years, and I really missed conversing with them. Also, I love the podcasts. They never fail to entertain.
    Thanks, Brad, for providing such a great place for all of us Spider-Geeks to hang out.

    Welcome back, Crawlspace! Long may you live! 🙂

  12. Damn straight I missed ya! I may not post as much as I used to, but I still lurk…

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