Secret Invasion #3 Review

Secret Invasion #3 (of 8 )

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils: Leinil Francis Yu
Inks: Mark Morales
Colors: Laura Martin

Plot: THE BLOCKBUSTER EVENT continues. Its Avenger versus Avenger. Hero versus hero! Norman Osborn versus Captain Marvel?? The Initiative versus an army of Super-Skrulls? Is Tony Stark really a- -? And who’s that guy with an eye patch coming to save the day?? And, oh man, who did he bring with him?


Thoughts: Wow! WOW! MAN OH MAN! This issue blew me out of the water! Which is ironic given the open pages deals with water. This issue just had it all and more! From the chilling grand entrance of Jarvis on the downed SHIELD Carrier to the arrival of Fury and his new Howling Commandos to kick some skrull butt at the end.

Unlike last issue which left me with a mix-bag feeling on one of the maybe-revelations being Mockingbird, this one has a maybe that made sense to a degree…even if it was predictible. That being the MAYBE Tony stark is a Skrull and just doesn’t know it. Now granted this was predictible of happening but I like it how Bendis is handling it with a cleaver “Is she (the Skrull Queen) serious or is she just messing with him?” take on it which raises more questions. In fact that’s another thing. Unless you’ve read the recent issues of New and Mighty Avengers, you’ll have no idea until now that Spider-Woman has been not only a Skrull but the Skrull Queen! The one leading this whole invasion! Now I hope that Echo, whom she attacked during her revelation to us the readers, didn’t die in such a weak way! I liked the character and to see her go out in such a way would be just plain sad.

Now for the BIG action! Boy of Boy did this issue have a lot of it! We can see that the heroes, while fighting a brave and valiant battle, are just totally unprepared! The action is great and I actually winced a few times! ESPECIALLY with what happens to vision! I hope he’s alright in the end! I love all members of the Young Avengers.

Like I said before, I’ve given my two cents on the art but I will admit that, now that the Skrull Invasion is really kicking up, Yu’s art is really shining since, as I said in #1’s review, he does GREAT skrulls!

Fav Quote: Fury: “Okay Commandos! Let’s turn this thing around!”

Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0. This issue DESERVES a perfect score! It had many great revelations! A kick ass Cliffhanger! GREAT Action! And the art is finally fitting since we’ve had more Skrulls pop up!

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