Morbius in Spider-Man 4?

spidey78In a recent interview with Empire Magazine, Spider-Man director Sam Rami hints at a vampire making an apperance in an upcoming movie.  Rami says “I like it in the Marvel comics when Spider-Man fights Morbius,” said Raimi. “He’s really cool. A vampire! I like that combination of superhero plus supernatural.
Over the years Raimi has stated in interviews that the Lizard, Mysterio and Electro would make great villains on film. Who do you think should be the next villain?

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  1. He needs to be supported by The Lizard as a friend who wants Curt to assist him in an experament when both accidently evolve.

  2. i think mysterio would be bad ass cause it would be totally different instead of just a fist fight. he could totally turn peters life upside down and there would be more opportunities to keep the audience on thier toes by wondering wait was that real or did mysterio make peter think that? etc. electro would be cool visually but yeah if it was only one that i could choose i would go with mysterio. if they ever decided to make the hobgoblin look they way he did in the real comics and go with the whole “who is the hobgoblin”? storyline and interlink flash thompson and roderick kingsly and ned leeds then that would be pretty cool too. but not if they make him look like an orange power ranger or a snowboarder like in the previous films. just my thoughts. my films are almost ready!!

  3. I…think I see how they can spin this into that two-picture deal that was discussed. First movie, Morbius and Connors are working together on research based on genetic splicing, similar to the spider that bit Peter. Something goes wrong and Morbius winds up with vampirism, and Spider-Man’s forced to take him down. Curt is in the dark about all of this and decides to try his bio regenerative formula on himself BEFORE helping Peter come up with a cure for Michael (which he does not). Then we get some sort of teaser of Curt growing a new arm…only it’s reptillian. Hence setting up the plot for the next film. And at the same time, we can see something happening to Peter, like May learning his secret by accident like she did in the Straczynski run and won’t talk to him. Man I should be a screenwriter.

  4. Man, I shouldn’t drink and type! I barely remember posting that one!

    Ok, I can totally see the point of not using Morbius right now, but let’s not forget this is Rami. He probably wanted Morbius on the first one.

    One villain per movie if written correctly can work. Subplots are fun though, as long as it doesn’t lead to another silly team-up fight like the last movie.

  5. Yeah I kinda hope Raimi is kidding but I wouldn’t be completely against the film if Morbius was chosen to be a villain. Like Enigma said…just make it good. HOWEVER…I actually liked Spidey 3. Sorry, had to give it some love. 🙂

  6. you guys are crazy! spidey has the best assortment of bad guys in history and you are settling with a vampire! how original!
    things must have gotten so desperate!

  7. you guys are crazy! spidey has the best assortment of bad guys in history and you are settling with a vampire! how origunal!
    things must have gotten so desperate!

  8. I don’t concern myself with who they put in the movie… my concern is that they make it good. Spider-man 3 anyone?

  9. Right! Maybe Peter Parker is in a weakened state, due to a flu virus or something. His investigations lead him to track down Morbius’ lair, but in this weakened state Parker almost falls victim of the serial killing vampire wannabe before engineering a narrow escape. Ingesting some of Peter Parker’s blood alters Morbius’ blood chemistry. He thinks he is coming down with the virus that aflicted Parker but, in fact, he is changing! Changing into something new. Something that will be an even more terrifying proposition, even for Spider-Man!

  10. Not that I’d want them to change the character of Morbius, but here’s a way to use him, and still have a reality vampire tone: Michael Morbius could be a serial killer using “vampire” methods of killing his victims. He could drain their bodies of blood or something. Peter could hear about it when he goes to the Bugle to sell pics to Jonah, and decide to look into it as Spidey. This is only an idea though

  11. Okay, here goes. I’ve planned out what it should be. Next movie starts out with Vulture robbing a bank. Spidey does his thing. Electro becomes main villain, and after he is defeated, Kraven is introduced at the end of the movie, and, after a quick fight with Spidey, is approached by a group in the shadows. (but you can tell it’s Doc Ock, who they’ve hinted at still being alive, Sandman, and Vulture.

    Next movie, (which they are making), Starts out with mysterio, then he joins the group. See where I’m going? The Sinister Six, baby. Oh yeah.

  12. Persian, Doc Ock and Sandman didn’t originally have a personal connection to Peter in the comics. If they made up personal connections for them for the movies, why not Morbius? In the 90s animated series, Morbius was a rival student at empire state.

  13. im saying it should be kraven and the lizard cuz Kraven would come to NY to hunt the lizard but since connors is the spidey’s prof he’d want to protect connors at all costs which would put him at odds with kraven and then kraven would be all like Spider-man you are truly a worthy challenge then have a 3 way fight between the lizzie spidey and kraven.

  14. Personally, I think Clean Man from Spider-Man: Crawl Space should be the villain in the next film…

    (I love that character too much :D)

  15. They had to turn him into a lover of Felicia Hardy in the animated series to justify his presence in those awful episodes. They can put him in Blade, Underworld or any cheapo vampire flick they want but not in a Spider-man movie.

  16. I do really hope indeed that Mr. Raimi is just bluffing
    This would be in sheer contrast to the grounded-in-reality mood and atmosphere established in the previous movies. Moreover; all the Spidey villains in the movies have had a personal connection to either Peter or spider-man. They can put him in Blade, Underworld or any cheapo vampire flick they want but not in a Spider-man movie. Considering that Spidey’s got the best rogue’s gallery in the whole comicdom, it would be a sacrilege and a big insult to Spidey fans. So I ma sure that Mr. Raimi is just kidding.

  17. On one hand I think Morbius is one of the only villains left who could actually carry a whole movie by himself, especially if they combine it with the six-arms scenario. It’d also give us a very different kind of story and tone than what the first 3 movies gave us. The only problem with the idea is that there have been too many vampire movies lately, and I don’t know how they can make it not feel tired. Plus, moviegoers might find the idea of Spider-Man fighting vampires a tad hokey.

    Brad, I really don’t think a sinister six movie is a good idea. From a merchandizing standpoint, it’s perfect, but we get movies like Batman and Robin when studios try too hard to push a toy line. You’ll either get something like the X-Men films, with one main villain and a bunch of henchmen with zero personality or we’ll get six characters with a maximum of five minutes each.

  18. Iron Spidey, think about it, this would totally rock! I can see your point about using more “classic villains” and using them sequentially, but there’s time for all of Spidey’s cool villains eventually. In fact, the last movie was marred a bit by putting too much in one movie. I always thought Morbius was underrated or underused.

  19. With all due respect to Kevin, I’d not like Morbius to be the only villain in an upcoming movie. There are sooo many others that would be worthier. Now if he’s part of the Sinister Six, then that isn’t bad. But vampires on film are so common.

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