New Crawlspace Review Staff Announced

Thank you to all the people who wrote in with sample reviews. You all rock .Here is how it’s going to work out with all the titles.

Gerard Delatour-Amazing Spider-Man
Jason Marsh Larouche-Ultimate Spider-Man
Crazy Chris-Venom ongoing series
Michael Bailey-Avengers
Brian Bradley-New Avengers Reviews
Two Bit Specialist-Spider-Girl
Butters911-Various Mini-Series including Osborn and Astonishing Spider-Man
Heartburn-Various Mini-Series including Carnage

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  1. Very well Crazychris makes sense when you put it like that, I just am wondering if a venom book as much shelf life.

    Remember everyone, your reviews will be seen by thousands, with that kind of power also comes great……something

  2. I couldn’t believe it when I checked my e-mail on my way to a little weekend getaway that I actually get to do official reviews on one of my favorite books out right now! I’m honoured to be counted among you guys. Hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do writing them!

  3. Brian Bradley is just some dude trying to make his way in this world. I stumbled across this wonderful site/podcast while looking for a quality spidey podcast to make my work day a bit more enjoyable. No offense taken, i’ll try to speak up now and make myself known.

  4. Jonathan, here’s my explanation. I wanted to get back into reviewing and it really came down to a process of elimination. I have absolutely zero interest whatsoever in the new Spider-Girl. I wasn’t interested in reviewing the Avengers titles because I already reviewed New Avengers, Dark Avengers, and Siege, so I’m sick of talking about Bendis comics. You run out of things to say about a writer after a while. The problem with the miniseries is that I’d probably be expected to review multiple titles in a month and I don’t have that kind of time. Back when there was one person reviewing all the miniseries, I believe it was Patrick, I was absolutely startled by the obscene number of comics he had to cover. Even with two reviewers to split that workload in half it would be too much for me. I wanted one title that would consistently come out on a monthly basis. ASM and USM already have great reviewers.

    That left Venom. Also, my instinct tells me that it will be the title that most people here will be interested in and I want people to actually read my reviews. It also seems like they’re doing something very different with the character, so I won’t run out of things to say.

  5. I’m very curious what enticed CrazyChris to follow Venom of all series’

  6. Greetings and thanks for the honor of including me in something as great as the crawlspace. I may be relatively late to the party after coming across the podcast a few weeks back, but I look forward to working with the other members of this team and hearing the valuable opinions of the rest of the community. Looks like I’ll be spending the weekend rereading the first volume of New Avengers.

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