“Arachne” Actress Leaves Spider-Man Musical

According to The New York Times, actress Natalie Mendoza, who played a spider-god named Arachne, has left the injury-plagued Broadway musical, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.

Mendoza was one of the actors injured during preview performances. The New York Times reported back on December 3rd that the actress had sustained a concussion backstage when she was hit in the head by a falling rope that failed to hold up a piece of equipment.

Mendoza’s last performance was the preview performance on December 20th. Our very own Spider-Girl recently saw and reviewed a preview performance, calling Natalie Mendoza “an inspired choice” for the challenging role.

After so many injuries and technical problems, and now the departure of one of its leads, one wonders if the most expensive Broadway show of all time will ever make it to opening curtain.

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  1. That’s too bad! Well, I’m happy I didn’t send my playbill to her to sign! o_O

  2. I’m really sorry to hear this — I thought she did a great job with the role. I think she had more of the wire stunts than Spider-Man in the show, so my heart really goes out to her.

  3. “when she was hit in the head by a falling rope that failed to hold up a piece of equipment.”

    Oh so Spider-Man to them is just a piece of equipment? No wonder she left 😛

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