The Geoff Johns Podcast Episode 5: Guest-Starring Crawl Spacers!

Even though Brad offered to let me post a story here for every new episode of the show, I usually refrain from pimping out The Geoff Johns Podcast on the front page of the Crawl Space. It’s not Spider-Man related, so it just feels a little like taking advantage of Brad’s kindness.

But this episode is different. Why? Because, well – I’ve got Brad Douglas! That’s right, and that’s just the beginning. This episode guest stars Brad, The Irredeemable Shag, George Berryman, Josh Bertone, and Zach “Spideydude” Joiner! That’s a lot of Crawl Space involvement!

It’s a “Christmas cheer” themed episode, in which I’ve gathered a few of my favorite podcasters to talk about a few of our favorite Geoff Johns stories. Considering the group, though, I’m sure you can imagine we end up on several entertaining tangents, as well. And yes, we even work in discussion of what it might be like if Geoff Johns wrote Spider-Man! So there – validation for the front page of the Spider-Man Crawl Space! And stay tuned, because there’s a second part of this conversation coming next week!


You can download the episode from the show’s homepage here.

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  1. Very cool guest list! I can’t wait to listen in.

    Geoff Johns writing Spider-Man…that would be awesome. The miracles he’s worked with Green Lantern over the years…let’s just say…ASM needs the help.

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