

The Brand New Day Finale!

Writers: Various

Artists: Many

Colorists: Myriad

Cover Art: Marco Djurdjevic

Variant Cover: Steve McNiven, Dexter Vines, and Justin Ponsor

Be warned – there are SPOILERS ahead!

I must begin with an apology to reader Two-Bit Specialist.  Apparently, my fakeout lead-in to the last review roped him in and got his hopes up that the issue would be good.  Don’t worry, TBS (wait … will Ted Turner sue me if I call you that?), this time I will do no such thing!  Let me tell it to you straight: this issue is self-aggrandizing tripe.  I hope you appreciate the honesty!

(I’m going to break format on this review and cover each story one-by-one to make it easier to follow.)

Story #1: “Another Door”

The first story out of the gate is the main feature, running at a slightly-more-than normal length of 24 pages.  It was written by Fred Van Lente, penciled and inked by Max Fiumara, and colored by Morry Hollowell.

Vin Gonzales is out of prison, and Michele is waiting for Peter to join her to go pick Vin up.  Meanwhile, Peter is out shopping with Carlie Cooper for a going-away Halloween party for Harry.  After a talk, Carlie says she’s not going to pick up Vin or to the Halloween party, and subsequently she wigs out at Peter for not “defining” their relationship.  After Carlie storms off, Peter leaves the store and comes across a kidnapping in progress – Overdrive is kidnapping a Paris Hilton stand-in in her limo.  Spidey leaps into action in a Halloween costume version of his iconic suit and saves the girl, while Overdrive gives chase by transforming the limo into the infamous Spider-Mobile.  Spidey saves the day, and Peter actually beats Michele to Vin.  Later, Vin visits Carlie at work to talk.  That night, the party kicks off at Aunt May’s house, and Carlie shows up with Vin (in a Black Cat costume … UGH … that Peter somehow manages to find so convincing that he actually thinks it’s Felicia … DOUBLE UGH).  Vin reveals that he is now an emissary of Norman Osborn, delivering a cryptic warning to Harry and his son Stanley.  Peter heads out for some air, but he runs into Mary Jane (dressed as Jackpot … TRIPLE UGH).  Mary Jane convinces Peter to start dating Carlie officially, so Peter asks Carlie to be his girlfriend.  They kiss to seal the deal.

Well, let me get the good stuff out of the way first.  The primary thing I liked about this story is that the artwork is actually pretty good.  I was hard on Max Fiumara when he drew the Rhino issues, but I believe that his art has gotten better with each assignment.  The Kraven/Kaine backup from Grim Hunt was solid, and this issue is a good showcase of his talent.  The smooth coloring nicely compliments his linework.  The script is occasionally sharp and witty, particularly the opening of the party.  I was also genuinely shocked by the twist with Vin.  Perhaps he may be fitted for a Hobgoblin suit sometime in the near future …

However, the story had many problems.  For starters, it just smacked of self-referential nonsense.  From the splash page “homage” to The Amazing Spider-Man #546 to the annoying “102-issues-and-counting” editor’s note to the name-dropping baby talk (go read it again if you didn’t notice the first time), this entire thing smacked of patting themselves on the back.  It’s a problem with another segment in the issue as well, but as the longest feature of the book, this story took it to another level.

The narrative itself was forced and cloying.  Obviously, they’ve been setting it up for Peter to date Carly Quesada Carlie Cooper from the get-go, and it’s been a remarkably slow burn.  The entire process has been an agonizing mix of out-of-character moments, being outright told that Carlie is perfect for Peter, etc.  In this issue, we get a prime example of how poorly the book is written to accommodate her “plot.”  At the start, she’s being a shrill, obnoxious, selfish bitch.  Naturally, over the course of the story, we get not one, but two characters convincing Peter and Carlie to get together.  By the time I got the last page, I was so sick of reading this segment that I was about ready to just skip the rest of the issue.  Thankfully, I didn’t …

Story #2: “Honor Thy Father”

The next segment is a direct epilogue to “Another Door.”  Written by Zeb Wells and featuring artwork by Michael Del Mundo, this story details an after-party encounter between Harry and Vin.  When Vin leaves the party, Harry confronts him outside.  When Vin continues the threat, Harry lays into his ass with a Taser before delivering an epic beating and leaving Vin a bloody mess on the sidewalk.

It’s a short and simple story, but surprisingly, it’s probably the most effective of the issue.  Harry is going to protect his kid no matter what, and he proves it.  Wells addresses the Normie Osborn situation by having Harry explain his distance from his first son, and in doing so, Harry proves that he is going to seriously try to avoid the mistakes of his past.  Suddenly, on the way out the door, they’ve done more with Harry than they had done in the previous 100+ issues!  The artwork is moody and well-suited to the story as well.  Wells and Del Mundo get props, because this was a great piece.

Unfortunately for us, it was followed up by …

Story #3: “Stand Off”

Written by Bob Gale, penciled and inked by Karl Kesel, and colored by Anthony Fabela, this story segment deals with a political edict by Mayor Jameson and the bureaucratic gridlock caused by a fallen lamppost in the middle of an intersection.  I’m not joking.

Simply put, this story is atrocious.  I mean really, this was annoying to read, it plodded along at a terrible pace, and it was an absolute waste of Kesel’s talent.  They took a very mildly interesting premise and bogged it down with obnoxious dialogue sequences and stereotypically incompetent characters.  Was this supposed to be some sort of political statement?  I don’t get it.

Story #4: “Norah’s Last Night in NYC”

This segment was written by Joe Kelly (of course … how often does Norah ever appear in non-Joe-Kelly-written stories?) and drawn, colored, and lettered by JM Ken Niimura.  Norah, fed up with New York, is about to return home to Nebraska at the urging of her mother.  On her last night in New York, Spider-Man shows up to engage in some fun with her (no, not like that) by letting her punch a bad guy and web-swing with him.  Afterwards, Spidey convinces her that New York needs a reporter with her honesty.  The next day, Norah shows up to work and declares that she’s staying, because the city needs her.

This story is just … I can’t even describe it.  If I didn’t know any better, I would think that Joe Kelly has never read a Spider-Man story before writing this garbage.  It’s bad enough that he loves to shove annoying hipster Norah down our throats at every opportunity, but the only purpose Spider-Man serves in this story is to prop up Norah.  Spidey is wildly out of character in letting Norah uppercut a criminal.  The story doesn’t even fit into continuity correctly – even though this happens just before the Halloween party (it’s referenced in the story), Peter still works at Front Line as a photographer.  Huh?  I didn’t care for my Spider-Man comic randomly turning into a manga, either.

“Story” #5: “J. Jonah Jameson – The Musical”

There’s not much to say about this one.  It’s a single-page fake poster for a J. Jonah Jameson musical with a title that riffs on Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark.  It’s written by Mark Waid, drawn by Paul Azaceta, and colored by Morry Hollowell.  It’s not funny.

Story #6: “American Hero”

This Flash Thompson spotlight is written by Marc Guggenheim, penciled by Graham Nolan, inked by Mark Pennington, and colored by Anthony Fabela.  Soon after the publication of an article about Flash’s Spider-Man inspiration, he’s jumped by a bunch of hoods in an alleyway.  Flahs fights them off for a bit before Spider-Man swings in to help.  After dispatching the foes, Flash and Spidey talk for a bit about inspiration, guilt, and friendship.

This one is a mixed bag.  Like a lot of the stories in this issue, it has some pretty good artwork by comic strip veteran Graham Nolan.  On the other hand, the script doesn’t live up to the art.  We get another pointless and nonsensical guilt trip by Spider-Man.  Flash suggests that they get together for a beer occasionally, even though Flash is a recovering alcoholic.  (That’s not some minor part of the character, either!  It was even a part of the last Flash story, which was solidly written by Greg Weisman.)  The biggest problem with the story, though, is that Flash continues to be nothing but “the guy without legs.”  It’s been about two years since The Amazing Spider-Man #574, yet little to nothing of consequence has been done with the character outside of Weisman’s story, which has virtually been ignored since.  Flash is yet another character that has been botched by having too many writers and not enough editorial oversight.

Story #7: “You Again?”

Finally, we come to an odd story co-written by Dan Slott and Fred Van Lente, drawn by Adam Archer, and colored by Anthony Fabela.  Tom Brennan appears (with a sleeping Steve Wacker in the background) to explain that “fan demand” has compelled them to explain what Mia Flores – the skank that kissed Peter in the opening of Brand New Day’s first arc – has been doing throughout Brand New Day.  There’s not much to say of the story except that it randomly inserts Mia in multiple places throughout the BND timeline as she pursues Peter to get into Harry’s clique.

The entire story is a thinly-veiled excuse to pat themselves on the back again, crisscrossing several touchstone moments of BND.  Look, there’s Mia outside of the club during the paparazzi arc!  Hey, there she is at the F.E.A.S.T. Center!  Wow, she crashed Aunt May’s wedding to catch the bouquet!  Good, she finally caught up to Peter – no wait, it was the Chameleon!  Yeah … no.  This was obnoxious, annoying, and pointless.  The art, once again, was damn good.  In fact, I think I liked the art in this segment more than any of the others.  I love art that has a slightly cartoonish, smooth quality to it (though I admit extreme bias, since that’s the effect I go for in my own art).  Too bad it was wasted on such a shitty story …

Extra Materials

This issue also has two extra features that I’ll talk about briefly.

The first is the Brand New Day Cover Gallery.  Yes, you read that correctly – it’s called the Brand New Day Cover Gallery.  I think anybody that argued that Brand New Day ended with New Ways to Die owes Bertone ten bucks.  There’s nothing much to say about this … it’s a cover gallery full of tiny thumbnails so small that you can’t even read the issue numbers.

Following that, there are three Big Time previews.  Don’t be fooled, though – only one of them is for The Amazing Spider-Man.  The second preview is for the incredibly over-promoted Spider-Girl book (and anybody that knows me can tell you how I feel about that one).  The third preview is for the Osborn miniseries.

After that, we get the letters page.  I only mention this because at the end of the column, Wacker announces that Dan Slott will be writing the letters page shortly into Big Time.

The Bottom Line

Is this issue worth the $4.99 cover price?  Hell no.  Most of the artwork is good, and there manages to be a single well-written segment in here, but otherwise the rest of it is either self-referential annoyance or pure dreck.  Onward to Big Time!  1.5 out of 5 webheads.

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    You mean they finally switched it up? Interesting. And if the ratio of positive to negative letters is consistent afterwards, I’ll be impressed.

    You know… instead of just having critical letters pop up soon after we note that there seems to be a lack of them…

  2. Everybody keeps saying Stand Off was supposed to be political, I just figured it was supposed to be funny. I didn’t look at it for any political undertones.

    Be Tee Dubz, when you say “I didn’t care for my Spider-Man comic randomly turning into a manga, either.” Since, in Japan, Manga is just the Japanese word for comic, then your Spider-Man comic has always been a manga. 😉

    Allso, I’m kinda surprised there was no mention of some of the letters in the letters page. Something i’ve seen on here quite often is a belief that Wacker only prints the positive ones.

  3. @E2099 – No, I really don’t hate anyone in regards to comics… even the people who dislike books that I like… I’ve been reading for over 36 years, so I can overlook such a subjective flavour as “likes & dislikes” because everyone is different… sheesh, I’ve already apologized to Gerard, so I’m not sure what else people want… I’ve already explained myself, so methinks I’m done with this topic.

    Here’s hoping Slott takes the book in an exciting direction that will appease most fans…


  4. @BD

    … yeah, I was just sitting back waiting.

    Where were they when he did a positive review? YES, he has done them…


    No… you don’t hate the site… just anyone that dislikes the comics. And I can kinda see why he’d see…

    “Bwahahahahahaa… you guys are so damn cynical, that it makes me wonder how (or if) you operate in real life?”

    … as kind of a personal attack. What the hell did that even have to do with the comic or the review?

  5. @ BD… I don’t hate the site… if I did, I wouldn’t come here… and as I said, sometimes, when I personally “feel” constantly inundated with the negativity towards BND, which is simply a continuation of OMD, the real source of everyone’s anger, and when I get that way, I can lash out just like everybody else…

    However, when someone can point out to me that what I did was wrong, as Gerard did, I can come back from orbit and acknowledge that what I did was wrong… see post #16… so please don’t lump me in a “haters” box… I may come across as negative at times, certainly in response to other people’s negativity, but I have enough crap in real life that I want to make my internet visits a more happier thing…

    I’m currently babbling… so I’m going to “shut de phuck up please”…. 😉

  6. Marvel doesn’t do great stories anymore. It’s not Joe Quesada’s want. They want slogans and hype to go with a loose concept. The problem here (beyond the 1000 other problems) is that the only concept is a slogan or label that says Brand New Day on it. There’s no relation to the Spider-man before becuase that would make no sense. Tell me what Brand New Day was supposed to be other than ‘forget that stuff we promised you, Spider-man is single now and nothing else matters this is new and you have to like it’. How stupid. This Peter Parker seemed nothing like the old Peter Parker. Not just because he was married then or ever before, there’s nothign to this guy. I read a few of them, everything was absolutely pointless. I don’t care about Anti-Venom or the poorly drawn new characters. The main character is supposed to be a flawed good guy not a stupid blank-faced tool whose actions have no consequences. This has all been said before I think. I don’t think there’s a point to a book that told people they were giving them the story of a public Spider-man and lied to our faces about it becuase they had no clue what to do with it.

    The haters are going to hate. They hater is the Marvel EIC I suspect and the thing he reviles is perhaps us. “Give me you’re money!” from that horrid issue. Go ahead and shoot, Joe. You aint gettin anyting from me.

  7. You know what seems to be a common theme with folks that personally attack folks on this site? It seems they come in guns blazing, shoot for the jugular then say, oh everyone else is doing it, so I’ll top all of them. It’s generally the folks who say the site is negative that tend to be the most negative of all. They throw the kitchen sink and do everything but insult someones mother. In some cases they have.
    Haters gonna hate.

  8. @ Gerard – I guess I could have been more clear to whom I was directing my comments to… no, they were not necessarily to you specifically, but at the board (or all of the reviewers) as a whole… and yes, I have read some positive comments with some of the stories, but they really “come across” as few & far between… is this factual? Of course not… I’d have to go look them up; hence, why I think it comes across that way to ME…

    And as far as the functional side of your life, I guess I might have gone over the edge with that comment… but after reading a LOT of repetitive negative comments here and especially on other Spidey Boards, I’ve had my fill and sometimes I lash out. I don’t know you personally, so I really cannot comment about you ability (or inability) to function in regular society… and with that, I apologize.

    Have a great weekend.


  9. @Themanofbat: Um … I haven’t been reviewing the book for 38 months, and we don’t have any “editorial policy” that governs our thinking. Nor have I been a “negative parrot” — I gave out a 4/5 a mere THREE ISSUES AGO. Do some research next time. 😉

    Also, I love how you basically claim that I can’t function in society simply because I haven’t liked a lot of ASM. It’s just comic books, for shit’s sake. Get over it.

  10. Bwahahahahahaa… you guys are so damn cynical, that it makes me wonder how (or if) you operate in real life?

    Was the issue good? It was ok in my opinion… Was it as bad as you people are saying? Not even close…

    But I guess after being the same negative parrot for 38 months, it’ll be hard to change… I can’t imagine reviews will get any “rosier” when Dan takes over the writing chores… but Ihope I’m wrong.

    Have a great weekend… thanks for the chuckles…


  11. BTW, anyone else notice that the last page we’re getting a prominent view of Carlie’s butt and that the last caption reads “Brand New End?” Yeah, stay classy, Marvel!

  12. @Bertone – I guess Wacker being asleep in the Mia story was actually true. Explains why this issue was so poorly edited!

  13. Just realized!!!!

    Harry leaves the party before Peter and Carlie kiss…

    then later on in the issue during the Mia story he’s still there AS THEY KISS.

    They can’t even follow their own continuity!

  14. I couldn’t get into this issue because I was so put off by the glaring mistake with Overdrive. Let me explain:

    On page 6, tere’s a thought balloon from Peter Parker when he sees Overdrive in the limo, “Had two chances to nab you–but you’ve wriggled through my fingers both times.”

    Well, Spidey first met Overdrive during “Swing Shift” – the Free Comic Book Day event a few years back. Overdrive was stopped by Spidey and left for the police to handle.

    The second time Spidey clashed with Overdrive was when Mr. Negative hired him to steal the Sonic Pulse Generator. Again, Spidey stopped Overdrive but he escaped back to Mr. Negative who ordered him executed.

    Those are the two times that Spidey is obviously referring to in issue 647. HOWEVER, just last month (#645) – Spidey webbed Overdrive up into a web-ball and dumped him off on a police precinct’s doorstep. Hardly an act that can be considered “slipping through Spidey’s fingers.”

    If Wacker feels compelled to have Overdrive in this story to serve as a bookend for BND, at least edit Peter’s thought balloon so it makes sense with established continuity from an issue that’s only two weeks old. C’mon man….

  15. @Gerard – lol, you didn’t need to apologize [although I do like repeatedly seeing my name on the front page ;o ]. I mean, no one likes to be psyched out. I know you don’t, so it must stink to constantly be psyched out by ASM whenever there’s the SLIGHTEST chance of a good issue.

    Anyway, it’s too bad the good art couldn’t be matched by good writing. I wish we could see more good Harry stories, however.

    I’m curious. What would be the ideal art for a Spidey book? ASM has had both realistic, cartoony, and manga styles in the past. What do you think best fits the character?

    I know a lot of you guys felt cheated when they cancelled MC2 Spider-girl (myself included) and renamed Araña’s character, but the upcoming book by Paul Torbin and Clayton Henry is getting some buzz on the merits of the creative team. I’m gonna check it out. Same goes for Kelly Sue DeConnick’s Osborn mini.

  16. So this is how Marvel sends out the BND era? They actually are proud of it? The horrible ending to a horrible era. I owe you Bertone, but you see today is my birthday. I’m now 18. Mind if I not pay you?

  17. Norah is in her mid to late 20’s…her mom making her come home seems like a sitcom trope and odd for Spider-Man and the age group of his supporting cast.

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