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Amazing Spider-Man Classics Podcast #19

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  1. Once again, another charismatic actor cast as a character with less charisma. That’s not to say that Gwen is a bad character, she just more serious, in my opinion.

  2. Well if they make Gwen a dork like she was in Spectacular Spider-Man Emma Stone can totally play that like she did in The House Bunny. Depends on what they are going for. Still she’s a good actress so I’m sure she could pull anything off. Just get someone HOTTER than her to play MJ and it’s all good. ~_^

  3. Didn’t thought of that. She may be very good for ultimate gwen but still I’d like a movie about the classic universe. not ultimate.

  4. Considering Webb said he was using Ultimate Spidey as a refrence, I’m thinking she’ll be more Ultimate Gwen.

  5. Perfect MJ. Overall facial appearance. Not just the hair color. Anyway didn’t someone say the demographics for the average Marvel movie customer isn’t necessarily a comic collector. They aren’t going to care what she looks like as long as the movie is interesting. What will impact the movie revenues is the lack of buzz with the character. I guess that’s a topic for another day.

  6. I don’t see what the big deal is. I know it’s a lot of wishful thinking, but I hope we can see the Peter/Gwen relationship blossom and have them both go into college, only for a future sequel to see an adaptation of the Death of Gwen Stacy. MJ can be introduced there as well. You know, like in the comics? 😉

  7. “According to The Hollywood Reporter, Mary Jane won’t be appearing in this movie.

    Apparently the casting process involved looking for actresses for both characters and the studio was really into Stone for both characters. But as the search elongated, Columbia decided to focus on the more important role, Stacy.

    According to sources, Mary Jane will not appear in the first movie. ”

  8. I agree with most here. When I first heard her name being mentioned I thought she’d be a perfect MJ, can’t see her as Gwen yet, but OK, she’s a good actress so I’ll take it. I actually hope both are in the movie. Ideally I’d like to see Gwen be the love interest in the first movie. Have MJ in the mix and plant the seeds for their relationship for future movies…………..Oh, then we can have them get married by the 3rd movie in the series!……..and in Spider-Man IV:It’s Magic, we can have the Devil as the main villian and erase everything done before. The movie will suck ass and we can reboot again….good times. I tell ya, these movies write themselves.

  9. WTF?!?!? This is retarded! GOD DAMNIT!!!!! She should be MJ!!! NOT GWEN!!!! FUCK!!!!

  10. We could’ve had a perfect MJ, but no, we can’t let MJ be a love interest in any medium. It might remind people that Peter and MJ were married.

  11. She would have made a perfect MJ, not saying that she can’t pull off Gwen but good grief. @Nova1 watch Superbad she’s in that as well and did a great job.

  12. Not sure about this. But that might be because the only movies I’ve seen with Emma Stone are Zombieland and Easy A.

  13. Der, who cares about hair color? She’s a good actress and will be something to look forward to for this movie.

  14. WHAT THE F***.

    Ugh, total mis cast. TOTAL mis cast. They had the best MJ ever in the bag.

    Has to be a BS report. HAS to be.

  15. Don’t see it. Gwen was more of the nice girl, the daddy’s girl. I don’t see it in Emma. I can see MJ in those eyes…Gwen…nope.

  16. I don’t know what to think about this, I was excited for her to play MJ, seems like that role would have been perfect for her. However, she is a good actress and I like her a lot (plus she’s a natural blonde despite what it says here) so I’m going to be optomistic about it.

  17. Actually I believe MJ is confirmed to be in this…

    Thus this makes NO sense as Stone, as agreed by a VAST maority of spider-fans that I have seen, would have been the PERFECT MJ

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