“Origin of the Species, Part 3”

Writer: Mark Waid

Penciler: Paul Azaceta

Inker: Paul Azaceta

Colorist: Javier Rodriguez

“Spidey Sundays”

Writer: Stan Lee

Penciler: Marcos Martin

Inker: Marcos Martin

Colorist: Muntsa Vicente

Cover Art: Marco Djurdjevic

Variant Cover: Chris Bachalo and Tim Townsend

Be warned – there are SPOILERS ahead!

I’ve been busier than expected lately, so you’ll have to live without scans this time!  Besides, this review is late enough as it is …

The Plot

Mayhem has gripped the city, including random women claiming to be the mother of the baby Spider-Man is carrying.  Spidey is attacked by more villains, including the Vulture, Freak, and the Rhino.  Carlie is accosted by Tombstone and wonders about Peter after he’s not found in the rubble of the Coffee Bean.  She’s followed by Tombstone later.  Doctor Octopus is revealed to be working with an unknown partner.  Mary Jane gets Lily to safety, and Harry leaves to enact his own plan.  Mysterio attacks, but Spider-Man escapes.  Spidey hands the baby off to Harry and continues to fight, but Harry reveals that the baby has died – causing Spider-Man to fly into a fit of rage.  As the webslinger leaves, “Harry” reveals that he is, in fact, the Chameleon!

The Good

Like last issue, Waid keeps the action moving at a very fast and solid pace, occasionally breaking up the action with small plot and character moments.  This is a great way to pace the issue, because it provides enough breathers to allow the action to sink in and creates variety.

A multitude of villains are thrown at Spidey, making him fight on the ground, in the air, and on rooftops.  The variety in the types of enemies and situations was impressive for the limited amount of space.  Somehow, in the space of 22 pages, Waid managed to find room for four different attacking villains (and two behind the scenes, plus one stalker!), including giving the Rhino a scene with Spider-Man to call back to their previous encounter.

There are three  surprises in this issue that must be mentioned – and perhaps go hand-in-hand.  The first is that Doctor Octopus is working with a mysterious partner of some kind.  While the partner is shown in shadow the entire time, we can see that it’s a guy in a green business suit.  Doc Ock explains the “octo-tracer” he placed on Spider-Man (more on this later) to the partner while speaking cordially with him, indicating that they’ve been working together the entire time.  The second surprise is a Mysterio fake out with the baby.  It’s an absolute “what the hell” moment, and it works in context.  Had Mysterio been shown earlier in the issue, it would have no impact, but having the fishbowl-headed one as yet unrevealed made this a convincing trick.  The third surprise comes at the end of the issue.  Spider-Man hands the baby to Harry, who later tearily tells Spidey that the baby has died.  After Spidey swings off in a rage, “Harry” pulls off his mask and reveals himself to be the Chameleon.

This presents a whole host of questions, and perhaps a theory.  How long has the Chameleon been standing in for Harry?  Well, this issue seems to indicate that it’s been for the entire arc.  Harry went from the Coffee Bean to the panic room with others, so we know that was the same person the entire time.  Judging from Harry’s strange behavior in the panic room, I think we’re supposed to think that it was the Chameleon in that scene, which means he’s been the Harry we’ve seen throughout the arc.  If that’s the case, where is Harry?  Could he be Doc Ock’s partner … ?

The Bad

You know how, when you play a crappy video game with terrible controls like the Tomb Raider games, you eventually become used to the shoddiness and get good at the game?  The art in this issue is like that.  It’s bad, no doubt, but it’s the kind of bad that I’m so used to by now that I’ve adjusted to it.  Azaceta still has no idea how to draw human beings – which is a problem in a fictional universe populated almost entirely by human beings – and the flat inking and coloring make me wonder if he has a small child do them to save time.  However, I’m so used to his awful artwork that I’ve reached the point of general apathy.  I still suspect that Wacker and Waid owe a large gambling debt to this guy or something, because I have no idea what they see in him to continue to give him such cushy gigs.

While I’ve been impressed by Waid’s storytelling in the last couple of issues, there are a few nagging problems.  The octo-tracer is the biggest one for me.  Let’s be straight – the octo-tracer is a lazy plot device.  Despite doing a reasonable job of explaining why Spider-Man would be unable to escape at the end of the first issue of the arc, Waid shoehorned this explanation into the story.  The logistic are also iffy.  Spider-Man’s spider-sense is accurate enough to be able to determine that the tracer is placed on his body, yet the story presents it in such a way that shows that Spidey has no idea that it’s even there.  They go through the pretense of showing his spider-sense buzzing in the panel, but it’s not enough.

Carlie Cooper is grating on my last nerve.  She’s a shrill, annoying harpy of a character that only exists to appease some kind of bullet point on a checklist in somebody’s office.  I couldn’t care less about her subplot, which is the type of melodramatic claptrap from the Silver Age that writers and editors love to complain about in interviews, yet hypocritically fall back on whenever they need to pad an issue and fill space.  (Perusing that release dates for future issues, the solicit text for The Amazing Spider-Man #646 claims that someone will die.  I’m crossing my fingers and hoping it’s Carlie!)

The Ugly

That Chris Bachalo variant.  Do I even need to explain this one?

The Bottom Line

Despite its flaws, I liked this issue.  The artwork is still pretty terrible, but the story has me engaged and very interested.  The twist at the end was a game-changer that pushes the issue over the top, and since I’m in a generous mood, I’ll give this 4 out of 5 webheads.

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  1. I thought the story was great, but I am having a difficult time getting past the lousy art. They have better art in the Marvel Adventures line. That said, I can’t draw any better, then again, I am not getting paid to draw the leading comic for Marvel, either. One thing though, the Spidey drawn here looks a heck of a lot like the Spidey on the old kids show Electric Company.

    I have no problem with Spider-Man not noticing the Octo-tracer for now, not when he is constantly being chased in all directions. He has been in positions before when he couldn’t figure out where a threat was coming from because his spider-sense was too overwhelming.

    These last three issues have been a return to comics for me. Carlie almost made me leave again. Being away for so long, I am assuming that I can’t be alone in this thought process. She makes me miss the days of alien Marcy Kane…

  2. The 56 times that Spider-Man’s spider-sense goes off in this issue has gotta be a record.

  3. So, this is what Marvel puts out on their most popular character’s book and they think it’s great, huh?

  4. My point being, they never pay attention when you actually do a somewhat positive review. then claim that you never do any…

  5. @Spider-Dad: I hate coffee. 😛
    @Enigma_2099: Well, these issues have had surprisingly little chatter online. Not even CBR is talking about this arc! I’m a little surprised by that. OMIT fatigue, maybe?
    @Rick James: Pretty much. Last issue was similar in that way.
    @urmum: My “provocative”? I think you have your words mixed up there, buddy. You’re looking for “prerogative.” 😉

    Then again, I shouldn’t be looking for coherence from somebody without the sense to properly execute a “Yo Momma” joke …

  6. not to mention surprisingly creative angle shots and compositions.

    the only thing that i change in this book it that the baby is actually Harrys. *sticky tape edit*

  7. the artwork in this book – in particular the attention to positioning and of body movement are the best that i have seen in a long time.

    it may not have thick outlines or clean lines, but if you think this is bad artwork like most of the noobs out there.. then you are completely ignorant of drawing bodies and movement.

  8. Nice review… and somewhat positive.

    … which means there will be no record breaking response count tonight.

  9. @Gerard…then I recommend doing them in the morning. You are more concise or maybe have not had too many cups of coffee yet… 🙂

  10. @BD: The baby DOES have pointed ears, which is intentional given that it’s a little goblin. Peter, on the other hand … well, like I said, Azaceta can’t draw faces for shit. 😉

  11. Thanks for the review as always. I read this issue on Saturday and while I enjoyed it, the art was the biggest negative. Did the baby have pointed ears? Also what was up with Peter’s ears?!?!?!?

  12. @Spider-Dad: Actually, your theory is bunk, because I read and reviewed the book this morning. 😉

    I don’t have a particular “flavor,” other than enjoying the book more when I find something to hook me. I was hooked by this issue (and the last) when they made it a big chase. The entire thing is sort of like It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, but with villains chasing Spider-Man.

  13. Looks like you like your ASM flavor to be action, action and more action, even when it is somewhat illogical. Nothing wrong with that, but I was surprised you gave it such a high grade since the artwork is not your cup of tea, nor mine for that matter.

    Carlie is not going to die, I believe she has already been shown in the solits for the upcoming Dan Slott run of Big Time. Can’t be Harry, since they went to all the trouble of bringing him back from “the dead”. So whoever “dies” is going to be one of the villains, which of course has no drama left since all villains that die eventually “come back to life” in silly and typically inexplicable ways…unless it is Michelle…hmmm…

    Overall nice review and from my vantage point your reviews tend to be better when you do get a day or two to work on them. Just my 2 cents…which is about all it is worth!

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