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Spider-Man MTV Series Episode 3: “Law of the Jungle”

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  1. Hi, – came upon your web page by chance whilst roaming round the web this morning, and pleased that i did! I do like the page layout and colours, but I ought to mention that I’m having difficulties when it loads. I’m using Netscape 7 browser for mac, and the top panel doesn’t line up as it should be. i am convinced I’ve applied the exact same layout on a client’s website, but the menu seems fine on mine. I have an idea the fault is with my outdated browser & I’m assuming it’s about time to swap!

  2. Ummm, MJ can I have my costume back? I’m sorry I didnt get you a birthday present but can we put that all behind us?

  3. “Damn black cat! She gets the job done but when you fall asleep you stuck alone in her apartment with no clothes”

  4. JOE QUESADA: “See! See! We couldn’t tell stories like this if Peter Parker was still married!”

  5. 1. “You know, I thought it felt a little drafty out here”

    2. “What will eventually happen when that spider threesome with MJ and Felica happens. Peter gets lucky, Peter forgets that his spider suit doesn’t carry protection, Peter rush out the window to find protection and forgets his suit.”

    3. “atleast we now know what Joey Q does on his day off.”

  6. Even after a night of heavy webslinging I must try to remember that the shower is behind the blue curtain!!!

  7. Noting the cold rough wall with his ‘spidey sense,’ Peter mused that not all experiments were successful. But what the hell! That body paint looked better on MJ anyway!

  8. Oh there are just too many fun things to do with this one!

    1. The Amazing Spider-Man in “Brand Nude Day”

    2. What would have happened if the Green Goblin went a little further with unmasking and humiliating his foe in Amazing Spider-Man # 39.
    Heh heh. I’ve got a sick mind.
    But wait! Theres more! ^__^

    3. “Why did I choose to reject the symbiote suit just now? Why couldnt I wait till I was somewhere more private.”

    4. “So what lessons have we learned? One, Johnny Storm jus cant take a joke sometimes and two, my costume is not flame proof.”

    5. A scene from the days of Spider-Mans and Black Cats relationship.
    “C’mon Cat! Let me back in! Thats the only costume I have right now.”

    6. “Well……..that was an interesting adventure”

    7. Spider-Man 4. A Joel Schumacher film.

    Heh heh. ^_^

  9. … no offense, Brad, but I really don’t think a caption is even needed… I mean seriously, WTF?

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