Podcast 111: Dan Slott Interview

Josh Bertone had a chance to talk to Spider-Man writer Dan Slott at the San Diego Comic Con. Slott discusses his plans for our favorite webhead and about his first arc entitled Big Time.


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  1. @spiderdad: I think his online persona contained more edge because he was often being insulted as a person and a creator.

  2. Great interview, Josh! I love Cloak & Dagger, looking forward to them mixing it up with Negative! Also, it was interesting listening to Dan touch upon his working relationship with Guggs. I personally would of enjoyed Menace more if we knew her identity way earlier. Thanks again.

  3. Great interview. I like the “real” Dan Slott. He comes across as fun, passionate about the stories\characters and geniune. Where is this Dan on the message boards? As a professional writer it is stunning to me that his online written commentary lacks his personality as shown consistently on various interviews.

    More comments on the overall interview on the message board, but nice job by Dan and Bertone. Thoroughly enjoyed the interview, although I am not a fan of the current status quo.

  4. This was a pleasant surprise! Bertone, it’s amazing the interviews you managed to get. Dan Slott came across very well in this interview. I’m not persuaded that his solo run is what I’m looking for in Spider-Man, though.

  5. He seems thrilled to be the solo writer and I’m curious to see if unity under one writer will help Spidey.
    *fingers crossed*

  6. Good interview, Dan’s clearly psyched to be the sole writer on ASM, lets just hope the haters give him a chance. Pretty good of Dan to agree to be interviewed seeing as how some posters treated him when he was a member here.

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