What Variant Will You Be Picking Up This Week?
Spider-Variants of the Week 2/19/25

What Variant Will You Be Picking Up This Week?
While I'm not helping my students above the age of fifty, get to grips with new technology, I keep myself busy by staying up-to date on new tech, as well as picking and choosing specific items for my Spidey collection, and one of these I hope to add a unique Silver Sable piece to it.
Marvel sent over previews for Spidey books coming out on 11-08-23. What will you be picking up?
Amazing Spider-Man #30Marvel’s Spider-Man: Velocity #2Ghost-Spider #2Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #2Superior Spider-Man #11Strikeforce #1*Wolverine Annual #1* *Possible/Confirmed Appearances Previews Provided By Adventures In Poor Taste Amazing Spider-Man #30 STORY BY: Nick SpencerART BY: Ryan OttleyCOVER […]
Will You Be Picking Up A Variant This Week? And don’t forget to check out the previews for this week’s releases as well Gold Goblin #1 GOLD GOBLIN #1 CRAWLSPACE PREVIEW STORY BY: Christopher CantwellART […]