Alford Notes: Amazing Spider-Man #47

I just got finished reading a pretty good FCBD issue of Amazing Spider-Man and … wait, this WASN’T a Free Comic Book Day issue? What the heck? I paid money for this? WHAT THE HECK! Sorry, folks, didn’t realize I was still typing. Anyhoo, join me as I review yet another scintillating, spin-tingling issue of Zeb Wells’s Amazing Spider-Man!

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Story Title: Not FCBD Issue

Writer: Zeb Wells

Artist: Tom Nauck

Colorist: Sonia Oback

Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramanga

Cover Artists: John Romita, Jr, Scott Hanna, and Marco Menyz

Asst. Editor: Kaeden McGahey

Editor: Nick Lowe

Published: April 10, 2024

Remedial ASM 101

Aunt Anna was in Ravencroft, but she got better. Ben was in Limbo, but is not there anymore.

The Story – Pay Attention, This Will Be on the Test

In Red Hook (a part of Brooklyn I believe, but don’t take this Southerner’s word for it), some psychopathic, machete-wielding killer has a man strapped to a chair and is demanding to see the mayor in hopes of getting Ben Reilly out of Limbo, but thanks to events in Web of Spider-Man (which I haven’t red yet), Ben is free and stops the killer, who turns out to just be Hallows Eve (not to be confused with Hallows Evan, who frequents our comments section) using a mask. Ben also has found someone who can fix him (hopefully in a way that does not require evil soul fruit or sketchy Beyond tech). A mysterious person appears out of panel and Janine is not happy about it.

We flip over to Peter who thinks he is meeting someone to help out Aunt Anna, but instead has been duped by Aunt Anna into going on a date with Shay, one of the workers at Ravencroft. Peter and Shay hit it off so much, that they opt to extend the dinner date to include dessert, but Peter gets a text from Betty and leaves Shay with the dinner bill to go help her.

Betty is in trouble and there are men sent by Kingsley to kill her. Spidey surprisingly takes these goons out with ease (though one makes a cryptic statement “He’s back”). Turns out, Betty found the Winkler Device and she wants to use it to save Ned.

The story then jumps to a worker at Oscorp getting his phone taken away from him because it has been infected with code that is causing it to spam the Oscorp email server. Of course his position is close to the Living Brain, showing that Oscorp has a larger problem with unauthorized cell phone usage than your average high school.

Back to Spidey and Betty, they are interrupted by the sudden appearance of Chasm and Hallows Eve. Turns out they want the Winkler Device also and Queen Goblin is with them to help retrieve it.

What Passed and Failed

PASSPeter referring to Spider-Man in 3rd person – I know this seems like an odd thing to put here, but it reminded me of some old issues when as Spider-Man and talking to himself, he would sometime refer to Peter Parker as if he were someone different (I distinctly remember him stealing a look at a paper of his while in his professor’s office or something and referring to it as Peter Parker’s paper).

PASS Spidey holds his own in a fight – Sure, it’s only a few Hobgoblin goons with guns, but based on what we saw in Gang War, he was having trouble with goons. Plus, while I am not a fan of Nauck’s faces, he draws a fight scene that can be followed, instead of random fighting poses like many artists do today.


OOTI (Onomatopoeia of the Issue)

On a scale of 1 (POW) to 10 (BLRKBQRKPQRBLNB), THWANG rates a 4.5.  Not sure stepping on a web would make a sound and if it did, I’m not hearing THWANG.  Still, props for adding the H into it to tie it into THWIP.


New love interest – This is by far the best part of the issue for several reasons:

  • We get Peter and him interacting with actual people – Too much lately we’ve only gotten Spider-Man (and not really enough of him in his own book). It will be nice to flesh out Peter again.
  • Aunt Anna set up – the fact that we are bringing Anna into this hearkens back to the time when Aunt May and Aunt Anna schemed to get MJ and Peter together. It grounds this relationship in history while also making it something new.
  • Shay is a good candidate for a Peter Parker love interest –  It was not that long ago that Peter was working as a scientist to cure villains and he would know many of these villains through his interactions with Spider-Man as his photographer and later hiring Spider-Man to be his bodyguard. This gives Peter a way to talk to Shay about her patients in a way that will not completely tip her off to his identity.
  • Her job – Her association with these villains, but not as a villain, gives her a chance to stay in Peter’s world and also tie into Spider-Man’s world as well. And her story about Plantman’s failed attempt at rescue failing because Hippo ate all the plants was just funny.
  • Future for MJ looks bright – Look, I know some of you are going to be upset over anyone who is not MJ (looking at you, Chi-Town), but let’s face it. It’s going to take time to bring them back together and it’s not going to happen while Paul’s around. That said, we should also consider how this is being done – Aunt Anna is setting them up. We are introduced to Shay as Peter’s date while he is on the phone with MJ. Despite this being Peter dating someone else, these are signs pointing us back to MJ. So let’s ditch the Jackpot powers and Paul (in that order) and until then, Shay is someone who we can really enjoy as a side character.
  • Peter leaving her to pay the bill is classic Peter Parker – I just hope that this was meant for fun on our end and not Wells ending the relationship here. It is possible now with Michelle and now Shay that Wells is just going to have Peter on a merry-go-round of dates.

Hey, she’s no Debra Whitman, but she does have a lot of potential here.

Chasm and Hallows Eve – Well, this started so promising with such a dark new villain, but unfortunately it was just Eve in a mask. I do like that Hallows Eve is slowly losing control over her mask personas. Maybe someone here knows – does she have a set number of masks or can she just pull out whatever she wants to pull out? At first it seemed that she was limited to classic horror film creatures, but I know she has pulled out a police officer before and now a random killer mask. Could she pull out a Thor mask and have the powers of Thor? Spider-Man mask and have the powers of Spidey? What’s the scope of this power? And she seems to be addicted to it and very much not in control when she is wearing it. Why did she wear the wolf mask to arrive at where Peter and Betty are? I did appreciate Ben mixing up Betty’s name as Betty Jane and being confident that he is right on the matter to remind us that his big issue is his clone memories of Peter’s life is gone. In the past, we may have gotten panels and panels of his whining about it.

He’s Back – The Hobgoblin goon says this (check the fight scene panel above) and we know it must be important because Betty Brant repeats it. This makes no sense with what we have been given. It’s not an error because it is deliberately said twice. So what gives? Is someone impersonating Spider-Man? That might account for the dating fiasco with Michelle the mob lawyer an issue or two ago. It’s probably not Ben, like we thought with the dating incident, since his costume looks different enough from Spider-Man’s to not confuse the two. I’m only reading ASM and Moon Knight in current timeline, so maybe some of you who are reading the satellite books can fill me in.

The Winkler Device – If you are shaky on the history of this device, it is a brainwashing device used first on Captain Stacy to cause him to aid Kingpin. Later it was used on Ned Leeds twice and more recently the Queen Goblin used it on Kingsley. We can assume that Queen Goblin, Chasm, and Hallows Eve are here to stop Betty from messing with the device and maybe even that it will be the thing that Ben needs to regain his memories from Peter.

Misleading Cover

To yet again resurrect Grant’s Misleading Covers tag, this cover, while it does have Chasm and Hallows Eve, it does not have rain, an unmasked Spidey, or even a rooftop. Any of these may have improved the issue.

Final Grade

While I do like the date and the fight scene, it’s just not enough. With jumping from Ben to the date to Betty to the Living Brain to Queen Goblin, nothing felt like more than just a tease. Plus, it flew by while reading it. I was shocked when I flipped the page and saw the letters pages (thus the comment earlier about this being a FCBD issue). It’s not bad enough to make me mad, it just not good enough for me to enjoy. Plus, there was nothing about this issue that I could go off on the deep end and research. 🙁


Your Turn

Put your grade in the comments. Disagree with my assessment? Tell my what I missed or why I am wrong!

What’s Next?

Peter Parker vs. Ben Reilly! Spider-Man finally gets a rematch! Meanwhile, what is going on with Norman Osborn?! Only two issues left until AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #50!





‘Nuff Said!

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Read’s Reads Amazing Spider-Man #47/941 Review

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  1. @Aqu@ – It’s either that or wheat cakes, right? Haha — “Ben-cakes.”

    @Mark – No matter who the next writer is, one thing I love about the Crawlspace is that the reviews and engagement with everyone are always fun, even if a story is awful (ahem, Amazing Grace) In a way, even “awful” stories are better than bland or mediocre ones, simply because there’s less to say about the mediocre ones right? Or rather, it’s more difficult to say much about them.

    I’ve always loved the Peter Parker element of the Spider-man mythos so much more than fisticuffs and brawling, so I’ve never really been impressed by new suits or augmented powers so much, other than how these are presented visually. If there’s a reason for a new suit — besides action figures or sales or “because YOU demanded it!” — I’m all for it, so I guess we’ll see what this Spider-Goblin is all about. I sort of wonder if Shay will have some sort of involvement, if this new Goblin ends up in Ravencroft. I hope she remains a normal human for a while and doesn’t become superpowered.

    I’m familiar with Brave New World, though I’ve never read it. I was walking through the Barnes & Noble the other day, and I got really sad because even if I live a hundred more years there won’t be time enough to read all the books I want. (Incidentally, “Time Enough at Last” with Burgess Meredith is my favorite Twilight Zone episode. I just bought a new pair of glasses, by the way, and I had them insured for thirty extra dollars.) Right now I’m reading The Trail of the Serpent, or Three Times Dead, by Mary Elizabeth Braddon, which is a Victorian “sensation” novel. Before that I read one of her later books, Lady Audley’s Secret, and Wilkie Collins’s Armadale.

    Also, I saw your mention of Facebook in one of your earlier reviews, and I’d happily add you, but after ten years, I took down my social media. You’re more than welcome to email me so that we don’t take up the comments talking about books. If you can’t view the email address that I append to my comments, it’s simply Anyone else who frequents the Crawlspace is welcome to write me, as well. There are so many great people here.

  2. @Evan – Ha! Aunt May with a bag of Chasm dust! That may affect her like the mutant medicine on Aunt Anna!

    I do hate the mutants – for the most part. I have read the first four issues of Uncanny Spider-Man on MU and am enjoying it. Individual mutants I am OK with. Teams, not so much. But then again, I like individual books in general over team books. I enjoyed the original run of X-Men cartoons, but have not checked out the new run. I’ll have to get on that.

    Throw Spencer’s name in the mix – why not? I got the feeling that there is a bit of hard feelings on his departure so I do not know if he will be asked back.

    I’m not sure that Spider-Goblin is because he has become evil again or if it is just a new costume opportunity. I’m sure the answer to that is all over the solicit, but I am too lazy right now to go pull that up.

    By the way, my Lit class just wrapped up my favorite novel, _Brave New World_. Are you familiar with that one?

  3. @Dark Mark – Am I allowed to say Nick Spencer? He was instrumental in making 2020 easier for me to bear.

    I just find myself wishing that Marvel would revisit the ’90s Fox animated Spider-man series and do for it what they’re doing for the X-Men. I know you’re a mutie hater, but I’m curious what you think of it. I was moved and somewhat stunned by episode five, and I didn’t even follow that series so regularly after the first couple of seasons.

    To me climax means that there’s still the falling action we’ll need to get through. Michael is right. I’m grateful for everyone’s feedback on my question about when Wells’s run might be over.

    I hope that picture of Peter as the Spider-Goblin is metaphorical, or at least we get some time with “Evil Peter” outside of the suit — since, if they’re going to do this again, maybe they could do something a little bit different this time and show his machinations and plotting and such out of costume. I guess if we’re going to find out that Norman was behind Gang War, this will be another subplot we have to get through first.

    I hope that Ben, err Chasm, doesn’t turn into a sack of flour (again) at the end of this. With Aunt May’s cocaine addiction, that might not go very well.

  4. @Michael – He has a larger resume than I thought. I bet he could clear his plate a bit for ASM. Just a hope of mine. What writers would you pick?

  5. @Mark- MacKay is writing Avengers, X-Men, Doctor Strange and Moon Knight. And Breevort seemed to say that MacKay had committed to writing 18 issues of X-Men the first year. His plate is pretty full.

  6. It says a climax for this part but we know there is a Tombstone story after this, which will probably be the actual end

  7. Hmmm…. “Climax” does seem to indicate an ending, but doing so in a way that is rather ambiguous. It could be the climax of his entire run, which would allow for one more finishing up arc, or it could mean the climax of this part of this particular story line, but he continues in a new direction after this. I’m leaning towards that this is the climax of his run altogether, but that may just be me being hopeful.

    That leads us to some interesting speculation. His replacement could be great or could be worse. Who is in line to step up? I think Mackay is a choice I would love to see, but is Mackay only good on smaller titles? Can he handle working the flagship? Again, the editor has some major impact here as well. The greatest writer can be sabotaged by a crappy editor.

  8. @Hallows Evan- Marvel is promoting Amazing Spider-Man 50-54 as the climax of Wells’ run:
    However, as Mark could tell you, there’s a difference between a climax and a denouement. The common theory is that there will be one more arc after Amazing 54 to wrap up the Tombstone plot and Randy and Janice’s plot and reunite Peter and MJ.
    @Aqu- I assumed there was some forensic way to prove the Winkler device was used on Ned as long as the authorities had the Winkler device.

  9. Micheal: I don’t know what your talking about the solicits for 52 days from Norman’s sins a new goblin is born. No brainwashing or anything like that

  10. @Aqu@ and @Michael

    Aqu@ – Man, I was shocked that it ended so early. I felt like we still in the narrative hook part of the plot line. When I re-read it for the review, it felt longer, but at the time, it irked me quite a bit. I’m glad you liked it. I liked parts and wish I had more of those.

    I certainly don’t mind a new love interest either. Back in the older issues of the ’70s and ’80s, he had all sorts of love interests between dating MJ. If we are not going to be getting MJ, give us a good supporting character for him to date while we wait for another Nick Spencer to bring them back together again.

    Thanks for the powerset update. That makes more sense that it is just some masks that are too powerful for her to control completely. I think she has potential. I wonder if Ben gets his memories back if he will no longer be interested in what she has become. That would be a nice bit of irony since she has worked so hard to help him get them back.

    Thanks for the spellcheck. I fixed it. And for how the Winkler Device can clear Ned? Beats me. I bet we will never find out. Your job is to bring this up in a few more issues to see if any progress has been made there.

    Michael – My son sent me that Spider-Goblin picture a little while ago. Could be genius, could be a disaster. I’m intrigued enough to give it a shot with low expectations. I am more and more in the same camp as you with this. Is Peter brainwashed or are some of the sins of Norman still in him acting like a separate identity? Either way, that is interesting enough to me. What does Queen Goblin want with the Winkler Device? Well, I have my doubts that she has any real plans to help Ben. He’s a chump as Chasm and easily played. She’s all into the mind games, so maybe she knows of some ways to use the device other than brain washing. But if she wants it to cure Peter, that would be interesting too, but I cannot think of why she would want to help him. Maybe she is happy that he helped Kraven become his own man (maybe he did, that’s a touchy subject for Evan) and wants to pay him back. It would be ironic and Wells likes to twist expectations.

  11. @Geiseric and @Hallows Evan

    Geiseric – Yeah, it’s not a bad issue, but not a good one either. Craig, Peter, and I were talking about that just a little while ago. Great issue? Lots to talk about, charts to make, predictions of what we hope for. Terrible issue? Lots to talk about, rants to make, things that need mocking. This issue? Not really any of the above. We have Shay and we have the “He’s back line” and there is only so much I can milk that. By the way, this dilemma has me worried about Craig. He seems to be going all Moon Knight with his Reviewer Craig and Reader Craig personalities. They don’t get along. Peter, meanwhile, just constantly rants, “Editorial mandate!” and we can’t get much more out of him at the moment.

    Thought I will say that I think there is progression in the MJ department. Like you said, it will not be a quick turn around, but with Aunt Anna pushing this, you know that keeps her in the picture. If she is in the picture, MJ is in the picture. We are just moving our pawns at the moment, but things are in the works, but my bet is that if Wells is in the wrapping up loose ends, he will not be bringing them together – just setting up the next writer to go in whichever direction. I wouldn’t be surprised if he does something with Paul before he goes so that some other writer doesn’t mistreat him.

    Evan – These are one of the comments that make me glad you have kept following the Crawlspace! Aunt May’s crack cocaine addiction – Brilliant! That HAS to be the the plot line they are referencing. Wait! I’ve just received a leaked title for issue #55. It’s “My Aunt… My Dealer!” My excitement for this run has just increased exponentially!

    When is Well’s tenure coming to an end? Well, that’s just speculation at the moment. Who knows? He may really be looking at a Slott-esque run here.

    Onomatopoieas – you go t it! In fact I’ve kept that section going for you! Crawlspace odds – there is a 93% Crawlspace odds that I will continue with those as soon as I get something in the issue worthy of a Crawlspace spread. Charts – I already told you no more charts! I refuse! Well, maybe if… No! No more charts! OK, 23% Crawlspace odds that there will be no more charts.

  12. @Mark- The spoilers for issue 53 are out and Peter is turning into the Green Goblin again:
    I’m not sure if the idea is that Norman has found a way to share his sins with Peter or Norman used the Winkler device to brainwash Peter. But that explains a lot. It explains what happened with Michelle- Peter DID call her and forget it. That makes sense since the only people who knew about their date were Peter, Michelle and Felicia. And the goon WAS referring to Peter when he said “he’s back”. Also, at the end of the issue, Kafka says “You’ve been up to no good, haven’t you?”
    So I’m wondering- why did Peter go to where the Winkler device is located? Did Norman find it and use it to brainwash him? Or did he try to steal it to prevent anyone from using the device to cure him?
    Also, why is Kafka after the Winkler device? Does she plan on using it to cure Ben? Or to cure PETER?

  13. @Mark- The spoilers for issue 53 are out and Peter is turning into the Green Goblin again:
    I’m not sure if the idea is that Norman has found a way to share his sins with Peter or Norman used the Winkler device to brainwash Peter. But that explains a lot. It explains what happened with Michelle- Peter DID call her and forget it. That makes sense since the only people who knew about their date were Peter, Michelle and Felicia. And the goon WAS referring to Peter when he said “he’s back”. Also, at the end of the issue, Kafka says “You’ve been up to no good, haven’t you?”
    So I’m wondering- why did Peter go to where the Winkler device is located? Did Norman find it and use it to brainwash him? Or did he try to steal it to prevent anyone from using the device to cure him?
    Also, why is Kafka after the Winkler device? Does she plan on using it to cure Ben? Or to cure PETER? Or both?

  14. Oops, I used the wrong characters in my last comment and it disrupted the phrase (and added an unintended italic font).
    It was like this:

    My funny headcanon went something like this: Ben “I told you to call me Chasm!”, Peter “Yeah, no, sorry, I won’t use such a dumb name, Ben”
    Wait, didn’t a scene like this already happen in Dark Web?

  15. I genuinely liked this issue, especially the dating part, but I too felt it ended too quickly. Weird, isn’t it? Maybe because something interesting finally happened.
    Wells made me like Shay too, and I agree it’s time for Peter to finally have some serious relationship again. As long as it’s organic (so, no Felicia, please) I don’t even care if it’s with MJ or not at this point, honestly: I get it, MJ and Peter have been married for so long, and she’s been part of his life for even longer (I know, I started reading when they were married and before that I even watched the ’90s cartoon where she was the main girl). But let’s be realistic: it’s been almost 20 years (!) since they deleted the marriage, and while they did so awfully, it should be water under the bridge by now.

    About Hallow’s Eve (whose power set I love, it’s such a cool idea!): I still have to read the Annual and the Halloween oneshot, but I don’t think she’s losing control of her masks, more that some transformations are harder to control than other. For example, she often refrains using the vampire mask because the blood-thirst is hard to keep in check.
    It’s not exactly clear how it works, just that the bag is sort of “bigger on the inside” and she seems to be able to choose which mask to pick; she also has a lot of masks at her disposal, that’s been shown clearly in her mini-series. I do know from a preview of one of the aforementioned issues that she dons a Cap America mask to get his abilities, so yes, I believe something like what you describe could be possible. Her masks tend to have only one specific power, however.

    Spellcheck: “…police officer before and now a random killer mask.” There’s a “not” there that doesn’t seem to make sense.

    Weird, I did not register that Betty repeated the “He’s back”, so I wondered if the goon’s line was a hint of something (I thought of Ben’s appearance) or just a mistake (it wouldn’t surprise me).

    On the “Betty Jane”: I agree with Michael. How dumb Betty is to not figure out Peter’s identity from this (coupled with all that she lived through, also)? The fact that she is a reporter is just an aggravating factor.
    On the “Ben” name-calling: it’s not only rude of Peter to do such a thing, but also risky. He’s putting in jeopardy his own secret identity and basically taunting Ben in doing the same (i.e. calling him Peter). My funny headcanon went something like this: Ben , Peter Wait, didn’t a scene like this already happen in Dark Web?

    How can finding the Winkler device in a random building help clear Ned’s name? Unless it keeps some kind of register of the people it’s been used on, it would prove nothing.

    So, was the plot line readers had forgot about (in Lowe’s opinion) the fact that Ned is been in prison accused of being the Hobgoblin all this time?

  16. This is one of those issues that makes me glad that I’ve followed the Crawlspace for so long: I’m more intrigued and entertained by the reviews and reader interaction than I am by the unfolding story itself. Maybe it’s because, whenever there’s an impending “return to status quo,” so to speak, like Ben getting his memories/character back, I think my mind just sort of checks out until we get to that point — and with Wells’s tenure coming to an end (when is that exactly?), maybe I’m just eager for everything to get wrapped up so we can start fresh. Especially if the writer in question seems to forget about continuity and past character development (e.g., “Kraven”) until it’s convenient for the plot.

    In the meantime, I love artwork and onomatopoeia and Crawlspace odds and spreadsheets, so I’m happy.

    I have to say, though, the one time I had to leave a date suddenly, I made sure I arranged to have the payment covered. Granted, I wasn’t off to save anyone’s life or anything, but still.

    I still wish we knew what Aunt May has been doing during Anna’s incarceration. Probably crack cocaine.

  17. On its own this isn’t a bad issue but it’s weird following 46.

    Like 46 is heavily heavily hinting Peter and MJ are going to get back together in dialogue and narration. With all the sexual tension and stuff but this issue doesn’t even mention it.

    Like u don’t think it will be wrapped up in this arc but I wish plots didn’t just disappear until wells needs them again

    Ironically this also applies to Ned who I had honestly forgotten about because he hasn’t Ben mentioned in like 20 issues

  18. Ah! Did not know that. All I remember is Kingsley sitting in the device back in ASM #13 or #14. So maybe Kingsley’s goons are there because he legitimately wants Betty (and all others) to never allow that thing to resurface due to being scared of it being used on him again. Surely he is not worried about Ned clearing himself of charges at this point.

  19. @Mark- just to clarify something, Kingsley got free of Queen Goblin’s control in Miles Morales:Spider-Man.

  20. @Michael – thanks for the recap on that long story of how Ben got out of Limbo. 🙂 I absolutely loved Peter sticking her with the check because we know that he did not mean it and if he gets another shot of going out with her, which I believe he would like judging from the comments before his phone went off, he is going to have to reference why he had to leave in a sudden hurry. The easiest thing to do would be tell it as the truth – a friend of his was in a life or death situation and he was the only person that might be able to find Spider-Man since it is clearly established that Peter Parker knows Spider-Man (even mentioned in front of Shay at his last visit to Ravencroft), but you know he’ll flub that up.

    I do like the idea that Peter is being controlled. We know that Queen Goblin has the Winkler Device, so we know that Chasm isn’t coming here to find it. My guess is that Queen Goblin had Kingsley send his goons to terrify Betty so that she would call in Spider-Man. QG doesn’t bother telling Ben all the details, just that he can find Spider-Man here. His goal, subdue Spider-Man and QG will use the Winkler Device to restore Peter’s memories. That doesn’t mean that this is necessarily QG’s goal. Maybe she already has control of Peter and has ulterior motives for getting Ben and Peter together.

    Or maybe Peter’s seemingly double life has something to do with Norman Osborn controlling him, which is why he is desperate to keep Peter working at Oscorp.

    As for Betty, I’m guessing that they are just going to say that she is too preoccupied with Ned and her life in danger to think about piecing that together, but maybe she will. Good writers will tid bits in like that to develop later. Wells can be a good writer at times, so time will tell. But I do hope we don’t have enough time and that Hornacek is right. I’m ready for a new writer. I’m not excited about whatever the next issue to review is and that’s a problem.

  21. What happened in Web of Spider-Man 1 was that Ben’s increased control over his new powers enabled him to escape and Maddie didn’t stop him because she realized being imprisoned in Limbo was making him worse. Which is funny because Ben says it’s a long story but he could have explained it in less than 30 words.
    I get that Peter having to leave on the date was supposed to be typical secret identity problems but really it was Aunt Anna’s fault for not telling Peter it was a date so he could clear his schedule.
    Kingsley was seemingly killed in an explosion in a basement in Miles Morales: Spider-Man 16 but I don’t really mind him showing up here without explanation since if you don’t see a body, you can usually assume a villain got out in time.
    At first, I thought that it was Ben who the goons initially mistook for Peter but you’re right that their costumes are completely different. It doesn’t seem like it was Ben who impersonated Peter when talking with Michelle since Ben was looking for Kafka and/or the Winkler Device at the time. I still wonder if it was the Living Brain who tricked Michelle. But another possibility is that Peter himself is being controlled somehow and doesn’t remember it.
    Speaking of the Living Brain, the Living Brain is appearing in the FCBD issue, which is supposed to lead into the Return of the Goblin storyline. So it looks like the Living Brain, the Green Goblin and the Sinister Six will all be part of the same storyline. I think that Hornakek is right that Wells knows he’s leaving relatively soon and is trying to tie up all his loose ends before then. That would explain why this issue involves Ben and Janine, Kafka and Ned.
    Peter calls Chasm “Ben” in front of Betty. This is a bad idea since Betty has met Ben Reilly before. (Although I’m not sure Wells remembers this.) Although this gets worse when Ben says “Betty Jane” is the love of Spider-Man’s life. If Betty was thinking about it, she’d realize that the only two people who dated both her and MJ are Peter and Flash, and process of elimination indicates Spider-Man should be Peter. At the very least, she should realize that Chasm is someone who knows both her and MJ, and the only Bens who know both her and MJ are Ben Reilly and Ben Urich. How bad a reporter is Betty?
    It does seem that Ben thinks the Winkler device is the only thing that can cure him. I don’t think he was expecting Betty to be there or else he wouldn’t be explaining who she is to Janine.

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