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C2E2 Loves the Crawlspace

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  1. @KingHealbilly

    That’s honestly why it’s hard to be a Spider-Man fan now. Seems like no matter the writer, it’s really the editors that are doing all the writing. In order to enjoy the character now you really have to go to media outside the comics

  2. My guess is Mary Jane, and then she gets resurrected in that Uncanny Spider-man. Whatever that is. I hope I am wrong, Such a lame story. I cannot wait till this run is over, to see how they screw up Spider-man in the next run.

  3. May 31st is the day Amazing 26 comes out- and the solicits for issue 27 make it clear that someone died in issue 26.
    It can’t be the Black Cat- she’s on the cover of issue 27.
    The Gold Goblin is on the cover of issue 28- but we don’t see the Gold Goblin unmasked. It could be someone else in the armor.
    The only other characters in the current arc so far are Paul, the kids, Kamala, the Human Torch, the Thing and Captain America. I don’t think anyone would care if Paul or the kids died. No way would Wells get permission to kill off the Human Torch, the Thing or Captain America in a Spider-Man issue. That leaves Kamala- would Wells be able to get permission to kill her off?

  4. I have no idea if this is Spider-Man related. It could be Daredevil or any other title.

    There’s some speculation about someone dying in Spider-Man. Some top guesses are Mary Jane and Norman Osborn. I don’t see it being either of them. No one would believe that MJ was killed off. And if Norman were to die, it wouldn’t be a tragedy; it would validate Peter working with him.

    If they’re killing anyone off, my guess would be the Black Cat. It would get media attention, and can cause a rift between Peter & MJ.

    The only way Norman would be killed off is if it somehow reverses Gwen’s death, which would get media attention, and can cause a rift between Peter & MJ.

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