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  1. Spidey: Remember… don’t touch the sides…

    Doctor: Oh go crawl up a building, smart***…

  2. Spidey: “Hemoglobin? I thought you said Hobgoblin…..”

    Your second one is epic Billium 😛

  3. Spider-Man: “Anybody in here take shop class?”
    Doctor: “Will you please stop quoting ‘Spider-Man 2’? Get over yourself, will ya?!?”


    Doctor: “Say! There’s a Junior Mint in here!”
    Spider-Man:”What’s up with that?!?”

  4. Doctor :”Hey! Lookit this mask I found in his bag!”
    Other Doctor: “Were really not supposed to look in thier bags you know….”
    Doctor : “Whatever. Whats the insurance say?”
    Doctor 2: “Peter Parker”
    Doctor: “Oooops. There goes the plot of One More Day!”

  5. “Make fun of MY tic-tacs, will you…just wait until YOU wake up Spider-girl!”

    (with apologies to everyone involved…I just couldn’t resist!)

  6. “But, Doctor, I was sure the anesthetics were applied properly…Oh, poor Mr. Jameson! Suddenly awake with his chest open! Screaming the word “HIM!” over and over while they carted him to the special ward…what do you think he saw?”

  7. Is that a real photo or a Photoshop job?

    Yeah, just found out that porportional strenght of a spider also comes with medical knowledge!

    Nurse, web-shooter please.

    Peter Parker takes WGPMCGR to a whole new level as he tries to help operate on a thug he just kicked the ever loving crap out of!

  8. Wilson: Look, House… I know you tend to do a lot of cute things just to rile up Cuddy, but don’t you think this is a bit much?

    Spidey: I don’t care!!! I want that Spidey Tracer he swallowed back!!! Waitaminute…. what did you call me?

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