Spider-Tracer: Spider-Man Projectors

Welcome back, Spidey fans! First off, I just want to say that… I’m sorry. I goofed. I’m not sure how the date got away from me, but I totally and completely forgot to get an article out to you guys by the second Tuesday of the month. Forgive me guys; I know it’s the first time in 5 years, but still, I feel terrible. Also… wow, five years? Has it been that long for us, guys? That’s so crazy to think about! But my interest and love for your monthly Spider-Tracer article hasn’t waned in the least! Anywho, for this month, I thought we’d go back to the 90s and check out ToyBiz’s Projectors figures!


As a kid, these were pretty cool. I’m pretty sure I had the first three: Spidey, Venom, and Hobgoblin. I didn’t know about the Spider-Sense Spider-Man, Lizard and Doc Ock figures until I started doing research for this article! Very cool. There were also X-Men Projectors, but, as this is a site dedicated to ol’ Web-Head, I thought we’d just stick to those.


Basically, these were like the cooler versions of View Master. Each figure had about 5 points of articulation and were taller than the average 5″ figures of the time. They each came with three mini discs of images from an episode of the 90s Spider-Man animated series. You popped one into the chest compartment, closed it, and pressed the light button, which caused the figure to light up and project the selected image onto a wall, or what have you. There was a knob on the back that allowed you to cycle through images, and another knob on the middle of the chest helped focus the image. Each figure required 2 AAA batteries.


Apparently, the second series with Doc Ock, Lizard, and Spider-Sense Spider-Man added action phrases and clip-on weapons (except Lizard didn’t get any weapons, it seems). I’m not sure how those turned out, since I never owned them, and I couldn’t find any video reviews, either.











Spider-Sense Spider-Man



The Lizard



Dr. Octopus


Did you guys own any of these? Did you have a favorite one? Can anyone tell me more about the Doc Ock, Lizard and Spider-Sense Spider-Man figures? Let me know in the comments section below!

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  1. @Aqu

    Sorry, wish I had some information for you on any European releases, but I don’t. However, it’s not much, but I did see some listings for these from some European sellers. As to how they got them, I couldn’t say.

  2. Curious gimmick. I don’t recall to have ever seen any of these here.
    Do you know if they were imported in Europe?

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