The Chi-Town Breakdown: ASM #13 LGY#907

THE GIST OF IT…:  …in ASM. Zeb Wells and Nick Lowe decided to romantically pair up Peter and Felicia after Nick Spencer left, couldn’t think of a logical way to split up Peter and MJ again (because WHY would you?!), so they said “I know! Let’s jump ahead six months later have MJ leave Peter for reasons unexplained, give her some kids and a new beau, and we’ll figure out what the heck happened in between later next year. Let’s just have unearned fun!”  Editorial approves of this idea because they don’t understand the characters all that well and just wants to sell books. Peter becomes a “man child” who ignores his responsibilities and is mostly “hated” throughout the superhero community. Aunt May is angry at Peter. Why? We don’t know. And then she forgives him. For what? We still don’t know. However, the super villains in this book have completely amplified their game and have become more deadly to Spider-Man which is basically the high side of this book.  If you are thinking that this is BND 2.0, you are not too far off on that assumption…

(Writer) Zeb Wells
John Romita Jr.
(Colorist) Marcio Menyz
(Letterer) VC’s Joe Caramagna
Nick Lowe
C.B. Cebulski
Date Released
Issue Number
#13  LGY #907
Price Tag:

STORY:   Peter is sparring with two Hobgoblins and easily gets outmatched, despite wearing his new Spider-Suit, I know I’m surprised as much as you are 🙄.  Norman watches from the hospital bed and he doesn’t want to intervene, but he feels that he must.  He morphs into his Gold Goblin suit like a Power Ranger off panel and easily beats out the two Hobgoblins and saves Peter.  He almost crosses the line, but our UNMASKED Spider-Man stops him.  Betty is concerned that Ned will face punishment for being the Hobgoblin even though he was under control of Winkler Device which has mysteriously disappeared!  Spoiler alert, it hasn’t.  Kingsley took it and uses it on himself, revealing the TRUE manipulator, Queen Goblin (clone of Dr. Ashley Kafka)


  • Beaten and Unmasked
  • Norman
  • Kafka
  • Action
  • Nitpicks
  • Grade

BEATEN AND UNMASKED:   Is it me?  Or are you seeing a theme here as well.  I’ve heard that writers like to beat down on Spider-Man.  They consider that a “relatable” feature in the character, when it comes to daily ordinary problems.  Bills, Relationships, Job, Family Issues, ect…  Wells is taking a very DIFFERENT method, not only is he beating on Peter emotionally, but PHYSICALLY as well.  First Tombstone, The Vulture, and now TWO HOBGOBLINS are throwing him more a beatdown than ever.  JRJR art really highlights that!
Am I reading “The Amazing Punching-Bag”?  The villain’s of this book have become very deadly!  Peter’s spider-powers are the only thing that are keeping him alive.  He usually comes out with a win in the end, but rounds one and two are going to his rouge gallery and he has the scars to prove it!  Now, I’m not complaining, but I would like to see Spider-Man fight back and bit more. He should be able to dish out as much as he can take.  We want to be able to cheer for our hero, not pity him.  I can’t see myself reading this book saying “Spidey is getting his ass kicked!  I can totally relate to that!”.  He’s getting outside help again to win his battles, which is something we at the Crawlspace, don’t want to see.  Also, he’s been unmasked.  Make a mask out of webbing or something to hide your secret identity, Web-Head.

NORMAN:  We all saw this coming.  The Green Goblin is slowly yet surely coming back.  In fact, I have a strong suspicion that the split personality of the Green Goblin has surfaced.  “Cleansed” Norman may be calling the shots, but I think the Goblin personality is hiding in the shadows of Norman’s mind, just buying his time.  Norman may even be aware of it to.  He may fear it so much that he’s doing everything in his power to keep Goblin at bay while still utilizing what the Goblin has to offer.  Norman didn’t want to put on the suit when Peter fought The Vulture, because he knew what would happen if he did.  Whatever it is, the Hobgoblin brought it out which was all part of the plan.

KAFKA:   So the person behind of of this blackmailing and Hobgoblin scheme is Queen Goblin herself.  The question is why.  We already know that the “sins of Norman Osborn” are flowing through her butter milked biscuit veins (clone joke) thanks to Maxine Danger.  So what’s the purpose to go after Osborn?  I don’t think Ashley is going after him just because she’s a goblin now.  I think the “sins” are steering the wheel and pressing on the gas to get back to their original host.  It would definitely make this story a bit more compelling than some ego tripping baddie showing the original that there’s a new Goblin in town.  They will confront each other in Dark Web, so we’ll see how that plays out.

“Bug” Peter’s Spider-Glider sadly met his demise.


  • The cover.  Who is saving who from the Hobgoblins again? 
  • Kingsley and Leeds are both being mind controlled.  I still would have loved to see more of them fighting each other after Kingsley betrayed Ned.  
  • I know his face is been badly scorched, but COVER UP YOUR FACE “SPIDER-MAN”.
  • Norman had bandages on his face in the hospital…yet after the fight, no cuts or bandages.  I’M JUST SAYING.

GRADE:   Giving this one a B-.  It’s finally nice (no matter how predictable all of us saw it) to actually see the curtain pulled back .  Confirming who the Hobgoblin’s were and why they acted this way.  Confirming that Queen Goblin was behind all of it.  Seeing the evil side of Norman Osborn starting to peek out a bit more.  However, Spidey continues to get his ass beat to a bloody pulp.  This issue was action packed and JRJR art had A LOT influence behind the script that Wells wrote, so it does keep you inside the story.  I’m still not happy with this run and I think a lot of us feel the same way.  It’s the mystery that’s really bugging us and we just want the answers…speaking of which…


Blue Collar comedian, Bill Engvall has described that people used the word “Awesome” incorrectly at times.  Webster’s Dictionary has acknowledged that there is an overuse of the word “Awesome”, potently discrediting it’s meaning to leave someone in “awe and wonder”.  Winning the lottery…twice.  That would be a more and appropriate meaning of the word compared to, eating a very delicious sandwich, calling it “Awesome” because you were starving.    So I started to think, Crawlspacers.  What in the world would be “Awesome” to our beloved Chi-Town Spidey?  What would leave ME in “awe and wonder” and at the same time leave our beloved Dark Mark in “frustration and confused”.  I have already been in the letter’s section in the Amazing Series…

You may have seen them.  I thought I list it out with Dark Mark’s reaction to all of them before arriving to the point.  He deserves some spotlight every now and then.

  1. The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (Volume 1) #2
    This was Pre-Crawlspace days.  I FIRST Spidey issue my letter was published in.  I was really excited that day.  It was a breathe of fresh air given the state that ASM was in.
  2. The Amazing Spider-Man (Volume 5) #5
    It was the first time Dark Mark was excited and happy for me.  I suppose he can cheer me on, from time to time.  Of course, like myself, Mark thought that Nick Spencer’s run was of great things yet to come so it’s easy to get overly excited.
  3. The Amazing Spider-Man (Volume 5) #14
    Jokingly, I was blamed by Nick Lowe for the “lack of letter’s section”.  He only confirmed that because I instigated it in the letter that I wrote because Dark Mark was whining about the lack there of and blamed me for it.  I even mentioned my fellow crawl spacing conspirator in the letter.  Talk about ungrateful…
  4. The Amazing Spider-Man (Volume 5) #26
    Mark has given into the green eyed monster.  Hey, it happens!  I get it.  Here, he swears that I have an inside connection….  Dude, if I had a inside connection, ASM would not be in the state that it is in right now.
  5. The Amazing Spider-Man (Volume 5) #38
    In this one, Mark seems very annoyed that this has become a thing.  He stated that he would  “have to write in to complain”.  I tell ya, what a guy.  I HAVEN’T seen HIS complaint PUBLISHED yet, or any other letter from him for that matter.  Maybe it got lost in the mail.
  6. The Amazing Mary Jane #6
    Of course I need to be in the letter’s section of everyone favorite red head!  That led to a friendship with artist Carlos Gomez!  Dark Mark wasn’t too thrilled about it, but it’s fine.  He can go and get on the letter’s section when there’s a mini-series on..*snickers* Deb that’ll ever happen..
  7. The Amazing Spider-Man (Volume 5) #50
    “YET ANOTHER STINKING LETTER FROM THAT CHI-TOWN”  Now my letters stink?!  Wow, “Buddy”.  Fine, I just won’t write it anymore!!!
  8. The Amazing Spider-Man (Volume 6) #1
    Apparently, that didn’t work.  Whether I write it or not, I STILL get mentioned in the letter’s section! 😂  Yes I am that “One Particular Chicagoan” that didn’t like where this new direction is going, still don’t!  Yet, there I am.  Mark on the podcast, stated that it’s not me that Lowe is referring to, you can tell at this point that Mark is in denial.
  9. The Amazing Spider-Man (Volume 6) #5
    Why Mark is comparing me to Dan Slott time management Twitter Posting/Meeting Deadline priorities is beyond me.  This coming from a man who has been late or he just plain FORGOT it was his turn on the shift to review.  At least he was nice to Javi, who happened to have his letter published in the same comic as me!  It’s nice to be on the same page with another Crawlspacer.

…So what would be AWESOME?  How about reaching the double digits era of my letter’s being published.

10. The Amazing Spider-Man (Volume 6) #13

I tell ya, this should be a question on Spider-Jeopardy.  “How many letter’s did Chi-Town Spidey publish in The Amazing Spider-Man comic?”  Maybe George will squeeze that in there as the final jeopardy question. I’ve very humbled and honored that I have reached the double digits and honestly never thought I get this far!

Not much is gained on what Lowe dropped as “news”.  We already know that answers that will be revealed come early of 2023 and we already know MJ is referring to a responsibility that IS hers, we are just at a point where we don’t think it’ll be rewarding for the reader.  At least we know a little bit more on Paul.  “It’s not that Paul doesn’t want MJ to talk to Peter…”  It’s something, but not enough.  I had this whole theory that maybe Mary Jane was a genie that was being controlled by Paul as that idea from waaaay out in left field, made this run a tad more sense.  Doesn’t look like that’s the case.

I’m SURE, Mark will chime in his two cents on this letter in the comments below and I can only imagine it’s something… this.

That does it for me folks!  Dark Mark will be back to fill you in on ASM #14!  It’s the Dark Web Prelude Issue!  Those are Mark’s favorite issues to cover.

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  1. Pardon me if I missed this, but how is Norman able to freely run Oscorp? Isn’t he a wanted criminal?

  2. So is this what clone Ned was warning about way back? That plus him already evil smirking at the end of Chameleon arc its pretty clean this was not the direction his story was going

  3. Peter being the punching bag of the villains is one the reasons I lost interest in this run. I’m tired of seeing him getting beat over and over again and not being able fight back.

  4. Chi-Town, I just wanted to say you always hit the nail on the head in this reviews. Your recap at the beginning is particularly spot-on. The 6 month gap mystery is killing this book for me – the longer it goes without giving us any answers the less like I feel like I should care. I’m completely emotionally disconnected from Peter’s personal life and the MJ situation now. When MJ said something to Peter about responsibility a few issues back, Nick’s lettercol talked about the emotional impact of that moment. I didn’t feel anything – not knowing what’s happened between them gives no context to that conversation. Was MJ right or wrong to feel the way she does? Is Peter right or wrong? I don’t know, and so I can’t care about it. That ending fell totally flat for me.

    Nothing happening in Peter’s personal life since the relaunch has been earned, and so there is no real impact. They have to tell me how I am supposed to feel about the story. The recap page says Peter’s life is on an upswing because he’s got an upcoming date with the Black Cat. When he asked her out, my immediate reaction was that Peter still hasn’t hit rock bottom if he thinks returning to his most dysfunctional romantic relationship is a good idea. I interpreted it as Peter being caught in some self-destructive cycle due to whatever trauma he’s gone through. The recap page takes a completely different view, so obviously I am not connecting with whatever they are trying to say. I think this unexplained six month gap is preventing me from understanding what they are trying to accomplish here, because I don’t know why anybody is doing anything they are doing or why I should care.

    On the other hand, I’ve really enjoyed the parts of the story dealing with the Spider-Man side of Peter’s life and the villains he’s been battling. The villains have been especially threatening, Spidey has really been challenged and JR jr’s art on the action sequences has been great. I feel like the book is halfway to being really good, they just need to straighten out the Peter side of things (preferably by revealing all this Paul nonsense is some Mysterio plot or something and getting Peter and MJ back together).

    Thanks for the usual great review.

  5. @Mark: I felt that too!!! Betty was just STARING at Peter giving a “Hey, there Handsome.” vibe.
    I put those issue numbers up and make sure that they can link to your reviews seeing how “super excited” you were.

    @Jesus: It’s okay…we’re in the same boat. All of us are confused and it’ll all be explained come early next year.

    @Hornacek: Now you don’t HAVE to buy the issue. You’re welcome!

  6. So I go to pull up this issue and it’s not in my Kindle/Comixology subscription. I am subscribed to the title, but it doesn’t want to put that in weird. That may have put me in a rather unreceptive mood for this issue. I don’t mind Spidey getting beaten by two Hobgoblins working harmoniously. If one is supposed to be trouble, then two doubly so. I just wish it wasn’t so easy for Norman to have beaten them. I’ll give this one a C. I love the pacing, though. It doesn’t need to be dragged out any longer than how they are doing it. Maybe even a little tighter than this. I hate decompressed stories.

    I’m guessing the black burn marks on his face was sufficient to cover his identity to Ned.

    I’m glad you put those issue numbers up there, buddy, so that the readers here can go back and see that every time you’ve been published, I have had nothing but congrats for you, my best pal. By the way, did you like how Peter and Betty were getting pretty close there? He might be having a date with BC on Saturday night, but I bet he’s watching a movie with Betty again on Friday (if not already – they did do a pull back in the artwork, you know).

    As always, I am SUPER EXCITED to see yet another letter in the letters pages from everyone’s favorite Not-Quite-Chicago-but-Rather-on-Outskirts-Spidey! Keep it up, buddy!

    @Jesus Feliciano – whatever happened there has yet to be revealed. It should be revealed sometime soon. Maybe.

  7. Hello,
    Been reading for a while, but I am so confused!! In legacy #894 Peter was going to be with MJ and then a bright light happened. Than in legacy 895 and beyond he’s not with her and everyone hates him. Did I miss a run of comics or is the story going to be revealed later on?

  8. I remember in the early days of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire one of the higher-level questions (not the $1M question) was “In the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, how many times had Ferris previously been off sick?” I had no idea at the time, and I think the contestant got it wrong, but ever since then I’ve remembered that “Nine times.” line by [REDACTED].

    That’s all I have to say. I haven’t bought this issue yet.

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