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Marvel Fight Club #4 – ‘A-Quack-alypse Now!’

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  1. Joe should be banned from working on spidey. OMD was just bs. Aunt May should have died.

  2. Let me see if I’ve got this straight, the idea was to de-age Spider-man by getting him un-married… and drawing him to look like a middle-aged man with a paunch?

    That cover (the second image) is Spectacular though.

  3. Uhh is this a spiderman comic? who are these people? that certainly does not look like MJ, man why did JQ stuff up spidey, BND sucks @ss

  4. This will be nothing but an explenation, from Quesada’s point of view, on why Peter and MJ should not be married. As others have mentioned several times, the expressions are complete, but that does not look like MJ.

  5. Rightly put Izzy! The whole deal does seem to be getting worse for where, someone at Disney so fire the Q man. Please won’t anyone at Disney at least care about the product of comic you brought 10 months ago. I don’t like the looks of this one at all!

  6. I am going to hold off on judging this on art alone, though my gut instinct is “this is going to be disappointing”.

    Like CMStimpson I had hoped that O.M.I.T. might bring back the marriage to MJ and undo all the damage caused by the fanboy run amok, Joe Q, but it seems that will never happen so long as ol’ Joey is still in Marvel’s employ.

  7. I wish that OMIT would bring MJ and Peter’s marriage back, but I know that won’t happen. I wish that One More Day never happened, but it did. I wish that we wouldn have to refer to the deal ever again. Jesse’s right, it does look like MJ and Mephisto are going to make out. I hate the brand new status quo.

  8. “Bad art” and “the characters not looking like who they should” or not, Joe Q sure does do great facial expressions.

  9. I hope it is “the story to put everything back together as it was”, but by looking at these pages it seems to be a long road till then.

  10. Cover art is good..interior art is a step up from manga…characters “don’t look themselves”…but hey it’s the heroic age…tararaboomdeyay…..40 years never happened… inner sadness continues:(

  11. That is some of the ugliest art I´ve ever seen. And is it just me, or do they seem high in those pictures? XD

  12. well the cover looks fine, just the art makes peter and MJ look fat around their faces. then again it may not be MJ cos it sure doesn’t look like her

  13. I’m looking forward to the book, and I like the layouts and look of this conversation. I just don’t think that looks like Mary Jane.

  14. hey, joe! where did the famous MJ dimples go? y’know, the ones John Romita Sr drew? I see you still have your characters make with the droopy faces!

  15. Just looking at this is indeed kind of sad… just feels like between the two of them Peter is the one that screws up everything.
    What a moron I mean its Mary Jane.

    MJ: *whispering* “Taste the rainbow.”

  16. This no puns intended, “hurts my soul” looking at this. It just makes me sad.

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