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  1. What a great post my friend. I am a facebook addict and mostly spend my time playing some games and just chatting out with my colleages. Surely, there are so many ways we can use facebook and I really love using it. I hope they have something more new to come for all of us.

  2. Great write up. The iPhone is truly revolutionary and I don’t like being without it. This time last year I had jumped in a pool with my iPhone and it was dead. I had to wait 10 days before I was able to get a new one. The phone I had was a cheap go phone. I really love all the games that can be downloaded to the iPhone. The best part about the iPhone to me is the ability to check emails on the fly. Thanks for the information.

  3. Im so happy i get my new iphone in a week and soon i will have a great new game to play and oh snap i have an ipad too i can play it on both

  4. Suprisingly if i were to get a Iphone/Ipad yes i wouldm when i first clicked the video i thought it wouold be a crappy side scroller, but that actualy looks like fun.

  5. I think the real question is why wouldn’t you buy it for your phone. (downloading as soon as i find it)

  6. MAN!!! Now I want to buy an I-Phone JUST so I can play this game! (Of course, if I had the money for an I-Phone, I’d probably have a PS3 and an HD TV to play it on by now! Priorities, people!)

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