The Chi-Town Breakdown: ASM #876

Will the third time be the charm?  Welcome Crawlspacer’s to another new era of Spider-Man!  We’ve seen the solics of what’s to come, a new “brain trust” has been added to ASM.  Why do I question if the third time will be the charm?  Oh I don’t know, only because WE’VE GONE THROUGH THIS TWICE ALREADY AND THE ENDING SUCKED!

First was the Clone Saga in the 90’s.  There was NO social media, but fans let Marvel know they were unhappy with Ben replacing Peter.  After letters came pouring in about the unsatisfactory result, sales went down and Marvel “fixed” it.

Second was Brand New Day.  There WAS social media during that time, but the inmates at Marvel were running the asylum.  It was a time period where any kind of press what good press and Dan Slott will block you on Twitter if you think otherwise.   After a decade, Nick Spencer came along and got that “fixed”.

Now we have Spider-Man Beyond!  When I heard the news, I wasn’t too overly excited, but after seeing December’s Solics, I’ve gone from not interested to maybe.  I believe (I could be wrong) Marvel Editorial stuck their nose in ASM #875.  So let’s see where this goes now.  Again, will this new era make both old and new Spider-Fans happy?  Time will tell and you can vote by using your wallet.  Honestly, if you like it, buy it.  If you don’t, don’t buy it.  Don’t invest in something you don’t like!  Let Marvel know how you feel by sending them an email.  If you still want to know what’s going on, that’s why you have US!

Here at the Spider-Man Crawlspace we are please to present you with OUR BRAIN TRUST!  That’s right folks, when these book hits the stands three times a month, you’ll be getting only one review each issue!  Dark Mark, Ryan Read and I have decided to join forces and switch off after each issue!  Leave comments below, we value your thoughts and opinions even when Dark Mark doesn’t.

So, sit back and relax as I walk you through the very first issue that concerns Spider-Man Beyond!  Ben’s Back!  Peter’s is down for he count and Marvel Editorial thinks they know better, while MJ and the fans just rolls her eyes at them.  Coming at you, right here, on the Spider-Man Crawlspace!

(Brain Trust)
Zeb Wells
Patrick Gleason
(Colorist) Marcio Menyz
(Letterer) VC’s Joe Caramagna
Nick Lowe
C.B. Cebulski
Date Released
Issue Number
Price Tag:
For a different perspective:
Alford’s Notes and Read’s Reads

Story:  Peter has a nightmare of a childhood memory that he stole gum and the important lesson in knowing the difference between right and wrong via a faceless Uncle Ben.  Peter wakes up from that nightmare and MJ isn’t in bed with him.  I (for one) like to think that’s the START of the nightmare, but I digress.  After the events of ASM 875, Peter is feeling a bit overwhelmed and decides to go out as Spider-Man to clear his head.  Then The Beyond Corporations newest commercial airs “Time to make the dounuts” as Flour-Man, Ben Reilly, swing on by in his new copy cat suit.  Peter wonders if he missed the memo for another “Spider-Verse event” and asks his clone for some details, only for Ben to respond…

Peter tries to stop Ben in order to gather some info, but his attempts are futile because of Ben’s Beyond Suit.  He heads to school in hopes to get an extension from Dr. Curt Conners on a school project when he runs into, yep you guessed it, Ben Reilly.  Ben explains that he was just running a field test that morning and didn’t have time to talk.  Peter and Ben shared a cup of coffee and discuss what Ben’s been up to.  Ben tells Peter that he’s officially Spider-Man now because he’s being paid “stupid money” to do it.  All this nonsense leads to Otto trademarking “Spider-Man” from the Parker Industries days.  Peter refuses to accept (rightfully so) these new terms, but Ben’s egocentric, social climbing, nature kicks in and says “Deal with it Pete, it’s the new norm.”  The whole conversation is comparable to two Spider-Man Cosplayers arguing who put the webs on first or wears it better.

Ben arrives back at Beyond Corporation’s HQ which looks like something that came from outer space and landed on earth accidently and talks to Janine (The Reilly version of MJ).  Marcus enters in like he owns the place, cause he does, which Janine isn’t too thrilled about.  “Smooch on your own time” Marcus orders to Ben “You’re needed in R&D”.  Meanwhile Mary Jane and Peter are consoling each other was what has happened over the last couple of days and MJ is concerned about the return of Ben Reilly.  We all are MJ, we all are…  MJ wants her and Peter to take five minutes and process what they’ve been through.  However, there is a crisis at Empire State and Peter swings off because he’s not written by Spencer anymore.  The U-Foes are attacking the place and both Spider-Men are at the scene.  Things get messy when radio volatile substance explodes on the Spider-Men.  Ben’s fine, he has his new suit that protects him.  Peter on the other hand…

The Breakdown:

  • Superior Spider-Man 2.0
  • Peter’s Out
  • Not a Fan
  • Nitpicks
  • Grade

Superior Spider-Man 2.0:  We kinda seen this before with Otto, haven’t we?  Now Ben Reilly is there getting the upgraded suits and living off the perks of basically being a copy cat of Iron Man.  I think I now see why Slott praised this story so much, it’s basically HIS design.  Wells take a new direction with Spider-Verse.  He wants this Spider-Man to basically be prepared for anything, to expect the unexpected thanks to the team of the Beyond Corporation.  As smart as that is, there is one problem with it.  It’s not relatable.  I find it ironic that we started this issue with a flash back of Peter’s (and I guess Ben’s) childhood memory reminding us the difference between right and wrong. Next thing you know, “Spider-Man” is unrelatable again.  He can be your neighbor, your teacher, the guy that you see at the store every day, not some trademark establishment that gets a suit upgraded every time.  I mean Ben swung outside with his mask off in daylight, Peter doesn’t do that.

Believe it or not, I liked Ben Reilly and then he died an honorable death in Revelations Part 4.  Ever since he came back, he’s hasn’t been the same.  In Spider-Geddon he went back to his “default setting”, but in this issue, I still see “Ben 27”.  He’s kind of a prick.  A “Social Climbing” guru that accepts and used the Beyond Corp to advance his Spider-Career.  I’m beginning to think that by the time issue #900 comes around, this is all going to come down and crash on him.  Apparently Janine suspects the same thing, but is playing it out by ear, she loves Ben and will do her part in order to protect him.  I’m actually curious on how Ben Reilly fans feel about this because I know of two kinds

  1. Ben Reilly Fan #1:  These are the fans that grew up with a knowledge base on Peter Parker.  When Ben Reilly came into the mix during the 90’s they felt a relatable connection to him.  One of the reasons could be that Peter now had a twin brother.  In fact, that’s how Peter and Ben approached each other during Revelations.  It was touching, acceptable and more importantly, RELATEABLE.  Even though they preferred Ben over Peter, they always respected, admired, and found inspiration within Peter and his supporting cast.  They loved and respected the past continuity before the 90’s Clone Saga.
  2. Ben Reilly Fan #2:  These are the fans that couldn’t care for Peter Parker.  If Ben replaces Peter they are fine with it and don’t respect the moral conscience of what Spider-Man really is about.  They are in it for the fame and glory that it can provide them.  They don’t understand the previous Spider-Man continuity before the 90’s Clone saga.  If’s it’s new and different, they want it.  If Ben’s personality changes over time they find an excuse to accept it, even with his costume designs.  Remember that hooded costume that looked like SpiderCyde?  They loved it when it premiered, once it received black lash, like sheep that follow, they then hated it.  They wouldn’t know the difference between Todd McFarlane artwork from Todd Nauck’s.  Ben>Peter is all that matters to them.

I’m honestly not sure what Wells is going for here.  It seems that Ben balances a bit of both when written.  He’s a prick, but a polite prick.  He’s the kinda guy that says “I know I shouldn’t, but it just too good to pass up.” with a grin on his face.  I’m hoping that in ASM 877 he becomes more “brotherlike” like he was established in Revelations.  There is a side story that the Beyond Corp funds Dr Kafka to do therapy sessions with Ben.  That’ll be fun, a clone giving therapy on another clone.

Dr. Kafka:  “We don’t use the term “Clones”.”
Me:  Is “Bag of Flour” too much?
Dr. Kafka:  “…..”

Also, Ben seems to want to hire his old team mates.

Peter’s Out:  So, Peter got caught up in some toxic environment.  While most of this characteristics are in place for this issue, there is one that I find a bit uncharacteristic.  When he swings away from Mary Jane.  “We’ll talk later” speech resurfaces and I’m not a fan of that.  Spencer rarely used that in his run and I hope Well’s doesn’t remain constant with that motto.  It seems that this issue zeroed in on “Let’s rush this moment to give Ben more spotlight.”  I don’t understand that in the world we live in, given the technology that we have, Peter could have talked to Mary Jane while he swung away.  When I’m doing the dishes, or driving to work, or even working on a project, I’m talking to my wife.  Via face to face or earpods via cellphone.  Especially if something is bothering me!  Why couldn’t Peter do that with Mary Jane?  Their relationship was strongly enforced during Spencer’s run and even Nick Lowe said “They are the greatest couple in comic history.”  I’m hoping Well’s focuses in more on that come next issue.

Not A Fan:  I’m not a fan of this direction, I thought we were pass this.  It seemed like things were getting “fixed” for the most part and now we seem to be diving in to what went wrong in the first place.  There’s still the matter of if Peter is going to propose to MJ.  When will that be addressed.  Are they saving it for later?  Hiding it?  Playing the “Let’s have fun with Ben first?” game?  I mean seriously, why couldn’t this be done with Peter?  Peter could have taken this to better himself, his loved ones, and the people around him he protects as Spider-Man.  Does that make him relatable?  NO, but that does make him RESPONCIBLIE!  Cleaning up the “trademark” mess that Otto left behind.  Taking accountability for his actions when Otto was in his body!  With MJ as his support system and Beyond Corp being there to make sure Peter doesn’t “mess up” like he’s been known to do in these cases.  Peter taking the responsibility of Spider-Man.  Mary Jane taking the responsibility of Peter Parker.  Beyond Corp taking the responsibility of the image of Spider-Man.  It all ends with a wedding of Peter and MJ in ASM #900.  That’s something I would buy!  Instead..we get Ben.


  • Ben dressed as Jackal Ben with the suit.  Put him in jeans and a coat.  He’s too Ben 27.
  • Peter not proposing to Mary Jane already, don’t screw this up Marvel!
  • U-Foes.  Just WHY?!  This takes down Peter, yet Sinister War DOESN’T?!  

Grade:  C.  It’s just average for me.  Ben acting a bit like evil Ben27 and Peter not focusing on MJ and the death of Harry brought it down for me.  Not sure how I feel abut Wells writing.  However, the ART is fantastic and Gleason makes every panel shine!  I’m sure Menyz has a hand in coloring it make is shine even more, but I just think Pat Gleason is treating this like his baby.  He’ll be writing in this series soon, so it’s no surprise.  This issue is a set up for what’s to come so maybe the pace and characterizations will pick up and shine more in a correct manner.  At least that’s my hope!  I don’t want to think about the elephant in the room which is the Spider-Marriage between Peter and Mary Jane and why we are getting this instead.  I don’t know what is behind the scenes at Marvel.  I just want to focus my thoughts on this issue, because that’s why you folks come here to read!  I’ve given my opinion.  I’m not a fan of this, however that could change.  Dark Mark takes over next issue and we’ll see what he has to say.


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  1. Wow Chi-Town really hated Peter dissing MJ. But another way that moment can be interpreted is the writers telling the reader “hey we’re acknowledging this happened and the trauma will probably be addressed later (off-panel) but who cares, look, it’s new Ben! With a better costume and gadgets and other stuff! New story! New is always better! Peter who?”

    The only saving grace is that with all this setup, it’s obvious the new status quo will not last. .

  2. I absolutely loved Nick Spencer’s run. Like in my top 5 runs ever loved! But this?! Wow, I hated it. Does not bode well for this run at all. Hope it’s over quickly! Guess we have Non-Stop Spider-Man in the meantime (which also hasn’t been great but at least it’s Peter).

    Not Reilly a fan of Ben (sorry) anyway, his Jackal turn was his best arc, but my god he is insufferable in this! And I am supposed to want to read him as lead instead of Peter! No thanks! I’d stop buying but I have a subscription that still has many months on it.

  3. @Stuart: I don’t consider it nonsense, my friend. If I did, it would be “irresponciblie” of me to do so. 😀 It is actually “radio volatile substance” and it’s right there in the comic book. SO I WILL DO NOTHING! LOL. I actually agree with all your statements. I don’t get it either. It’s the mystery of Marvel.

    @Joshua: I’m right there with you, but I need to try and stay optimistic.

    @Aqu: It’s cool and honestly I don’t want to, but this book is coming out three times a month and frankly I don’t have the time. I know I joke a lot with Dark Mark (it’s one of the simple pleasures in my life) but his reviews are very in depth and I trust his opinion when it comes to ASM. I may not like it or agree with some points, but I trust it. Cept the fact that he prefers Deb “WHINE”man for Peter and not Mary Jane. That’s just crazy town banana pants! So you get a review to read when each issue comes out whether it be me or Mark.

  4. Don’t take it badly, but I’m not a fan of you switching reviews, especially since I don’t listen to podcasts\watch video reviews. I have nothing against those, but I prefer reading since it takes much less time.

    I laughed hard when I saw that Elmer gif. Well done!

    I was curious of seeing Ben fans’ reaction to this issue, because he has been mistreated and mischaracterized a lot by writers since his return.
    I don’t call myself a fan of Ben Reilly, but I liked him in his stint as Spider-man back in the ’90s. It’s been a bit of a heartbreak seeing him going mad in Clone Conspiracy, but he was in an interesting position from a narrative standpoint. Then… Scarlet Spider by PAD crash-landed. And SpiderGeddon happened. Right now I don’t know what to think, but in my headcanon Ben still lacks his soul and Otto’s cloning just solved bodily problems like clone degeneration. So it’s not surprising seeing him behave like that. Alas, I doubt this is what the brain trust thinks.
    Also, I’m one of those who liked Scarlet Spider “spidercide” costume and still do today, since it fitted his character at the time and I still think that series got sidetracked by external interference.

    I agree, Peter should have been hospitalized after all the beatings he took in the last tens of issues. If they still wanted a happy ending for last issue, they could have him collapse from the injuries in this one. It’s not like it doesn’t happen in real life.
    And that brings me to the major problem I have with Beyond. So far I don’t think it’s bad, but I would have been more interested in it if they didn’t push so much for it. We got a rushed and terrible ending for the last arc, only to begin this at all costs as if nothing happened, instead of exploiting last issue with a cool and logic transition to the new arc. They also basically spoiled everything that will happen in the next three months, so what’s left to see is HOW will it happen and if the execution isn’t perfect (and for now, it isn’t), it’ll be pretty boring.
    They’re advertising Beyond so hard that it almost seems like they don’t believe in it themselves.

    Sthenurus made a good point: Peter has a habit of hiding behind the mask, using Spidey as a stress-relief.
    Also, he doesn’t use a phone while swinging because he is responsible and knows the dangers of it. It’s like driving while phoning (yes, even with earphones). :p

    I don’t think Spider-man is immune to radiation just because his blood is radioactive. Exactly that time he defeated Morlun with radioactive injections, he paid the price later: he was dying from some terminal disease and has been able to return to life only thanks to the Other.

    @Michael and Sthenurus
    Yep, I agree too. I would be surprised of the contrary. Albeit it may be that they just staged a field test for Ben and Peter has been collateral damage, it’s easy to think he was the real target.

  5. I’ve never been much of a Ben Reilly fan and this issue did absolutely nothing to win me over to his side. As such, I can’t say I’m optimistic about where the book is heading.

  6. @Chi-town and @Evan Berry

    I’m glad I could shine a different light on this issue!

    I’m a Huge Ben Reilly fan. I started reading spider-man comics during the clone saga. Ben is, to me, MY spider-man. So I am probably biased. But I always want to give the character a chance (which is why slotts arc killed me on the inside).

    I actually think the banter during Peter and Ben while fighting the ufoes was great. It shows the brotherly bonds between the two.

    @Evan specifically: Ben was resurrected by The jackal in the dreadful clone conspiracy. By the end he moved to Vegas, where he met with death (I think) who told him his soul was broken. He teamed up/fought with Kaine before going soulless. It was bad too. Then during spider-geddon they pushed the reset button by cloning him a 28th time and bringing him back to factory settings. So ya, convoluted as heck…

    @Adam my understanding of what happened is a little different. Peter says the spider-sense said the danger “was inside”. I think the gas blew him up from the inside. The it’s not the radiation that is the problem. I may be 100% wrong thought!

    @Michael. Pretty sure you are right on the money. The u-foes where definitely hired by the Beyond Corporation. Now, how will Ben react when he will figure that out…

  7. Hi, everyone, I hope you all are doing well! I tried to comment earlier, but my post didn’t show up. I hope this time it does.

    @Chi-Town – Great review! I am also not a fan of having Ben Reilly back as Spider-Man and having Peter sidelined. Been there, done that. With Nick Spencer hyping up Peter planning to propose to Mary Jane and having that not even acknowledged, I’m even more worried about what Marvel has planned for Spider-Man with Spencer gone. We should have had Peter propose to Mary Jane, build up excitement with friends and family celebating their engagement, and having Peter and Mary Jane tie the knot (again) in “The Amazing Spider-Man” #900. Instead, I’m pretty sure “Amazing” #900 is going to be Ben’s departure, Peter getting back in the suit and showing us why Peter is “the one, TRUE Spider-Man” when “Peter Parker: Spider-Man” #75 already did that. Also, why is Ben suddenly Spider-Man again? (I know he donned the suit in the previous issue, but still…) Shouldn’t it make more sense that he returns as Scarlet Spider, he goes to Beyond after Peter is injured, and they have him fill in as Spider-Man AFTER Peter is sidelined? I’m also curious if Doctor Strange finding out what is wrong with Peter’s soul after his talk with Mephisto will ever get brought up after the Kindred/Harry Osborn nonsense.

    As a side note, I’m in agreement and I’m surprised that THIS is what gets Peter out of the Spider-Man costume and not “Sinister War”. It reminds me of the henchman’s line when reading a Spidey comic in the original ‘Elvira’ movie. “They’re going to kill Spider-Man with plutonium?!? He’s got radioactive blood!”

    Also, Chi-Town, there are a few typos you’ll need to fix, like “radio volatile substance” should be “radioactive” as Adam Tomlinson pointed out (unless it was a radio volatile substance, then never mind) and “responsible” is misspelled “responciblie”. (Actually, reading “responciblie” made me smile, so keep it! This is a word now, Webster’s Dictonary! Chi-Town Spidey has made it so!)
    Marvel, I’ll come back when Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker are husband and wife again in the original 616 Marvel Universe and Peter is Spider-Man again. For now, I must politely decline this “Beyond” take on our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. I’m surprised Marvel is still insisting on keeping the Mephisto deal intact and not having Peter’s marriage to Mary Jane back.

    Thank you all for reading my nonsense. I hope you all are having a wonderful day and stay safe, everyone.

  8. Hello, everyone! I hope you all are doing well!

    @Chi-Town – Great review! I agree, this “Ben as Spider-Man” redux storyline has me rolling my eyes. Also, why is Ben suddenly in his Spider-Man identity again (I know this was in the previous issue too, but still…)? Wouldn’t it have made more sense to have him start off as Scarlet Spider when joining Beyond and THEN get the Spider-Man costume after Peter is injured? And I agree, after “Sinister Wa”, having THIS be what takes down Peter is laughable. I think of the line from the henchman in the first Elvira movie: “Oh, I am so sure! They must think we’re really stupid? They’re going to kill Spider-Man with plutonium?!? He’s got radioactive blood!”

    Also, you’ll need to fix some typos, like radio volatile substance should be “radioactive” as Adam Tomlinson pointed out (unless it was a radio volatile substance, in which case, never mind) and “responsible” is misspelled “responciblie”. (Although, to be honest, I smile whenever I read that typo, so actually keep it! That’s a word now, Webster’s Dictionary! Chi-Town has made it so!)

    This also has me more worried than ever about Marvel’s Spider-Man plans. What should have been Peter proposing, building up the excitement of their engagement, and eventual marriage in issue #900 is now going to be Peter coming back to the mantle of Spider-Man. Yawn. This arc isn’t going to go over well with fans wanting a payoff, especially after writer Nick Spencer had Peter planning to propose to Mary Jane and having Doctor Strange find out by Mephisto what was wrong with Peter’s soul getting sidelined in favor of the Harry Osborn nonsense.

    Marvel, call me when you actually have Peter back in the suit and married to Mary Jane Watson — and I mean in the 616 “classic” Marvel Universe. No more “What If” stories, no more delays, no more “One More Day” jabs, no more teases, no more alternate realities where the two are married instead of the original Marvel Universe — just have Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker back together as husband and wife, with Peter in the Spider-Man costume. Why is that so much to ask for from Marvel?

    Thanks for reading my ramblings. I hope you all are having a wonderful day and stay safe, everyone.

  9. @Chi-Town — Thank you so much! Actually, as soon as I posted my comment I started to read what others had written, and I saw sthenurus’s comment and thought, “Oh, good — Maybe there’s more to this, or at least another way to look at it. Phew!” Thanks to you, too, sthenurus!

    When was the last time we saw Ben anyway? I remember he had the Scarlet Spider series drawn by Mark Bagley (Remember his costume change and his literal face-mask on the cover?), but I’m not sure how exactly that ended? And even before that series, I’m not sure how things stood between Peter and Ben-27. So I’m just kind of surprised at how they met and engaged with each other mid-webswing that way. I guess I should start researching.

  10. @Evan: Much appreciated. On your points

    1) That’s how I’m seeing this written out. He’s doing it in a more “Polite Way”, but it’s stupid money, he needs to do this, so he’s going to do it whether Peter likes it or not. He just assumes the Peter needs to understand that and move on with his life. However, when Peter gets hurt during the fight with the U-Foes, he quickly changes to “oh this is my fault”. So I assume he feel guilt.

    2) Yeah, I didn’t like what Peter did after MJ said they need 5 minutes to process what they’ve been through. She knows and understands. Instead of “I guess”, it should have been “You’re Right. We will. Let me take care of this quick and I’ll be back soon to talk.” That more characteristic of Peter given the recent development of the character.

    Thanks! I want and NEED to be open in my reviews and yes, there will be an agree to disagree moments. Still that’s why you guys come here right? To see this kind of openness and not the reviews that “fall in line” with the publisher? Honestly, I WANT to see stories of Peter and Mary Jane and both of them invested in Peter’s double life, Spider-Man. Surrounded by the supporting cast. For me, it makes the comic more fun and worthwhile to buy.

    I hear you and I would say to continue to stay optimistic about this series. As sthenurus pointed out, he sees this a different way, in a more positive way and if that happens I will be very pleased about it. As of now, I’m not, but who knows what I’ll think next issue. As for you values that inspire you to be a better person, despite what you are currently reading in comics, hold onto those values that inspired you to be a better person NOW and PASS that on. Comics change, writing changes, but it’s the key issues that you grab that important message from that lasts forever.

  11. Hey Chi-Town!

    Peter Parker just can’t catch a break.
    During the first read I felt that the U-Foes were hired by the Beyond Corporation (Evil Corporation, faceless people and all, maybe Uncle Ben in the nightmare was also a foreshadowing). According to the letters page this will go on till #890.

    I agree Ben and Peter as siblings was so wholesome during the 90s clone saga. Having Kaine mixed in after his Scarlet Spider series in Beyond would be cool.

    So Otto trademarked Spider-Man under Parker Industries which means that Peter Parker had access to all Spidey merch etc(according to this issue Beyond spent on acquiring the trademarks from PI). He may not be a good business man but he should have totally noticed it ; not for financial gains ( though he can do that too) , hey Pete, great power great responsibility ( or was it great speed,storage and battery life during PI) but having met Miguel he should know about evil corporations trying to monetize stuff and this also affects Miles being Spider-Man and all the other Spider folk; anyhow the art was awesome and it was a solid read (aside from people cursing especially Spider-Man)

  12. @Chi-Town — I didn’t read this issue, admittedly, but from your synopsis and review it disappoints me. When this “Beyond Era” was announced, I said that I’d much prefer to read a book with just Peter and MJ going about their daily business, even if he wasn’t Spider-man, to a book with Ben Reilly as Spider-man. Now it seems I have two thoughts:

    1. I want to read about Ben Reilly even less if he’s going to be an egotistical jerk — to the point of rubbing it in his “brother’s” face.

    2. I want to read about Peter and MJ going about their daily business even less, too, if Peter is going to behave that way.

    I really appreciate and admire your open-mindedness and hope that things will improve, since it’s inspiring to me when I jump to conclusions or get frustrated prematurely, so I’ll try to be hopefully as well. It’s interesting to me, though, that Peter had a tech suit of his own provided by Threats and Menaces, and Spencer handled that almost like a meta-commentary that further defined who Spider-man is. So on the one hand, this has already been done, but on another, this is a different angle than that, sans commentary seemingly, since it’s in keeping with the MCU Spider-man, the PS4/5 game, and W.E.B. of Spider-man. Spencer wrote it well, as the game did it well, too, actually (I have no exposure to W.E.B. of Spider-man and can’t speak to that), so why are we seeing it again? It might be one of those situations where we have to “enjoy the ride” (as best we can), as you say, and hope that the outcome justifies they way the characters are being written. Only half-jokingly I will add that I guess if it really hits bottom they can have Spencer come back and write one issue that cleans up the mess. Maybe in that case they will regret his departure.

    I want very much to be optimistic, but from what you described I’m having trouble. Even if some of the characters somehow become no longer relatable, as you said, it’s not the end of the world, because I can still find enjoyment in reading about characters that I’d want to know in real life or that I find inspiring — you know, those who inspire me to be a better person by example and not counterexample, to treat my metaphorical brother with kindness and respect, and to behave in way that reflects my core values. So far I’m not seeing that. But like I said, I’ll try to be hopeful. As always, I appreciate your work here, and I’m looking forward not only to all of the reviewers’ different takes, but equally if not more so the comments. Those can be just as inspiring, after all.

    Great review!

  13. @Michael

    Wasn’t aware of that Iron Man scene, not read a great deal of that. I was more thinking of the time he beat Morlun by shooting himself full of radiation.

    Good guess on Beyond hiring the U-Foes I can see that as a strong possibility

  14. Just checking my understanding. Peter is taken out by a radio volatile attack. Another way of phrasing this – radioactive?

    If only there was something in his body that could protect him from that. Like, radio active blood – maybe.

    He’s willing exposed him self to worse hasn’t he?

    Fun issue, but that finale really took me out of it.

  15. @sthenurus: If you are correct on your assumption, I will be doing the dance of joy! It’s a very positive spin compared to mine. As always, I appreciate your time and value in chiming in. I didn’t read those mini-series.

    Respectfully I disagree on the Peter addressing MJ that they’ll talk later. Yes it has been something he said in the past, but more recently he’s been pretty upfront with her. He “NEEDS HER” to do this Spider-Man thing right. “We’ll talk later” has become a thing of the past given the recent development of their relationship during Spencer’s run. Even if he falls to his own habits, MJ recent character development should have chimed in and said “Nope, do your thing, but we’ll talk while you swing via cellphone”

    Again I hope you are right and we see this relationship even stronger than before.

  16. Hey Chi-Town!

    I respectfully disagree with you on this one! I tought the way Marvel went at re-introducing Ben was smart and respectful. He doesn’t goes in barging and telling Peter “step down you insignificant fool” like Otto would. He kept quiet during their confrontation to protect Peter’s secrets. He respectfully caught up with him. He sat down to explain the situation and basicaly explain that it was his chance at doing something good and meaningful again. He wasn’t mean or antagonistic – he basicaly explained the situation and if anything, its better that it is HIM instead of another copycat taking over since he knows everything and will protect Peter and his secrets. Beside, if the beyon corp is truly evil, who would be better position than him in the inside to stop them?

    The way Peter doesn’t want to talk to MJ felt in character. Peter ALWAYS had trouble processing tragedies. He always buried himself in Spider-man to avoid facing trauma. Uncle Ben, Gwen, his (fake) parents, the clone saga… he always needed to clear his mind as Spidey before being able to sit down and talk it through.

    The U-foes are no pushover. They already handed Spider-man his butt before (during the breakout mini-series). Also Vapor was inside Spider-man to poison him… to me it’s a credible way to hurt him enough to put him out of commission for a while!

    I’m pretty sure that while being sidelined, he will HAVE to face all his trauma and talk to MJ. It’s the 5 minutes he needed to process as MJ put it… But it was imposed upon him since he wouldn’t take it!
    I truly believe that this will lead to an even stronger relationship between Peter and MJ, which will culminate in his triumphant returns as the wall-crawler… and a married (or engaged ) man!

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