Podcast 101: Fred Van Lente Interview

Our Crawl Space correspondent Bertone had a chance to talk to Amazing Spider-Man writer Fred Van Lente. He asks several questions from our Crawl Space message board. Some of the highlights include him talking about the controversial Chameleon/ Michelle Gonzales storyline, his love for Morbius, and what would Peter Parker be doing if he wasn’t bit a spider? It’s a fun interview and Van Lente gave some great answers.

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  1. Van Lente honestly seems like a nice guy and he is a good writer, but it’s really galling that they have no intention of explaining how Black Cat has her powers back. Not necessarily his fault, but seriously, what the hell???!

  2. Alot of the interruptions were edited out! There was more than you heard…in fact during the middle he had to get up and walk to do another pre-arranged interview mid-question then come back and finish! The magic of editing!

  3. great interview Bertone! He seems like a really great guy! How was the interview set up, particularly how were you able to conduct it, especially with so few interruptions?

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