Spider-Tracer: Top 10 Doc Ock Action Figures

Welcome back, Spidey fans! I hope everyone’s 2025 is off to a fantastic start! I was thinking back to 2024 and some of the articles I posted, when I recalled my top 10 Hobgoblin figures of all time article (be sure to go back and check that out). It got me thinking about who else I could focus on next, and it didn’t take me long to think of Doc Ock, who, surprisingly, has had a really nice selection of figures, particularly in recent years. Putting this article together, I noticed that it seemed like whenever Spider-Man was in a toyline, Doc Ock almost always seemed to be the first villain toy companies thought to pair with him. Not that I’m complaining, mind you; I always like getting a good Doc Ock figure. With all of that said, let’s kick things off with number 10…


10. Secret Wars Doctor Octopus



Back in 1984, Mattel made a line of Marvel figures based on their heroes in villains in order to capitalize on the success of Kenner’s DC Super Powers line. It was Mattel’s desire to make this toyline that prompted Marvel to put together the original mini-series. Both the original comic and toy-line featured the villainy of Doc Ock, which is where the maniacal mad doctor received his very first action figure. I covered Doc Ock and the other Spidey-related Secret Wars figures in a previous article (check that out too, while you’re at it), but with this being Ock’s first figure, it definitely deserves to be on the list. While the head sculpt is great, the body was unremarkable, though, he did thankfully get his trademark tentacles to really make him a unique figure among the other Secret Wars figures. Like other villains in the line, Doc Ock came with a square lenticular shield, too. I would love to see Hasbro put out a Doc Ock in their recent Retro Secret Wars packaging.


9. Marvel Superheroes Dr. Octopus



Skip forward several years, and ToyBiz has taken up the Marvel figure license. In their first wave of Marvel Superheroes figures (the Non-Mutant toyline), Doc Ock was right there alongside ol’ Webhead! This time, two of his tentacles have suction cups for scaling and clinging to smooth surfaces, while the others have grips similar to the Secret Wars figure for grabbing adversaries. While this was ToyBiz’s first Doc Ock figure, the company would go on to make better figures of him as they went along.


8. Spider-Man: The Animated Series Deluxe Edition 10” Doc Ock



I never liked the 5” scaled Doc Ock figure from that animated line of figures that ToyBiz produced. I had at least two, and the tentacles would always eventually break off due to the squeezing action feature. However, I did love the 10” figure, which removed the action feature, and gave him bendy-wire tentacles! I played with this one all the time, as he was a lot of fun to pose around and ensnare the 10” Spider-Man figure. Despite not being 100% accurate to the show’s design, I really like this figure.


7. Spider-Man Classics Web Splasher Doc Ock



I never cared for the Ultimate Universe, despite how hard Marvel was pushing it at one point. That said, even I can admire the accurate sculpt work that went into this Ultimate Universe Doc Ock. He looked like he stepped right out of a Bagley issue of the “Ultimate Spider-Man” series, save for one detail; his tentacles, which were made into an action feature used to shoot water. If not for that, there’s a good chance this figure would have ranked higher up on the list, given his sculpt, paint and articulation.


6. Spider-Power Series II Doctor Octopus



I loved this figure as a kid. He looked like he stepped right ouf the pages of “The Amazing Spider-Man” #426-428, which I had recently gotten in the mail from Marvel’s subscription service at the time. He even came with an Octobot from the 90’s animated series! My only complaint, was that the better tentacles were on the Octobot, while the regular figure had these cheap ones that almost always eventually lost their shape due to the cheap material used in their construction. Still, that sculpt and paint job was just fantastic, bad tentacles aside. This was another Doc Ock figure I covered in the Spider-Power Series II look back, which you should also check out on this fine site.


5. Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man (2024)


Some of you may find this to be a copout, but hey, it’s Doc Ock’s brain in Spider-Man’s body, and it’s a really cool figure, so I’m including it. This 2024 figure came with 4 super-articulated waldos. But, if you didn’t want to include those, you could swap out the backpack for one without the arms attached for a nice variety of display options. He also featured 2 heads: One with big, blank, white eyes, and super reflective ones with a city scape painted in them! Hasbro also included alternate thwipping hands, fists, and open clawed hands. This was a great Otto figure that I just had to add to my ever-growing Spider-Verse display.


4. Marvel Legends Series VIII Doc Ock



I was so pumped when I found this figure on the shelf at my old KB Toys (remember those?)! He had bendy-wire tentacles, and each finger on the tentacles were articulated, too! His sculpt, complete with its smug smile, was just excellent! My only complaint was that the tentacles were a then-modern design, which didn’t match the classic costume Ock was sporting here. The prototype one the back of the box displayed him with classic, articulated tentacles, but, for one reason or another, those arms didn’t make it to production. To top it off, this figure came with a trading card, comic book, and display stand. What more could you ask for? Aside from classic tentacles, I mean.


3. Marvel Legends Doc Ock vs Silk 2-Pack


As part of their 2022 Beyond Amazing: 60 Years of Spider-Man Marvel Legends anniversary line (boy, was that a mouthful!), Hasbro released this Amazon exclusive 2-pack with Silk and, of course, Doc Ock! This Doc Ock was a reuse of the 2018 figure that came in the SP//dr Build-A-Figure wave. So what made this figure better than the previous release? This figure comes with calm and angry heads, as well as expressive open hands and fists, while the previous figure only included one head, and one fist and an open hand with… nothing to hold. So yeah, there were improvements, but even still, it suffered from one big problem, the same one that plagued the previous version: pre-posed, non-bendy-wire tentacles. The claws spin around, but you’re stuck in the pose Hasbro placed them in. Hating this, I gave him the tentacles from the Marvel Legends Series VIII figure, and it dramatically improves him! The figure itself has a great sculpt, and nice colors (though I prefer the orange on the previous figure to this figure’s yellow) with updated articulation from the Series VIII release. I just hope that someday Hasbro decides to give him classic bendy-wire tentacles. Mayyyyyybe on that Retro Secret Wars packaging? Please, Hasbro?


2. “Spider-Man: No Way Home” Doc Ock



Listen, I don’t care what that packaging says, this is Doc Ock as he appeared in “No Way Home”, not “Spider-Man 2”. You can tell by his stylish turtleneck. Why would Hasbro make such a seemingly obvious error? I’m assuming it had something to do with likeness rights, as they did a similar thing to Andre Garfield’s Spider-Man figure from “No Way Home”, which said “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” on the box.  With that out of the way, this Doc Ock has the much-desired bendy wire tentacles, and even includes alternate claws for the tentacles, so you can try and balance him on them, as if they’re propelling him upwards to scale a building and crush the Web-Swinger! He also has an excellent sculpt, and a great Alfred Molina likeness. With modern articulation (gone are the ball-jointed hips) and a design that I personally prefer, you can see why I added this guy to the list instead of one of ToyBiz’s movie Doc Ock figures. My only complaint is that the articulated claws on the tentacles can sometimes pop off, but they thankfully pop back on without any problems.


1. Marvel Legends “Spider-Man: The Animated Series” VHS Doc Ock and Aunt May 2-Pack



I just wanna start by saying that the Animated Series is not my favorite look for Doc Ock; that honor falls to the green and orange jumpsuit. So why, then, is this figure in the number one spot? Well, he’s got those classic bendy-wire tentacles that I’ve been wanting for years, at this point! His sculpt is also way more accurate to the cartoon than even the original ToyBiz figure was (I assume they were working off of early concept art). So, with excellent paint, sculpt and articulation, I had to make him number one! My biggest complaint isn’t one in regards to the figure, but in regards to comments made by one of Hasbro’s employees when he was revealed. He claimed that these tentacles would work on the Silk 2-pack Doc Ock (or the earlier version from the SP//dr BAF wave), and they clearly do not. I was disappointed to say the least, but not at all by the figure itself! I mean, he even comes with an Aunt May to sweet talk at his fake clinic while her nephew battles the rest of the Insidious Six! If you’re a fan of the animated series, and Doc Ock in general, you won’t want this one to pass you by!


And there you have it, my list of the top ten Doc Ock action figures. Did yours make the list? Either way, let me know in the comments section below!

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  1. @ Evan Berry: Thank you! And it’s in the middle of some renovations, so to speak, but once I finish a few customs, and get a few figures from the upcoming Retro wave, I’ll be happy to. I should also mention that I put a bunch of his allies on this shelf, too, so Prowler and Black Cat are there, as well.

  2. @Bill – Great list! I just have to ask: Can you share a picture of your ever-growing Spider-verse display? I’d love to see it.

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