What Variant Will You Be Picking Up This Week?
Amazing Spider-Man #61 (2nd Printing)
Aliens vs Avengers #2 (2nd Printing)
What Variant Will You Be Picking Up This Week?
Amazing Spider-Man #61 (2nd Printing)
Aliens vs Avengers #2 (2nd Printing)
While I'm not helping my students above the age of fifty, get to grips with new technology, I keep myself busy by staying up-to date on new tech, as well as picking and choosing specific items for my Spidey collection, and one of these I hope to add a unique Silver Sable piece to it.
Amazing Spider-Man #21 Carnage #14 Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #12 (Black Cat) Silk #14 (Mattie Franklin) Spider-Man #9 (Venom – Flash Thompson) Champions #1.MU (First Look) The Clone Conspiracy #3 (First Look) Previews provided by Comic […]
Marvel sent over previews for Spidey books coming out on 06-12-24. What will you be picking up?
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2Superior Spider-Man #2 Previews Provided By Adventures In Poor Taste & AV Club Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2 STORY BY: Tom TaylorART BY: Juann CabalCOVER BY: Andrew Robinson, Bryan Hitch Spider-Man is the worst […]