Panel of the Day #1582 (Splash Page Sunday!)

Talk about bad timing!

Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #57

Published: c. February, 1995?
Cover Date: April, 1995

“Aftershocks, Part 1”
Writer: Howard Mackie
Artist: John Romita Jr.
Inker: Joe Rubinstein
Letterer: Kevin Tinsley
Colorist: Richard Starkings and Comicraft

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  1. @Evan: Considering that they’ve been reprinting the entire Clone Saga in trade paperback and omnibus formats somewhat regularly for the past decade+, I’d say that there’s some fan interest in owning it.

  2. The copyright at the bottom says 2016. Was there a compendium of the entire clone saga that this came from? Would anyone besides Zach Joiner buy it?

  3. Ah, the memories… This was probably among my first Spider-man comics (here they were bundled together in 3-4 stories for issue), if not the very first. I was very little and coming from the ’90s cartoon. Imagine my confusion.

  4. LOL at JRJR being a “guest penciller”. Like the normal penciller wasn’t available so they had to “settle” for JRJR.

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