The Chi✶Town Breakdown: USM #7 (2024)

It’s July…are we tired of the pre, post, and whatever-its-warm-outside-so-lets-shoot-some-off fireworks celebrations?  I know I am, but this issue still has enough pop that you can shoot a web at Dark Mark said to use that line and promised it will kill in my review.  I told him it wasn’t a good idea, but I decided to humor him instead.  Just remember…

The genie is out of the bottle and The Parkers and now fully aware that Peter is Spider-Man.  So what is next?  Has “Spider-Man” become a family project now?  What is next on Harry’s agenda?  Do MJ and Gwen tag team to help Ben and Jonah’s paper business?  Join me Crawlspacers, as we *squints and reads the paper that Mark wants him use* canon ball into this ultimate pool of excitement that will surely get your Spidey swim trunks a tingle…



(Writer) Jonathan Hickman
Marco Checchetto
(Colorist) Matthew Wilson
(Letterer) VC’s Corry Petit 
Wil Moss
C.B. Cebulski
Date Released
Issue Number
Price Tag:

STORY:   Otto explains in detail to both Harry and Spider-Man that their suits are made from Stark Tech.  Meanwhile, our very own George Berryman just gagged and threw up somewhere on his comic after reading that.  I’m afraid he’s going to need a “barf bag” because Otto just suggested that each suit will have their very own “Jarvis”.  Spider-Man suggested his A.I. will be programed to his personality, while Harry suggests that his father personality, Norman Osborn, be programmed to his AI.  What could possibly go wrong with that idea?

..Just..let that sink in….give it a few seconds…

Meanwhile Ben and Jonah just stood up MJ and Gwen to meet up with Robbie Robertson in a parking garage to exchange some juicy information.  That “scoundrel” Robbie will be the inside man at The Bugle for The Paper the time being.  Elsewhere, Wilson Fisk meets with Captain Britain who offers Fisk “Bullseye Clone Force 99” since Fisk lost one.  Wilson denies them because he has another idea, SIX of them in fact.  Back at Oscorp, Green Goblin and Spider-Man engage in a sparing session and activate their A.I.’s for round two.  Norman is the voice inside Harry’s head and you already see the seeds being planted while Peter’s A.I. is just basically Peter talking to himself.  However, Otto detects a third signal and since it’s July, that means the six month free trail period has expired and Iron Lad teleports in to find out if Peter has enjoyed his powers/suit so he can join the Ultimates for $9.95 per month.

Goblin Seeds:   I was wondering HOW Hickman was going to play this Green Goblin card.  Now, it’s pretty obvious.  In most of (early) media formats (that includes comics) Norman hears voices in his head after he took the Goblin Formula, that madness, turned him into the Green Goblin.  Norman also has a strained relationship with his son.  Norman pushes him too hard while Harry always tries to please his father.  With the personality of Norman being the A.I. of Harry’s suit, I can only assume this will drive Harry to become more true to who the Green Goblin is suppose to be.  I also imagine that once Stark showed up, he’s only expecting to recruit Peter, not Harry.  The A.I. may influence his son not to take that.

Self Motivation:   In other versions you get a Peter Parker that is always doubting himself and feeling responsible for EVERYTHING that is going wrong.  It’s to a point where he often acts like a “man child” and fans (especially older fans) are just tired of it.  THIS VERSION, is more mature and confident in himself, with just a few hiccups.  Now you have an A.I. suit the motivates him to keep on fighting, reminding Peter how amazing he is as a man, husband, or father.  Things and people in his life that make him strive to focus more and push on through obstacles.
Hickman did promise us a Spider-Man we haven’t seen before and he is fulfilling that promise on all accounts.  Not only is a Spider-Man/Peter Parker we haven’t seen before, but it’s also the type we ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE and read about!  This A.I. could influence the positivity in his personality that will chime in when the chips are down, to be the angel on his shoulder cheering him on.  To be fair, 616 Peter did gain a second wing and remember what and who he fought for, when in a bind.  This A.I. could inspire him so he’s more prepared BEFORE Spidey gets into a tough spot and remind him….

Inside Man:   There’s a lot to cheer about the dynamic between Ben and Jonah, but to add Robbie into the mix just feels so right.  Hickman delivers a twist that could add some nice drama to the book that already has drama the fans want.  Really good for the characterization.  I was kinda worried about him in issue number one, just bowing down before the new bosses.  Didn’t know he would pull this move and I’m glad Hickman designed it that way.

Interesting things to note:

  • Symbiote Suit:  In the comic Otto said that despite Harry’s suit being extremely advanced, Peter’s suit is beyond it.  There’s been speculation that Peter’s suit could be a symbiote suit.  Can’t really deny it since it functions like one.  I honestly don’t think Hickman is going that route because it functions more like NANO TECH more than anything else.  NOW, with A.I being introduced as being a part of the suit, Hickman could very well adapt this concept in future stories IF he were to go that route.
  • Sinister Six:  Kingpin just planted the seeds.
  • Captain Britain burns Wilson Fisk before meeting with him.  Thanks Google!

Grade:   Gonna give this one an A-.  Hickman has delivered a full circle in the span of 6 months with a in-depth story telling format that contains known characters that fit with inside their characterizations, the very opposite of Wells “6 Month” plan did in ASM (still makes no sense).  Hickman’s template delivers what Spider-Man Fans want in Spidey comic book.  Even though “Starkness” is poured on here like gravy, it doesn’t take me away from the characters because they aren’t going off their characterizations.  When they stray from who they are to suit Starks/Iron Lad needs, THEN it becomes a problem…MCU Spider-Man for example.  Checchetto artwork still provides the passion and excitement when reading this book.  As of right now, this comic has NOT made me upset or angry.  It excites me and hypes me up for the next issue.  THAT’S SOMETHING TO BUY INTO!


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  1. Mark: I wouldn’t go so far to call your suggestions “Gems”. I consider them more…”pyrite”. I am still liking this series and I’m glad I get to teach you a thing or two while click on and enjoy my reviews.

    Evan: Harry is delusional. A few more adventures with that A.I. voice yapping in his ear, he’ll become crazy. Hickman said it best in the issue when he wrote Peter’s A.I. “Guy needs therapy.” Peter keeping his ID secret, so he couldn’t really choose MJ. Besides, the REAL deal gives him all the support he needs. In 616 Peter is always overthinking and talking to himself, Hickman just put a twist on this. Really glad you are liking my reviews, it’s why I write them and even better when I enjoy the issue. I get to express the joy in reading a good comic, it feels great!

  2. You’d think that Norman would be the last person on whom Harry would choose to base his suit’s A.I. The fact that (a) he still feels the need to hear his father’s voice in his head at all and (b) he believes that listening to instructions from a computer and meeting its expectations will give him any sort of closure with his father makes me think that this is meant as an indication that he’s already a little crazy.

    At least Peter didn’t choose Mary Jane as his A.I. I was sort of expecting that.

    For what it’s worth, Chi-Town, it’s awesome to read in your reviews how much you’re enjoying this series.

  3. Got to say, the orange words were the best of the whole review!

    I’m behind on reading the issue, but didn’t want to be behind on my favorite Ultimate reviewer’s reviews! Glad to see you are still liking this run. I feared your excitement would fade around issue 5 or so. Did love the Google translation part!

    Keep it up Chi-Town! I’ll send you some more gems to spice up your prose!

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