The Chi✶Town Breakdown: USM #8 (2024)

August, a word that means “inspiring reverence or admiration.”, has come around in this issue just in time for school to start, so before you read this review, I want everyone to make sure they got all their homework done and bags prepared for the next day!  We all good?  Great!  So, what does Jonathan Hickman have in store for us?  For the first time, there isn’t a lot in this book to rave about, BUT it does plant MANY seeds to think about, while still keeping in with the template that we want in a Spidey book.  Let’s jump on in..

BEFORE we do jump in though, I do acknowledge that this review is late and there’s a very good reason for that.  You see, I was going to finish this piece off and send it out, but I saw leaks to ASM 950 and it just reminded me how happy I am to not read or review that book.  However, some people aren’t so lucky.  Now Dark Mark, Graig, and Ryan have been giving you their insight on their ASM reviews and I KNOW you love to read/watch them.  I thought in the week you read a review on ASM, a book that makes no sense, I would turn that frown upside down by publishing a review about a book, that MAKES ALL THE SENSE IN THE WORLD,  on the same week!  Clever huh?!  It’s the little things I like to do for our Crawlspacers.

Okay?  You believe that?  Good.  In we go!

(Writer) Jonathan Hickman
Marco Checchetto
(Colorist) Matthew Wilson
(Letterer) VC’s Corry Petit 
Wil Moss
C.B. Cebulski
Date Released
Issue Number
Price Tag:

STORY:   Richard and May share a birthday on the same date (what are the odds) and MJ asks Peter to pick up the cake on the way to the party.  As he’s about to leave, his suit begins to talk to him, which is strange because he’s not wearing it.  The suit tells him to give bday wishes to the kiddos.  Kinda creeped out (seriously, who wouldn’t be) Peter leaves for the bakery.  In a flashback we find out from Iron Lad that Peter is special and made the short list to “Heroes R Us”.  Harry didn’t make the list..maybe because he doesn’t have two adorable kids and a hawt redhead wife, BUT THAT’S JUST ME.  At the bakery, Jonah is giving the clerk a hard time, because he’s Jonah, while Ben offers Peter a job.  As The Parkers celebrate the bday party at the arcade, Wilson Fisk is feeling left out, so he hosts his OWN party…with the NINJA TURTLES!.  They couldn’t make it, so the runners up are Mr. Negative, Black Cat, Kraven, Mysterio, and Mole Man.

The Suit:   Okay, let’s talk about this suit and possibly at the end, I’ll blame Stark for it.  There are many different theories on where Hickman could be taking us to, so I thought it would be fun to isolate the different kinds that are floating in every Spider-Man fan’s brain.

As I said in my last review, this could be Peter’s very own “Jarvis”, since this thing did come from Stark.  I personally do not read, Iron Man.  However, I know well enough that Jarvis is Tony Stark’s personal AI assistant in the MCU.  In the comics, he’s a real person, a butler that serves the Avengers.  In the panel above, it mirrors the MCU version and I can see Hickman giving Peter and the suit the Michael Knight/K.I.T.T relationship.  I would actually enjoy that aspect, because I grew up in the 80’s.  That concept isn’t new since that his the route the MCU did with Tom Holland’s Spider-Man.  Of course you have to look on both sides of the coin and see that this relationship could turn out to be the quite opposite and head down an ultimate version of 2001: A Space Odyssey.  I can potentially see Peter teaming up with Harry to take down their A.I.’s.

Then there’s that OTHER possibility.

We are all thinking the SAME thing!  There are just too many similarities NOT to think this could be 6160 version of the Alien Costume Saga!  Tony did say that his FATHER created this suit, however it’s BEYOND his knowledge on how it is constructed or how it works.  So whatever happens, the fault still falls on Stark…

Planting The Seeds:

  1. Green Goblin – Harry didn’t make the list.  I really like what Hickman is doing here.  He’s wearing a suit, an AI of Norman is talking to him, and just found out that he didn’t even matter in the grand scheme of things.  I wonder if Norman was yapping in his ear once that was said.  “Why doesn’t that surprise me, son?”.  Theres enough “shoving” to push Harry over the edge, but he still has Gwen to think about.  Otto will become Doc Ock at some point in this run.  I think it would be a good twist if Harry reaches his “Turning Point” if something were to happen to Gwen…by the Brooklyn Bridge.
  2. The Sinister Six  – This is the starting lineup for your USM Sinister Six.  Kingpin, Mr. Negative, Black Cat, Kraven, Mysterio, and Mole Man.  Not happy with Hickman using Mr. Negative, like why not Hammerhead?  I get it, Mr. Negative really made his name in the popular PS4 game, fine.  Still less Slott characters the better.  Not sure why Mole Man (an Fantastic Four rouge) is here, but Hickman hasn’t let us down yet, so I’ll allow it.  Of course Kraven is there, but Black Cat is interesting.  It’s Walter Hardy, not Felicia.  In a panel, Felicia looks different from her 616 counterpart and younger.  Very curious on how Hickman will play with this character out.  Then of course, my favorite, MYSTERIO.
    We know NOTHING on him so far and I hope Hickman keeps that Mystery alive for a while.  I reminds me of Stan Lee not letting us know who Green Goblin was for a long time, or when Roger Stern kept The Hobgoblin’s identity a secret.  I want to point out in the original USM, that Mysterio was actually 616 Mysterio who was dimensional hopping around.  I don’t think that’s the case for this variant and I hope not.  I want Hickman to keep him a mystery for a long time.  He could be anyone!
  3. Working for The Paper  – I would love for Peter to actually work for Uncle Ben and Jonah.  However, I do think Peter should continue to work for the Daily Bugle undercover with Robbie Robertson.  So I’m torn.  I suppose it would make more sense for Peter to work for The Paper.  Fisk won’t care and see it more of Peter following his Uncle and get a new photographer.  Not sure where Uncle Ben and Jonah have the money to give Peter a raise so I’m curious as you to see where this leads and what MJ thinks of it.
  4. Richard has a mentor – This is a Spider-Marriage book, but it was Jonah that really made us smile.  Gives Richard the “you are not alone in this crazy world we live in” talk.  Jonah is as tough as nails, save a buck, his opinion only matters, type of guy.  Yet there’s a softer side we all admire.  He can wear his heart on his sleeve every now and then and come out shinning.  It’s nice to see Hickman using this as a possible mentor to Richard and I hope we see more of it.


Interesting Things To Note:

Arcade – An X-Men villain nod!

Birthday – It’s August and that’s the month for Spider-Man Day!  Fitting for the kids bday to be on the same month!

Jonah – This guy cracks me up!!!

Grade:   Giving this one a solid B.  This issue a “seeds planting” story with character development vibes.  It’s great, but we do want a little action in a Spider-Man book.  Not there is not much to breakdown, HOWEVER don’t let it take you out of the story.  Hickman still delivers humor, personality, and relatability issues in this book that defines some key actions to Spider-Man.  Both he and Marco are still firing on all cylinders, given how they are playing out this story.  It’s an enjoyable read and highly recommend you buy this book.

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