Wells & Romita Jr Run Coming To An End

(Marvel.com Press release)


Tombstone’s revenge! Spanning multiple issues, Spidey’s most brutal battle begins in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #58.

Hitting stands in September, the visceral issue will kick off the climactic final arc of Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr.’s epic run!


Written by ZEB WELLS

Art and Cover by JOHN ROMITA JR.

On Sale 9/11

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  1. You could do without that blatant disrespect for Mickey Mouse. You know, the beloved and respected comic character who’s got absolutely nothing to envy to Spider-Man, or most other comic protagonists, for that matter? Jfc. I know Mice Comics are generally not as worshipped as Duck Comics, but calling their main character a mere icon is crossing the line. And even if you do hate Disney Comics as you seem to do, you still have to admit there’s a reason if Mickey has been a comic lead (first in strips, then in magazines) uninterruptedly since 8 years before Superman. I’m repeating myself, but… Jfc.

  2. Ya I’ll have to agree with you guys. I’m not super excited either, since no matter who they will get, editorial is gonna wreck everything.

    Spiderman has become radioactive (pun intended) to the biggest talents in the industry,as they know that editorial will meddle.with their stuff, and usually creatives don’t like that kind of interference.

  3. As somebody who has strongly disliked most of this run, this news should excite me, but it doesn’t. While there have been sparks of greatness these past sixteen years, the last truly great Spider-Man run was still JMS’s in my opinion. The best we’ve had since then was probably Chip Zdarsky’s, which was admittedly on the uneven side. Nick Spencer’s was mostly great until editorial completely derailed it at the end. Brand New Day was all over the place, Dan Slott’s became unbearable during its last few years and Zeb Wells’s has mostly been trash. Oh, and we had Tom Taylor’s which was…fine.

    What reason do we have to believe that the next run will be any better? Marvel hasn’t known what to do with their flagship character ever since 2008 and it doesn’t seem like anything has changed. I want to be optimistic, but it seems that every time I get my hopes up, I’m disappointed.

  4. I would feel relief but honestly we have no idea who’s replacing him. It might be a writer who is even worse.

    Also, we HAD a good writer in Nick Spencer and its clear that editorial is running things with such a heavy hand that it doesn’t matter who they put in, editorial is overriding ideas.

    I am NOT someone who is “ride or die” for the Spider-marriage, thats not important to me. I read Spider-man for decades before he was married, I don’t think he NEEDS to be married in order to write a good spider-man story. I think the marriage felt editorially forced in 1987, and the writers other than JMS never seemed to have any interest or desire in writing Peter and MJ as a couple. So I dont care if he is married or not, I just want good stories and we haven’t had those in the main good for a long loooooong time now. It feels like the main book has been dumbed down to appeal to elementary school aged children compared to the rest of Marvel’s line. And thats a problem. Spider-man is more than just a figure on a letterhead. He’s more than just Marvel’s icon for a logo, their version of Mickey Mouse. He’s more than just a springboard for 10,000 iterations in every color and flavor of Spider-person. He was once a real character with real problems, a real job and real supporting cast – all of which have been missing for years now. When was the last time we even saw where Peter lives? Where is his apartment even?

    Spider-man needs more than just a new writer unfortuanetly, Marvel needs to remember who the character even is.

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