Marvel sent over previews for Spidey books coming out on April 4th, 2024. What will you be picking up?
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Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man #48-“The Vampire Queen”: “What development should’ve happenned between Blade & Lee? Deb and Flash never were main heroes, they always appeared in and…” Feb 27, 00:06
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man #48-“The Vampire Queen”: “What development should’ve happenned between Blade & Lee? Deb and Flash never were main heroes, they always appeared in and…” Feb 26, 23:58
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man episode #46-“Partners” Review: “Actually episode had 1 big and one medium bad moments, respectively: Vulture’s spider-illness being mysteriously gone and Scorpion being one…” Feb 26, 09:18
Joshua Nelson on Best Spider-Man Stories by Decade: the 2000s: “@Zemox The entire “color” series by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale is great. Of the four, Hulk: Gray is probably…” Feb 25, 02:08
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man episode #43-“The Cat” Review: “Tiana didn’t beat Doc Ock in hand-to-hand or brain-to-brain combat but just used technology he earlier used, so criticism is…” Feb 24, 08:29
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man episode #42-“Guilty” Review: “Well Aunt May always sees good in people and she doesn’t say anything bad to Peter. Anna is obviously in…” Feb 24, 02:59
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