So…Peter WILLINGLY got bit by a radioactive spider and gained spider powers. Are these powers different or similar to the spider-powers we know of? Will Peter start dawning his traditional red and blues soon? Has his family taken notice on how fit he is over night?
Hey Crawlspacers! I’m back for another review to our NOW favorite Spidey Title. Ever since the first issue came out (it’s already on it’s 3rd printing), fans could hardly wait until the next installment. Before I carry on with this review, I like you to take notice of the new feature image. Dark Mark (my best bud, apparently) has used a picture of me in my costume on his feature image when doing his reviews. Usually I would have my rendition of everyone’s favorite redhead and myself (drawn by Carlos Gomez), but decided to change it up to MY “Mary Jane” in my life. So there’s my beautiful wife in her MJ cosplay along side me in my very FIRST Spider-Man costume. I thought it was fitting since the 6160 OG Spider-Man Costume looks a bit more old school. Dark Mark approved of it, as he approves of everything I say and do. It says so right there on the feature image, so it must be true.
On to the review!!!
(Writer) Jonathan Hickman
(Artist) Marco Checchetto
(Colorist) Matthew Wilson
(Letterer) Joe Caramagna
(Editor) Wil Moss
(EIC) C.B. Cebulski
Date Released 2/21/2024
Issue Number #2
Price Tag: $5.99
STORY: February has hit the universe and little May is scared of an image of this “Spider-Man” that is running around the city. Her brother, Richard assures her it’s not real and it’s photoshop. Peter assures May that there’s nothing to worry about because he’s a dad and “Dad’s know everything.” (hint, hint, wink, wink). Mary Jane is about to head out and notices that her husband is more fit than usual and plans to tap that a..(Brad: “Chi-Tooown….“). Fine, MJ makes a mental note to wear that special pink outfit Peter likes…(Brad: “CHI-TOWN!!!”). *sigh* MJ notices… (Brad: “Thank You.”) …his package. (Brad: “Damn it..”) Moving right along, we see how Peter is adjusting to his new found “Spider-Stick’em Powers” and how really strong he has become although he seems to have trouble stopping on a dime. Meanwhile Jonah and Ben (The Internet’s new ODD COUPLE) are discussing on what narrative to follow. While The Bugle publishes the mysterious appearance of Spider-Man. The men decide to tackle who the mysterious figure that tried to kill Wilson Fisk and why. Peter comes face to face with his first supervillain, The Shocker. It doesn’t go well and Shocker easily outsmarts and defeats him. When Peter returns home, it’s May that discovers that her father is Spider-Man. Peter has a heart to heart with is daughter to ease her mind and she keeps his secret with having ice cream together to seal the deal. Fisk meets with Captain Britain to discuss what the Bugle is publishing and what real problem needs to be addressed. Britain puts Wilson in his place and reminds him to use the resources the “Council of The Maker” has provided him with, to deal with the real problem. Shocker uses the ol’ “Wife is Sick, need money” gag on Spidey in round two, Peter falls for it and is defeated again, with the Green Goblin watching in the shadows. Peter returns home feeling that maybe he’s not cut out for this and sees a note from May stating that he’s the “Best Dad” on the fridge with a red and blue design of his spider emblem.
- The tone is set in Peter being a family man first and a superhero second. It is implied that May’s drawing will be the inspiration to how Peter designs his red and blues. Like the many interpretations of Superman over the years when someone compliments his costume, the reply is “Thanks, my Mom made it.”. In the animated feature Justice League Final Frontier (I know, I’m using a lot of DC comparisons to a Marvel character, just stay with me on this…) Batman tells Superman when questioned on his new costume “Let’s just say I set out to scare criminals, not children.”. I believe Hickman is following that template, that Peter will design his costume to be more “Friendly Neighborhood” instead of “Angry Back Alley” thanks to the inspiration of his daughter. May’s fear on Peter’s dark costume reminds to what David Michelinie wrote in ASM #300 where Mary Jane acts the same way towards another “dark costume” and presents Peter with a classic red and blue suit instead. If Hickman outline into designing Peter’s costume in this run, becomes a “Parker Family Project”, I am all on board with that. It’s something new and a nod to Spider-Man continuity.
Speaking of nods, can we just all appreciate how Hickman used the most hated words in the Spider-Man comic book continuity by making it an beacon of hope and light? I’m not saying Hickman was throwing shade on OMD (Dark Mark: “You ARE totally saying that.”) …BUT, if he were, fans would welcome that with open arms.
- Spidey meets his first supervillain and gets OWNED, TWICE! I like how Hickman writes Spidey here, but LOVE how he writes Shocker. It’s nice to see that a C-List villain is following the “How to defeat a Newbie-Hero” step by step, it’s hysterical! According the comic, it’s two weeks since Peter received his powers and even though he’s 0-2 right now, he’s still picking up “wins” in the progress he’s making. Not sure why Checchetto went with a different buffer design with Shocker, but I do like it. Makes Herman a bit more intimidating.
- The other interesting element in this book is the Ben Parker and Jonah Jameson dynamic. Two veterans that take the responsibility of being a journalist and informing the public of the truth, quite seriously. You know how Uncle Ben influence Peter to BE Spider-Man? Well, in this universe, I think he’s influencing Jonah to be the best journalist, which is why you don’t see any classic Jonah mannerisms. Sure, he’s still Jonah, but a more “toned down” Jonah. Still haven’t given the name to the paper yet, but I would love to hear your suggestions down below. Going off track a bit, but this dynamic reminds me of how JR and George talk on the podcast. So if you enjoyed this dynamic in this comic, you’ll sure enjoy the banter dynamic in “Spider-History” or “Friday Night Fights.” I’m not wrong about this, unless those two comment and say I’m wrong. Even if that happens I still don’t think I’m wrong.
Less Stark the better. I don’t like Tony Stark/Iron Man tech or his influence on Spider-Man! (George: “Atta, boy!”) The MCU is to blame on that. That’s a whole other discussion but seeing Peter’s suit be all Stark nano tech to reveal his face, just makes my skin crawl. 6 month down the line, I guess he’ll meet “Iron Lad”, I don’t care, I need less Iron Man in my favorite or ANY Spider-Man Comic.
Which brings me to the webbing. It wasn’t addressed. Did Peter make them? Are they organic like the Rami-Version?(honestly, I would be okay with) Or are they GOD FORBID, Stark tech? Kinda wish Hickman addressed that and hopefully he does in issue number three. Peter is a smart guy, but I don’t think he’s much of a scientist in this universe, otherwise he would have pursued that career in his youth since he wasn’t Spider-Man. Why journalism? Point being, I’m really hoping and leaning that his webbing is organic.
- Lying to his wife. SIGH. I guess you can say it’s “technically” not lying. As Spider-Man he’s taking pictures of himself to sell at the bugle which is considered “working”. However, Peter is being less than truthful when this “change in his life” is to WILLINGLY be bitten by a RADIOACTIVE spider because THE MOST HATED MAN IN THAT UINVERSE said it would be a “good” thing. There’s too many variables to that equation that are left unresolved before you can solve the problem. One more variable is that now his KID knows about it and asked her to keep in a secret. Peter does plan to tell the rest of the family about it, but speaking as a married man with two kids. I honestly think my wife would consider this more a of a “risk” than a “change”. It’s got me fired up a bit, but I think that’s Hickman’s intent. This is the drama that will come up. True, as the reader, we know Peter is fine and got super powers and looks more fit, which I’m sure MJ is NOT going to complain about. Scaring his daughter and being less than truthful about his actions, that’s another pill that’s tough to swallow.
Gonna give this one an A. My pros outweigh my cons and the writing that Hickman delivers is solid. Marco Checchetto artwork is on point and dynamic! I especially love how he illustrates facial expressions on the characters in this book. Really shows depth in the story telling. Issue number 2 keeps this series on track and I’m still excited and patiently awaiting the next installment. It’s a fun read and honestly the best Spider-Man comic out there. You can buy variants to this one and still be very satisfied with the story telling. I would strongly suggest picking up this book.
Anyone else think this a right jab at the current run in ASM? I do and I love it.
Finally got around to reading it (I’m a little behind in my Marvel Unlimited – I read by the week they came out). I liked the second one better than the first one. I figure I’ll give #3 when it comes along and I’ll make sure to swing by and see what you had to say about it.
This is a Peter who is a family man, that’s his greatest responsibility prior to letting the spider bite him. Shocker saying he has a family appeals to Peter on a human level. Peter now thinks he understands Shocker a bit more and wants to give him the benefit of the doubt, but of course Shocker abuses Peter’s goodwill and tricks him. This is all a learning process for Peter and I think his naivety is justified. From now on, giving criminals the benefit of the doubt will be something he’ll think twice about.
I also think this version of Peter is trying to be very careful with how he interacts with bad guys since this is all very new to him. He’s just discovering everything he can do and wants to be absolutely certain about how much physical force he uses before resorting to it.
That’s the point: he is older! He is not a teenager, he is a grown man, he should know better.
This has nothing to do with super-heroing: the Shocker lied to him and outright tried to kill him (because not only the blast would have probably severely injured a normal man, but it pushed Peter over the edge of the building)! Would any of you really trust the words of a man like that?
But let’s say you can accept that Peter is just really naive and good at heart (to the point of being an idiot) as a character (which is only true for the modern version, but I digress). Meanwhile, the fact that 616-Peter is giving a chance to Osborn is inconceivable for some. That’s what I was saying, this is applying double standards.
Aqu: I would suggest that you have to remember this is older-Peter that has NO superhero-ing experience what so ever. 616 Peter has had a TON of experience, but this Peter is just learning on the fly.
Hornacek: I didn’t forget! I just chose not to mention it because seeing them banter was like watching George and JR banter. Then it would make you imagine George and JR named in a sauna with just towels around their waste. I DIDN’T want to put that image in your head, but you asked for it!
Mark: See? You approved of the review. I WIN.
@Dark Mark
I didn’t recall that example exactly, so I went to check the summary for his first two appearances and it doesn’t seem like the same instance.
Anyway, I highly doubt it’s a call back to that: too old and insignificant, in my opinion.
What’s silly is to believe a man who already deceived you. It’s not a matter of being good at vigiliantism, it’s just being logical.
For anyone who think it wasn’t dumb of Peter to be fooled twice like that, remember the saying: “fool me once…”.
@Mark: I think it’s a story worth investing in, and I do not say that lightly.
@Chi-Town – I haven’t read this yet (not sure if I want to invest in this story), but I still wanted to read the review. I approve on including your MJ on the feature and I approve of you including my name on your feature, but for the record, that does NOT constitute blanket approval of all things you say! I am very glad you have found a Spider book you like! I do agree that telling your kid to keep it a secret from your wife will NEVER end with something positive. Just watch _Suits_ and you’ll get that message hammered in. Nice review (but don’t let that go to your head).
Aqu@, I think the whole naive bit was probably a call back to Spider-Man and the Black Fox where something very similar happened.
You left out the most important part – the entire Jonah/Ben conversation takes place while they’re naked in a sauna.
@aqua: he isn’t an idiot he’s a naive guy who just became a super hero. It would be silly if he was immediately good at this. He should suck at first.
It surprises me to see that the common complaint here that 616-Peter is often characterized as a good-hearted idiot in his book (ASM), is not considered one of the cons in this one. Talk about bias. I disliked how he got fooled twice, with the same tactic, by the same man! I mean, come on!
The pace is too slow, almost on a Bendis-level(!); I want more from a 5 $ comic. But this complaint is valid for basically any series nowadays (gang war… Ugh!).
Also, where are the typical Hickman schematics found here and there in his comics, that add to what I’m reading in a way only a novel could do? For example, I expected to see one on how the costume works.
I have no problem with the costume or web-shooters being Stark technology, especially it they are quite high-tech, as long as it makes sense in the narration (as it is in this case): it’s more credible than a common guy developing incredible technology in his garage (I’m looking at you, first ASM movie, with your industry-quality costume).
As for Peter’s job, he may still be a smart guy with a scientific degree, but maybe he just continued on the path of his first part-time job as a photographer (which he may have gotten thanks to his uncle), because it granted him a secure job with a stable income, instead of trying to find another occupation with his degree. I mean, something like that happened to me too: I started with a job loosely tied to my degree and now that I need to change for the sake of my health, I can’t find something else.
“Give them nothing, and make them like it.” isn’t a jab at the current run of ASM (again, bias), it’s a statement on the current state of consumer products and the society in general. All style no substance, as they say.
I was too, but let’s not forget she’s very young: she probably didn’t think it through.
These are the first new spider-man comics i’ve bought in a couple of years, I’m really enjoying the story so far. Agree with the fail being stark tech, although when I read this I thought it was the symbiote somehow. Makes a lot more sense as stark tech though, and I hate it.
Biggest pro on this comic? I recognize these people! I don’t know who the characters over in Amazing are supposed to be.
@Evan: I was going to mention that, but forgot. May did kinda leave it out in the open hanging on the fridge like that. One could theorize that because Peter took the picture of Spider-Man, May did a drawing of the spider and no one would think the wiser to why.
I’m surprised May would just leave that drawing out in the open on the refrigerator like that, unless she knew for certain that Peter would be the first to see it and remove it before anyone else did.
As long as Jonah and Ben’s newspaper isn’t called Threats and Menaces, I’ll be happy.