Cobwebs Reprint: Why Did It Have to Be You, Deb Whitman?

In light of Chi-Town’s recent letter mention in ASM about his favorite character Deb Whitman, I decided to reprint this article so all of you can understand why he loves the character to much!  No need to thank me, Chi-Town; that’s just what best friends do!

Just ask any Spider-Man fan who Spidey’s number one love is and they’ll be sure to tell you – Deb Whitman.  So I think it is high time that we here at the Crawlspace give this girl her rightful due and dedicate a whole post to the wonder that is Deb.

Over the years, Peter has had a number of loves.  Some of those we’ve already discussed, some we will later, and some I’ll just let your imagination deal with.  Here is our list so far:

Betty Brant – Bertone has already completed an exhaustive review of her.
Mary Jane – JR’s “Why Did It Have to Be You, Mary Jane?” says all that needs to be said
Gwen Stacy – not a full review, but you can look at her many deaths from this previous Cobwebs post.
Marcy Kane
Deb Whitman
Lisa Skye – This Hostess dream girl is my favorite (and she may be the “Skye” that Peter dated in Tangled Webs #1, so she counts on this list.)
Cissy Ironwood
Black Cat – here, at least, is the inspiration behind the character
Lynn – OK, this was in a projected never completed, but Peter loved her so much that he proposed to her, so I’m including her on the list.
Captain Marvel
Sarah Rushman
Sara Bailey
Carly Cooper
Cindy Moon
Rebecca London

Contenders (but disputed as being actual loves)
Liz Allan
Silver Sable
Captain Jean DeWolff
Michelle Gonzales
Anna Maria Marconi

Of all these names, perhaps the most tragic is the story of Debra Whitman.

Debra Whitman was created by Marv Wolfman, but it was Bill Mantlo’s stories about her that made her who she is.  And, as you can see, she rocked the round glasses rims before Harry Potter made them cool.  Double And I want to say that that panel above is just an awesome bit of coloring.

Most of her appearances are short, one to two page deals.  Here is a quick break down of her and Peter’s relationship:

  • Almost forgets date due to a pretty new neighbor – 1
  • Ignores her – 3
  • Ends date early – 3
  • Blows her off so he can be Spider-Man – 5
  • Dates gone bad – 3 (once he took her to see the Purple Man in concert, another time he took her to a Renaissance fair but he talked to Alicia Masters the whole time, and the best one was the double date he took her on with Aunt May and Nathan Labinsky – to make matters worse, that double date gets crashed by aliens and Deb gets kidnapped by Mysterio)

On top of that, during her run in the comics, she drinks bad beer and goes crazy (along with everyone else in the bar where Lonesome Pinky was performing), her uncle was having problems with Namor and Peter told her it wasn’t any of his business (he later relents), got turned into a gold statue, and she starts to see a psychic named Madam Web.

It was like every author was told that Peter had a girlfriend and when they show Peter Parker, they should show him treating her awfully.  The few dates they do actually get through are rather dull and boring.  Once she asked him up to her apartment, but he said no that he wanted to keep this relationship more of a friendship.

She’s also rather clingy and a bit desperate to get his attention.  A big victim in all of this is Biff Rifkin, her old boyfriend that she starts dating again to make Peter jealous.  He seems to really care for her, but Deb seems strangely drawn to this awful relationship.  Bill Mantlo noticed how this was playing out in all of her appearances, and decided to write a story that would make her memorable.

This all goes down in Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man starting with #68 when Peter and Biff Rifkin start to get into it.  At this point, Debra is starting to show that she suspects something is odd about Peter (ya think?).

She tries to confront him on this the next day, but Peter is frustrated due to issues he is having with Dr. Sloan, his professor, and having just quit his teaching assistant job, so he is quite rude to her.  He says she made up some story about how he made her cry, so he then makes her cry and runs off, so she doesn’t get to confront him on his secret.  In the next issue she tries again to broach the subject, but is blown off once more.  It is that issue that she starts to doubt her sanity.

And she quickly goes to find help.

Dr. Kuklin, however, is a bit odd and completely lacking in patient/doctor confidentiality ethics.  But her visit to him brings us to the big (semi) finale of her existence in the Spider-Man mythos with Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man #74.

That is just an awesome cover.  I don’t know if I would call this a saga, though…

So we start off with Deb at the doctor telling him that she knows Peter is Spider-Man and him telling her that she is delusional.  Finally, we get this example of fine psychiatric help:

But it gets even better.  Not only is he completely disregarding doctor/patient confidentiality, but his “solution” is, as Disney’s Maui would put it, “straight up kooky-dukes”!

Peter throws the costume back in his face and walks out because, as he so eloquently put it, “The last thing Deb Whitman needs is someone she trusts playing games on her.”

At this point I feel the need to point out that I am not a licensed psychiatrist nor do I have a doctorate in psychology.  Maybe I’m being a bit hard on the good doctor.  So, if any of you have any medical background and would like to validate or refute my assessment of Dr. Kuklin, please do so in the comments section.

As he swings off, the writers put a shadow of the Black Cat watching him swing by.  She is to be his next love interest (he will actually reveal his identity to her soon) and it seems the writers can’t get Deb out of the way soon enough!

So after taking care of a little Doc OCk, Owl, and Kingpin business, Peter goes to see Biff Rifkin and we get a backstory out of nowhere about Deb.  Apparently, she had an abusive husband and Biff rescued her from it, but she refused to believe that the man she loves is abusive.  Biff reveals that he loves her and wants to marry her, but she doesn’t see it.  Somehow, hearing about her troubled past makes Peter think that the only way to help her is to reveal his identity to her. So, we get this scene:

Oh wait, that is the more interesting story line that is playing out in between the Deb story.  Take two:

And I can talk to fish!

Which gives him and the reader the most unexpected reaction:

So that’s it!  The next day she gets on a bus and leaves New York for good and we never see her again.  The comic ends with the Black Cat entering back into Peter’s life shwing us that Peter Parker just seems to attract the crazy ones.

As an added bonus, the comic features this ad for the first Spider-Man video game (or should I say, video action game?):



But wait!  There’s more!

The best thing to come from Marvel’s Civil War was Peter David’s take on the fall-out from Spider-Man revealing his secret identity.  In Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #14-16, we see the fall out this event has had on Debra.  She writes a book titled, How Peter Parker Ruined My Life.

The three issues deals with how Peter feels betrayed and Betty Brant and Flash Thompson (who at this time has reverted back to his tough jock bully status) feel the need to take up for Peter (well, Spider-Man in Flash’s case).  They all go to a book signing to confront her when the Vulture shows up (he was expecting Spider-Man to come and harass Deb).

Since this isn’t the Michael Keaton Vulture, he is easily dispatched.  It is then that we learn that Deb never wanted this book to be this way.  She needed money to pay her mother’s doctor bills.  The Daily Bugle was funding it, so they had a ghost writer to make a few changes to the title and story.


That is the last we’ve seen of her.

So you can plainly see why I am petitioning Sony to create a stand-alone Deb Whitman movie.

Deb also got a spot in the ‘90s animated series.  This time, she wasn’t Peter Parker’s girlfriend, but just friend at school.  She develops a crush on Morbius, gets into partying too much, goes out with Flash, and settles down.

Just in case you are wanting the full Debra Whitman story, here are all her appearances in order.  Why would you want this?  I don’t know.  I put together the info, so I figure I’d share it.

ASM 196 (Sept) – First Appearance
PPTSSM 36 (Nov)
ASM Annual #13 (Dec)

Fantastic Four 218 (May)
PPTSSM 42 (May)
PPTSSM 43 (June)
ASM 207 (Aug)
PPTSSM 46 (Sept)
PPTSSM 47 (Oct)
ASM 209 (Oct)
ASM Annual #14 (oct)
ASM 210 (Nov)
PPTSSM 48 (Nov)
ASM 211 (Dec)

ASM 212 (Jan)
PPTSSM 50 (Jan)
PPTSSM 51 (Feb)
ASM 213 (Feb)
ASM 215 (Apr)
ASM 216 (May) – First Biff Rifkin
PPTSSM 55 (May)
PPTSSM 56 (June)
ASM 217 (June)
Marvel Team-Up 106 (June)
ASM 218 (July)
MTU Annual #4 (Aug)
PPTSSM 58 (Sep)
PPTSSM Annual 3 (Oct)
ASM 221 (Oct)
PPTSSM 60 (Nov)
PPTSSM 61 (Dec)

ASM 225 (Feb)
ASM 227 (Apr)
PPTSSM 65 (Apr)
ASM 228 (May)
PPTSSM 66 (May)
PPTSSM 67 (June)
PPTSSM 68 (July)
PPTSSM 69 (Aug)
ASM 231 (Aug)
Marvel Two-in-One 90 (Aug)
ASM 232 (Sept)
PPTSSM 70 (Sept)
PPTSSM 72 (Nov)

PPTSSM 74 (Jan)

FNS 14 (Jan)
FNS 15 (Feb)
FNS 16 (Mar)



“Debra Whitman.” Marvel Animated Universe Wikia, Fandom, Accessed on 27 July 2017.


“List of Spider-Man Supporting Characters.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia, 11 July 2017, Accessed 14 July 2017.



All scans are from Marvel Unlimited and Read Comics Online (because Marvel Unlimited has some limits in its PPTSSM run but I still can’t see enough that you really should get this service if you love comics) and my copies of the comics are stored in the attic right now (I know – bad place for them!).


Animated Deb

Credible Hulk




‘Nuff Said!

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  1. @Brad and @Hornacek

    Brad – I do not like the cone of shame…

    Hornacek – Ha! I should have put that in there!

  2. You left out the best part of PPSSM #75 – Peter wondering if Deb would ever wonder how he got onto her balcony dressed as Spider-Man if she no longer believes that he’s Spider-Man?

  3. @Chi-Town, @Evan, and @Ryan

    Chi-Town – Modest as ever, I see! I’m proud of you, best buddy!

    Evan – I guess you guys aren’t ready for this, but your kids are going to love it!

    Ryan – I look to seeing your breakdown!

  4. Nicely done. I don’t know if my video review on Deb will be as well done as this, but great break down on her.

  5. Mark is too embarrassed that he got his letter printed in ASM during a crappy run so he’s directing it on me. None of this “For Chi-Town” is true. Deb Whitman is the little sister we never wanted. I have spoken.

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