MARCO SPEAKS SPIDEY: Uncanny Spider-Man (2023) #1 REVIEW

I really didn’t see this one coming, but I am actually really liking where this is going. Nightcrawler is the perfect mutant to take on the role of Spider-Man, and there are just so many new and fresh stories you can tell moving forward. It’s also nice seeing Peter Parker act as a caring brother to another fellow hero, who is literally running away and hiding in order to save his life, while simultaneously trying to figure out how to bring back his race to normalcy, or whatever passes for normalcy when you are a mutant. It’s also encouraging to see Nightcrawler getting so many fans in the comic book universe. He already has more admirers that Peter Parker in NYC! Mutant and Proud!



September 20, 2023


Si Spurrier


Lee Garbett

Cover Artist:

Tony Daniel

THE NIGHTCRAWLING WALL-CRAWLER! On the darkest of days, he is the spark in the shadows! After the devastating events of the Hellfire Gala, Kurt Wagner is on the run – and having the time of his life?! Swashbuckling about NYC in disguise, the Uncanny Wallcrawler sets aside his mutant angst and dedicates himself to the hero’s life: saving civilians, hanging with fellow wallcrawlers, battling baddies, and hunting down the best pizza on the planet. But he can’t ignore the mutant plight forever… Si Spurrier and Lee Garbett launch a joyful, sexy series that will shake Nightcrawler to his foundations – and have a hell of a good time doing it!


  • This comic book was a nice breath of fresh air as it featured a noob Webslinger’s new journey, and fresh yet nostalgic start. The Spider-Man mythology receives a refreshing update with the release of Uncanny Spider-Man #1, weaving together the classic essence of Peter Parker’s world with fresh threads of narrative and character dynamics, and most importantly a new main character taking on the role: Nightcrawler. Marvel’s decision to reboot the franchise, this time with one of the few remaining mutants on planet Earth, while risky, proves to be a calculated and successful maneuver, setting up a captivating premise for both long-time fans of the X-Men and newcomers to the world of Spider-Man. Readers got a treat this past week with Marvel mixing the very familiar Spider-Man formula with a new face. It’s a perfect jumping-on point for new and old fans alike.
  • Artwork & visual narration for this issue was a highlight with this issue, with epic NYC fights, comedic superheroics and surprisingly emotional scenes between Peter Parker and Nightcrawler. Right off the bat, the artwork is clearly astounding. The detailed illustrations bring a vibrant energy to the pages, bridging the gap between the classic mutant aesthetics of the X-Men and modern comic stylization of the latest Spider-Man titles. Each panel feels like a crafted piece of art, balancing dynamic action sequences with intricate, emotional close-ups. The color palette, simultaneously bold and muted, adds layers of mood to every scene, especially the dramatic exchanges between our two wall-crawlers.
  • While still grounding its narrative in the bustling streets of NYC, this new iteration introduces innovative plotlines in the bigger, grander scheme of the latest mutant developments. Without giving away spoilers, Nightcrawler’s new challenges transcend the physical, delving deep into moral quandaries and the essence of responsibility on behalf of his entire mutant race—a theme synonymous with Spider-Man.
  • The introduction of a new character taking on the role of Spider-Man, while initially met with skepticism by purists, turned out to be a masterstroke. Kurt’s relationship with Peter offers novel angles of exploration and deepens our understanding of the titular character. Meanwhile, old favorites, such as Vulture and Silver Sable… and even Mystique, are provided with more potentially more nuanced roles, making them more than just supporting characters.
  • This issue was the epitome of fan-service with crossovers & easter eggs galore, including appearances of Sentinels, Mystique, Vulture, and Silver Sable, just to name a few. For the eagle-eyed Marvel fanatics, this issue is a treasure trove of references, hinting at possible crossovers and future story arcs encompassing the entire realm of the Spider-Man family mixed in with the multiple existing X-Men arcs. Uncanny Spider-Man #1 definitely promises to offer us an intricate web of interconnected tales in the near future.


  • For pure, or sheltered, Spider-Man fans who are not so familiar with and exposed to the latest mutant events, there could have been maybe more detailed explanations of what really went on and what went wrong with the X-Men, leading to where Nightcrawler is now.


Uncanny Spider-Man #1 sets the stage for what promises to be an exhilarating chapter in the life of our favorite wall-crawler and his new partner and best friend, Nightcrawler. Grab your copy and get ready for a roller-coaster ride through the concrete jungles, accompanied by the timeless mantra, “With great power, comes great responsibility,” but this time, for a brand new hero in those sleek-looking Spider-Man tights. Uncanny Spider-Man #1 is a testament to Marvel’s commitment to keeping iconic characters, even the X-Men, relevant in ever-changing landscapes and ever-changing roles. While there are nods to the recent history of the mutants and X-Men, it doesn’t solely rely on past glories or tragedies. Instead, it bravely spins a web of new adventures, ensuring that Spider-Man remains as uncanny as ever, whether it be Peter Parker or Nightcrawler.

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