I hope it only hurts for a minute for their sakes.
Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #16
Published: c. July, 1964?
Cover Date: September, 1964
“Duel with Daredevil”
Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: Steve Ditko
Inker: Steve Ditko
Letterer: Sam Rosen
I hope it only hurts for a minute for their sakes.
Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #16
Published: c. July, 1964?
Cover Date: September, 1964
“Duel with Daredevil”
Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: Steve Ditko
Inker: Steve Ditko
Letterer: Sam Rosen
Lifelong fan of Spider-Man. My secret identity is Adam S.
Previously, on The Amazing Spider-Man: In the issues that preceded the battle with Shathra in one of the Spider-temples in Ghana (issue #48-vol.2), Peter was shown having deep insights about his spider-nature, a door never […]
Very bold of Electro to light up one of JJ’s cigars. Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 1) #56 Published: c. January, 1977? Cover Date: April, 1977 “Double Danger at the Daily Bugle!” Writer: Bill Mantlo Artist: Sal […]
Now let us all admire the fruits of their labor. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #130 Published: c. December, 1973? Cover Date: March, 1974 “Betrayed!” Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Ross Andru Inker: Frank Giacoia and Dave […]