Marvel sent over previews for Spidey books coming out November 23rd, 2022. What will you be picking up?
[embeddoc url=”https://www.spidermancrawlspace.comwp-content/uploads/2022/11/ASM2022014_Preview.pdf”] [embeddoc url=”https://www.spidermancrawlspace.comwp-content/uploads/2022/11/DEADLYSM2022002_Preview.pdf”]Spider-Previews 11-23-22

@Michael – Peter has no relationship with those 2 “future selves”. They might as well be complete strangers to him.
@hornacek- But Venom already has two evil future selves- Bedlam and Meridius. It wouldn’t have been too hard for one of them to become an enemy of Peter.
If they want a dark mirror villain, they should have an alternate universe Peter who maybe never had his uncle and aunt and grew up as an orphan with a much more harsh upbringing. We have spiders from a million different universes anyway, and it would make a lot more sense to have a new villain than try to make a character who wanted to be a hero 20 issues ago into a villain. But then, the current writers are all about shock value with almost no substance, which is why i find these previews kind of depressing.
@hornacek — That makes sense, but…well, there are other dark mirrors — like Otto Octavius, who used his intelligence and scientific acumen to lash out at humanity for what he endured during his upbringing, etc., instead of helping others.
Speaking of Venom, I saw in the February 2023 solicitations that Normie Osborn becomes the “Red Goblin.” When I saw this goblin on one of the variant covers for Gold Goblin, I thought it was maybe a reference to Norman’s turn with the symbiote. I wonder if Normie will have a symbiote now (and maybe be aged up), or if this is something entirely different.
I really just want to know what happened six months ago and wish the writers would focus on that, but I guess they need all this extra time in order to figure it out themselves.
Maybe the “need” to make Ben a villain is the need to have a villain that has the same/similar powers to the hero, a “dark mirror” of them. For awhile that was Venom, but with him permanently (?) a hero now, maybe they wanted to come up with a new version of this archetype?
I agree with hornacek!
I will say, maybe to get a conversation started, that I’m tired of Ben acting as a villain. I never cared for the clone saga or clones in general, but it just seems to me that he and Peter were always more like brothers, so I don’t understand the need to make him a villain.
I always read these Previews posts but I don’t usually have anything to add so I don’t comment on them. But I appreciate them!