Alford Notes: Amazing Spider-Man #5

Tombstone got the best of Spidey.  Will he just take it?  Find a way to strike back?  Or worse – get his butt handed to him all over again?  You know one way or the other, we have to have some sort of resolution because next issue is the big 900!  All this and a letter from my FAVORITE Crawlspacer!  Read on, friends!

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Story Title:  We don’t do these anymore, but I am bitter about it and will not remove this section of the credits

Writer: Zeb Wells

Pencils: John Romita, Jr

Inker: Scott Hanna

Colorist: Marcio Menyz

Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramanga

Cover Artists: John Romita, Jr, Scott Hanna, and Marcio Menyz

Asst. Editor: Lindsey Cohick and Kaeden McGahey

Editor: Nick Lowe

Published: July 6, 2022


OK, I know what you are thinking.  You were thinking that this was supposed to be Chi-Town’s issue and I know you remembered by thinking, ‘Chi-Town’s odd so he has the odd numbered issues.’  Well, you’re right.  Chi-Town is odd and this IS supposed to be his issue, but apparently this is his week for the Crawlspace beach house (I’m not at all frustrated that my week is in peak hurricane season) and so he couldn’t bother to get his lazy butt off the beach to do his duty for the Crawlspace and our readers.  The good news is that I am here, which for all of you is like not getting the hamburger you ordered, but instead a 10-ounce filet mignon – and at the same price as the burger!  Enough of that, let’s get on with the show!


Remedial ASM 101

Something happened 6 months ago.  We don’t know what.  It involved an explosion.  Also, during those six months, Peter has managed to alienate pretty much everyone. On top of that, MJ is now mommy of two with Paul, a guy, who I think we can all agree on, is just perfect for her.  Recently, in an attempt to stop Tombstone’s men from escalating a gang war, Spider-Man was duped and pretty much won the war for Tombstone, who instead of fighting, was enjoying some quality time with Robbie and their soon-to-be-wed children.

The Story – Pay Attention, This Will Be on the Test

So where was Digger while Spider-Man was tearing through the Rose’s ranks last issue?  Apparently getting an ice cream cone. The heads of all the crime families meet together and while they are slightly upset over Tombstone going after Crime Master and The Rose, they are more worried that Tombstone is teaming up with Spider-Man.  But he allays their fears.

Meanwhile, Spidey decides to try a team-up with Digger and sends him over to destroy a major shipment of Tombstone’s.  He’s happy to do it since he hopes it will make the Rose forgive him for not be around to save him against Spidey.  While he is doing that, Spidey gloats a bit with Tombstone.  We end with Peter and May burying the hatchet – at least for now.



We are coming up on the end of the first arc and I think we are seeing some good progress here.  I am nigh positive that the six-month thing will be hinted at in the next arc and fully realized in the one after that.  Any longer will be extremely frustrating.

Tombstone – Let’s deal with the story at hand.  Tombstone becomes relevant again and he didn’t need some power upgrade for it.  He just needed the opportunity (and I still think a little of White Rabbit’s intellect).  I like that!  Too often we see villains that were once a hard fight for Spidey get beat one too many times and fall away as a non-threat unless they come back super-charged or something.  Tombstone is making a good crime boss here and while he doesn’t have the full Kingpin weight (ha! get it?), he’s building it.  Spidey got outwitted.  So how do we resolve it?  We have Spidey respond in kind.

I know some of you might be upset that nothing really changed.  Tombstone is still free and Spider-Man is still a pulpy mess.  That’s OK.  This is just chapter 1.  Plus, this story isn’t about Tombstone (though his characterization does benefit from it), it’s about Peter.  He’s down – but he is not out.  This is Peter’s road to recovery and he’s back.  Thankfully, no long drawn out angst.  He hit a low, but now he is ready to fight for what is right (and is going to do it smartly, too)!

Black Cat – She’s pulling MJ duty here.  Peter’s down and needs someone to believe in him.  Felecia’s there – but not too much there.  There doesn’t seem to be a hint that she’s looking to hook Peter, just looking to help out as a friend and confidant (and of course to flirt a little). The way this is written, I completely believe she will serve in this role until whatever thing MJ is a part of is over and MJ can step back in.

Aunt May – Some people were very upset by the distance between them in issue #1, but I felt it was well done.  He’s keeping a secret from her and that’s going to cause issues.  It has always caused issues (Remember when he dropped out of college?  She didn’t talk to him for a long time!).  Yet, the way I read it, she was willing to forgive.  It hurt, but she was there.  Peter was the one who was distant.  Now that he has a bit of confidence back, he’s ready to restore that relationship.  He’s not ready to trust/burden her with his secret, but I think we can see that at the very least, she is willing to accept that he is hiding something from her, and more likely suspects what it is, and maybe even knows and is just not telling him out of respect for his wishes.

Just want to point out something here.  While I may not be the biggest fan of JRjr’s art, I really like what he did here with the panels.  He likes nice orderly panels, but this one panel doesn’t fit like the others on this page or the facing page.  Why?  Because Peter has not come fully to where he needs to be.  He is off-centered, but Aunt May isn’t.  She ‘fixes’ the situation (and thus panels) for the time being.  That also tells us that this secret identity may be revisited later.


CLOTI (Crawlspace Letter of the Issue!)

So, I turn to the letters pages and lo and behold, there it is!  A letter from my favorite Crawlspacer!  Congratulations Javi!

Robbing Peter to pay Paul!  Ha!  That’s great!  Classic Javi!
Sorry for the poor-quality image – Long story behind that that no one really cares to hear (stupid Amazon ruining my Comixology experience…).


Extra Credit

I may be just remembering wrong (I am pretty old), but didn’t someone pay off the debt collector an issue or two ago?


Final Grade

A good ending to a good first arc.  It’s been pretty consistent for me and gives me hope for the arcs to come!  The pacing wasn’t too slow and the action was street level.  Let’s hope Wells and Romita can keep it up!



What’s Next?

  • The nine-hundredth issue of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN comes out the month of Spider-Man’s 60th Anniversary, and we are pulling out ALL THE STOPS!
  • Someone from Spider-Man’s past has captured the Sinister Six and used them to create the truly terrifying SINISTER ADAPTOID!
  • This is one of the biggest adventures in Spider-History and you will not believe the ending!


Wait, There’s More?

OK, so I went back to the letters pages to re-read that fine letter by our outstanding contributor and my personal friend and 007-buddy Javi, and I did see yet another Crawlspacer with his name in print (again).   Maybe if he spent the same amount of time writing reviews as he does writing letters, I wouldn’t have been tasked with covering for him this week…

Notice that they never actually verified that this would be worth it. Anyhoo, congratulations are in order for my best buddy Peter.  And since it was such a heart-felt and personal letter, I guess I would be the bad guy if I completely ignored it…


I’m calling on all Crawlspacers to start a letter writing campaign to the Spider-Offices banning all letters from Chicago and suburbs thereof!  Guys, you don’t know what it’s like when he gets these printed.  It’s constant texts!  And then more texts!  And Facebook posts! If his head gets any bigger, well… just get those anti-Chicago letters sent, friends!  Not because I’m acrimonious – quite the contrary!  It’s purely for his own good!  His poor wife and kids….








‘Nuff Said!

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  1. IT WAS MY WEEK AT THE CRAWLSPACE BEACH HOUSE! I don’t make the schedule dude, talk to Brad. At least I prepared you so you would cover the issue, I knew I had too. Otherwise you would be walking the halls of Crawlspace HQ wondering “How come Chi-Town hasn’t posted his review yet?”. Even though it clearly says on the Crawlspace Staff Calendar “Chi-Town’s Week at Beach house (Dark Mark cover review)” in BOLD RED LETTERING FONT.

    “10-ounce filet mignon for the price of a hamburger”…..yeah right..if it were not cooked and still had ice burns on it maybe..

    Anyways, gonna give this issue an A- as well. Good to see Black Cat playing the temporary role of Mary Jane. Issue would have been an A+ if it actually WERE Mary Jane, but I digress. Spidey outsmarting Tombstone or is it more like “getting even”? Still more gonna fall through with those two. Congrats to Javi!!!! I’m so happy for him! See Mark, it isn’t hard. I mean if I can do it, EVEN WITHOUT sending in a letter (ASM#1 if you forgot) and STILL make it on the letters section, I’m sure… can do it. I did feel like Ferris Bueller taking my “Day Off” and you being Ed Rooney on the phone stating “9 times”. You are right now…Nick Lowe didn’t confirm that this run would be “WORTH IT” did he? Nor give any kind of reinsurance.

  2. @Chase the Blues Away

    I completely agree about them making the break-up a mystery box. All the frustration I feel is to do with the fact that Peter being split up with MJ is a mystery we’re meant to be excited for. It makes their break-up feel unearned, and it’s designed to frustrate the fans.

    There are interesting stories you can tell about Peter and MJ being broken up. If this is an interesting story about them being broken up, I’d enjoy reading it. But this is definitely the wrong way to tell a good story about Peter and MJ’s breaking up.

    The history of the two characters should be respected. And the fact that Spidey fans have been jerked around in regards to the two characters should be respected too. Sadly, I don’t feel like that respect is there.

    But in regards to the issue itself, I loved it. Tombstone was great. I enjoyed Black Cat. But above all, Digger and his multiple personalities in wonderful. And it was cool how Spidey used him to get even with Tombstone. And I loved how Peter said he was sorry for how Lonnie had been treated, and Tombstone just replied that Spidey was weird. That was gold.

    I hate that the MJ mystery is so frustrating, because otherwise so far this has been an excellent opening storyline for this volume of Amazing Spider-Man. A lot of good writing, good art, and great story choices, marred in my mind by one really bad story idea, which is the mystery box.

  3. @Mark — Ninth? Geez. That’s how many symphonies Beethoven wrote. And how many lives cats have. And players on a baseball team. The heck…Is he slipping them some cash or something? I wonder if Peter uses PayPaul. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)

    By the way, a coworker gave me some Spider-man socks as a gift, and they’re the most comfortable socks I’ve ever worn. I’ll have to find some online so that I can get some more…

  4. @Sthenurus and @Evan

    @Sthenurus – Hopefully they will resolve that six month thing soon. And I get your point on the Black Cat pep talk. I’m not bothered by it, I guess, because I was ready for Peter to get off his rear and get moving and if we do that faster than more realistically, then fine by me. But valid point.

    @Evan – The real reason there’s no OOTI is that with TWO letters from Crawlspacers in the letters pages, I just didn’t have enough space (and not at all because I was feeling lazy…)! And by the way, it was not Chi-Town’s 87th letter, it was his ninth. I know that because he has been non-stop bragging since Wednesday morning.

  5. @Mark — I don’t know that I have anything compelling to add, since Chase the Blues Away said it all, but I will say very much appreciate your Jules Verne reference in your response.

    I appreciate that Marvel acknowledged Chi-Town’s concerns (even if his letter’s appearance for the eighty-seventh time is clearly the reason for your minus in the grade). There have been comments in the Crawlspace that I’ve wished Marvel was reading, and now we know that not only have they read Chi-Town’s, but they’ve made other readers aware of those concerns, too. I’m not sure if that counts as demonstrating a claim of accountability, or if it’s just my appreciation for their acknowledging less-than-stellar reviews, in addition to glowing ones.

    Speaking of which, congratulations to Javi! Having two Crawlspacers there simultaneously illustrates beautifully that this is a site where readers with dissenting opinions can share and communicate freely, united by a shared love of Spider-man. That’s what it’s all about!

    I love your insight regarding the off-kilter panel. I thought maybe Peter’s face was so swollen that he was just weighing heavier on one side of the panel. I’m sure there’s a story title in there somewhere. How about “It Looks Worse Than it Feels” or “You Should See the Other Guy’s Fists”?

    Was there no onomatopoeia this time? That’s no fault of yours, of course! I haven’t been reading this arc, so I just wanted to make sure. All I know is that I finally know what “BLRKBQRKPQRBLNB” is: It’s the sound your (Mark’s) brain makes when you get your letter published.

    Can’t wait to read more comments!

  6. The past 2 issues made this first arc much more palatable to me.

    If it were not for that 6 month mystery bullcrap, I’d actually give it a B. I’m bothered by the fact that all it took to get Peter back on his feet is a small pep talk by the cat. As if no one in the past six month did that. Hard for me to believe that neither MJ, May, Felicia herself, or heck even cap (after all he was training him, one would think he’d keep tab on him after) would have done so a long time ago.

    As it stand it’s a C for me.

  7. @Chase the Blues Away – “But that means another Alford Notes! W00T!” That, folks, is how you start a comment thread! 🙂

    When you said that about the hangnail, I immediately thought of that scene in _I’m Gonna Git You Sucka_ where he has to get the splinter out of his finger!

    I do understand that Wells wanted to start off hot our of the gate, but you are correct in that the earns Peter gets here are a bit impotent considering that we don’t know what it is that he is bouncing back from. I really do think that next issue will be the big anniversary and then the next arc will drop some major hints and the arc after that should really deal with it. That’s about all the patience I’ll have for it, I think. If Spencer hadn’t drawn out his reveals (I mean, Phileas Fogg made it around the world in less time than it took for Kraven to make his move) so much, then I would have more willingness to wait it out. Maybe that’s not fair to Wells, but when you are writing in continuous publication media, what happened before you does impact your run.

    Like a dolt, I didn’t piece together that the ‘product’ Tombstone was trying to move was the Sinister Six gear. Nice job there! I’m applying the Cone of Shame as we speak. I do not like the Cone of Shame.

    I certainly picked up on Lowe’s lack of reassurance. I still think the ship will be righted between the two and that Paul (Mysterio) is just there to protect her, but will try anything to keep her when it’s over – but my belief that the resetting of the two back to the Spencer days is not as solid as it was before that letters page.

    “And the debt collector better also be named Peter because then it would be Peter robbing Paul who paid for Peter.” Ha!

    The problem with the whole mystery box is that now you HAVE to deliver big to make the mystery worth it. I’ve enjoyed Wells so far, but I like his small scale arcs. I don’t know if he has it in him to pull this off. I’m hopeful.

  8. What? No Chi-Town Breakdown this week? Aw, man…

    But that means another Alford Notes! W00T!

    The issue did exactly what the review said it did – wrapped up the Tombstone arc and showed Peter starting to use his brain and acknowledge his friends and family again. It was an entertaining read and I would give it an A…except for one niggling thing. They have yet to drop even a hint about what happened to make Peter so miserable in the first place.

    Y’know how they say if you don’t experience the lows, then you’ll never experience the highs because the highs are only high by contrast? No? Just me? Oh well. But that’s what this reminded of – it’s awesome to see Peter climbing back, but climbing back from *what*? For all we know, he’s been in a sulk for six months because the explosion caused a painful hangnail that just wouldn’t go away.

    As you point out, nothing has really changed. The issue literally brings the arc full circle, starting with Peter refusing to be open with May and ending with Peter accepting May’s dinner invite. Which, great, but why were they on the outs in the first place? What should be an emotional moment of awesome is just…okay, guess they’re now back to staus quo again after whatever happened, I dunno, maybe Peter broke one of May’s treasured china figures with his roughhousing and she bankrupted herself to win an auction on eBay for a replacement, who knows? And I’m betting that look on May’s face is a hint she knows he’s Spider-Man but is letting him keep his secret until he wants to tell her.

    Speaking of nothing has changed/full circle, Tombstone is also back to his original square. But Spider-Man allowed Digger to disrupt Tombstone’s operation, which means the merchandise might now be free for the taking. And since we know Tombstone’s merchandise is paraphernalia belonging to the Sinister Six, pretty sure Peter just helped whoever is behind the Super Adaptoid in a big way.

    Nice seeing Mary Jane Watson as played by Felicia Hardy. Glad Wells gave her at least one line of flirty dialogue so we could be sure that actually was Felicia and not MJ using the wig and costume from “Mary Jane and Black Cat.” I don’t think Fel was trying to rekindle a relationship – for one, she can see just how messed up he is, both outside and inside – but I appreciated her pep talk and being a good friend. Interesting, however, that she traces his current problems back to “Ben and the accident” and not whatever happened six months ago and/or the breakup with MJ. Or that she doesn’t mention MJ at all, despite talking to her last issue. I’m wondering if expectations that Wells will reunite MJ and Peter might be far too rosy…especially since Nick Lowe’s response to Chi-Town’s letter isn’t exactly reassuring. To quote various Star Wars characters, I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

    Extra credit: Yes, Paul payed the debt collector, who apparently pocketed the money for himself. And the debt collector better also be named Peter because then it would be Peter robbing Paul who paid for Peter.

    I really wish they hadn’t started this run with a mystery box. I get Wells wanted MJ out of the picture for some reason yet to be revealed (Hellfire Gala?), or maybe just for no reason at all, and he wanted to start Peter off at the bottom. But he could have done that directly after Beyond. As Felicia says, Peter was hurt by Ben’s actions and he has a tendency to go impulsive loner when he’s upset and angry; MJ could be visiting Gayle or filming in Los Angeles or there could have been fallout from the film with Mysterio that could have taken her out of the story somehow. If this arc didn’t have the “What did Peter do?!” “Mommy MJ” elements, it would be a slam dunk Spider-Man story. Not an instant classic for all time, maybe, but fun and entertaining and a great start to a run. But as it is:

    A for Tombstone.

    D- for reader bait that is so old and tired, its AARP card can apply for an AARP card of its own.

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