Learn more about what’s to come in Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr.’s AMAZING SPIDER-MAN this July

New York, NY— April 20, 2022 — Next week, Marvel Comics will honor 60 years of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN with the launch of a legendary new run by writer Zeb Wells and definitive Spider-Man artist John Romita Jr. From the first issue, fans will see the makings of a bold era in the life of Peter Parker. On the outs with the FF, the Avengers, and even Aunt May, the question that will be on everyone’s mind will be: WHAT DID SPIDER-MAN DO? The new saga will take another wild turn in July’s AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #7 when Norman Osborn returns with big plans for Peter and ushers in one of the biggest Spidey status quo changes in years… Courtesy of Oscorp?! Spider-Man will be getting a new suit complete with accessories that look vaguely…familiar. Is that a GLIDER?!
Check out the covers and Patrick Gleason’s design sheet right now and pick up AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #7 this July to discover the story behind the new look! And don’t forget to swing by your local comic shop next week for AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1! For more information, visit Marvel.com.
Written by ZEB WELLS
Art and Cover by JOHN ROMITA JR.
Design Variant Cover by PATRICK GLEASON
On Sale 7/6
Written by ZEB WELLS
Art and Cover by JOHN ROMITA JR.
On Sale 7/27
@Michael – Kafka seemed to know in Beyond that she was a clone, so if Malus (I literally cannot remember who that is) told her and John that she was not a clone, she obviously found out the truth.
@hornacek- It happened in the Ravencroft miniseries. And Osborn had Malus tell Jameson and Kafka that Kafka was the original, not the clone. (Presumably, Osborn told both of them the truth when he lost his sins.)
@Michael – You’re right, John is definitely one of original Kafka’s friends. Didn’t know that he had met the clone – I assumed he thought she had died and had moved on. I don’t remember seeing him meet the clone – did it happen in ASM?
Even so, not sure how much John would want to be friends with Kafka’s clone. Kind of like Peter reacted when Gwen’s clone first showed up – he had accepted her death and moved on – he wasn’t willing to just accept she was alive again and pick up from where they had left off.
@hornaceck- Re: Kafka’s friends- I was thinking of John Jameson who had feelings for Kafka and met her clone. And maybe Ben, if any bit of him is left in Chasm.
Good point about Peter not knowing Queen Goblin is Kafka yet.
Oh yay, another (ugly) new suit made by a corporation that may or may not be shady. Glad we haven’t already had that story 3 times in the last 7 years.
@Michael – The real problem is … does Peter even know that Kafka is Queen Goblin? Ben knows – at least I think he does – I just read Beyond a few weeks ago and it’s already a blur – but if he did know he never told Peter. And I don’t think Peter found out who she was during his battle with her. Does he even know that she contains Norman’s sins and that’s why she’s QG? I guess she could just tell him this but why?
“If Peter does try to stop Kafka and all of Kafka’s friends turn against Peter, I think that the readers are going to want to strangle Peter.” Who are Kafka’s friends? She was a clone of a dead woman who worked for Beyond – I don’t think she actually interacted with anyone outside of the Beyond building. So Beyond employees are her only “friends”.
Spider-Man’s great 60th year celebration:
1) Let’s come up with a new villain with multiple powers. Oh, it is Vulture (ASM #2 May 1963), Doctor Octopus (ASM #3 July 1963), Sandman (ASM #4 Sept 1963), Electro (ASM #9 Feb 1964), Mysterio (ASM #13 June 1964), and Kraven (ASM #15 Aug 1964). But now we are putting all the powers together – oops, Sinister 6 (ASM Annual #1 Oct 1964).
2) Dang, people noticed. Well let’s give Spider-Man a brand new costume and equipment. How about a glider and pumpkin bombs? That’s kind of different from Green Goblin (ASM #14 July 1964).
The House of Ideas ? – Nuff Said
The real problem is this- will Peter try to stop Kafka from returning the sins to Norman? Because the sins were put into Kafka against her will. If Peter does try to stop Kafka and all of Kafka’s friends turn against Peter, I think that the readers are going to want to strangle Peter.
Zells, what are you doing? You finally get to be the sole ASM writer, and *this* is what you want to do?
I like idea of a glider collapsing and forming a backpack, and the construction shown in the character sheet is very believable, though it seems to me that Peter would have to be drunk to want to wear a Goblin-esque suit like this. I just noticed that Spider-man is missing his “Egg Belt” in the middle cover, though, so I’m wondering where he got the one in his hand.
I bet JR has an outfit like that in his closet, though.
I have to say — I’m not going to rush to judgment, but I don’t think I like the idea of Peter having a digital mask that illustrates his expressions with punctuation marks. It seems to me that a static mask, apart from being less cartoony, lends itself more to menacing the bad guys. Besides, could you imagine Peter ruminating to himself over the city while his mask changes to reflect his thoughts? It sounds more like a means of communicating with the reader, rather than in-story characters.
Why? Just why?
Also, the combination of this piece of news with the article on action figures is hilarious, since the new costume seems designed by toy manufacturers specifically for an action figure.