How about that No Way Home trailer?
Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #112
Published: c. June, 1972?
Cover Date: September, 1972
“Spidey Cops Out!”
Writer: Gerry Conway
Artist: John Romita
Inker: John Romita
Letterer: Artie Simek
How about that No Way Home trailer?
Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #112
Published: c. June, 1972?
Cover Date: September, 1972
“Spidey Cops Out!”
Writer: Gerry Conway
Artist: John Romita
Inker: John Romita
Letterer: Artie Simek
Lifelong fan of Spider-Man. My secret identity is Adam S.
School is back in session! Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #22 Published: c. January, 1965? Cover Date: March, 1965 “Preeeeeesenting… The Clown, and His Masters of Menace!” Writer: Stan Lee Artist: Steve Ditko Inker: Steve Ditko […]
I don’t think I’d know what to say to that either. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #141 Published: c. November, 1974? Cover Date: February, 1975 “The Man’s Name Appears to Be… Mysterio!” Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: […]
I wonder what the “Q” stands for? Marvel Holiday Special (Vol. 1) 1992 Published: c. November, 1992? Cover Date: January, 1993 “The Big X-Mas Blackout!” Plot: Richard Howell Script: Stan Lee Artist: Steve Lightle Inker: […]
Is that the enervator in Spidey’s hand? I may be mixing it up with some other wearable contraption in his history.
How is Doc Ock not plummeting to the ground? Three of his tentacles are hitting the walls but are not attached to anything. Even if that 4th arm is attached to something, there’s no way that it’s holding him upright like he’s pictured here. Shenanigans!