Alford Notes – ASM #78: Beyond Chapter 4

It’s Ben Reilly vs. Morbius – just in time for the movie!  Will our favorite clone (excluding Web-Man, of course) be able to survive?  Which love interest will it take to wake up Peter from the coma?  Will Ben develop vampiric powers?  Just keep on reading, folks, as we look at Beyond Chapter Four!  Really?  That’s the title?  Oh well…

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Story Title:  Beyond Chapter Four

Writer: Kelly Thompson 

Artists: Sara Pichelli with Jim Towe

Colorists: Nolan Woodard with Rachelle Rosenberg

Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramanga

Cover Artist:  Arthur Adams and Alejandro Sanchez  

Asst. Editors: Lindsey Cohick and Kaeden McGahey

Editor: Nick Lowe

Published: November 10, 2021


Remedial ASM 101

Peter is in a coma and Ben Reilly has accepted the job as Spider-Man from a super sketchy organization called the Beyond Corporation that makes tasty pastries and mucks around with reality.

The Story – Pay Attention, This Will Be on the Test

After being bitten by Morbius, Ben is in a weakened state and not fairing too well against ol’ Michael Morbius.  Since there is never a shark around when you need one, Ben does the next best thing and lures Morbius to his home at the Beyond Corporation where the security system slices his arm off.

I’ll be honest here – I was actually taken aback by how brutal this response was.

Ben faints and gets rushed to the medical bay where Director Danger almost withholds medical care just to see what would happen, which sounds way too much like my medical provider.

Meanwhile, Peter stirs when Black Cat whispers something in his ear.  MJ and Felecia share a moment and oddly enough, act like adults about the situation they find themselves in.  Misty and Colleen easily take out Morbius using the one fight while the other just watches approach and when finished, the Beyond drones that monitor them get blasted out of the sky.  Turns out that Photon is working Misty and Colleen to figure out if Beyond is really sketchy or not. 

Thankfully Ben is OK and he and Janine go on a date and, unbeknownst to them, they are being stalked by Kraven 87!

What Passed and Failed

PASS: Director Danger – Lots more on her later.

FAIL: The Title – I thought Spencer was unoriginal.  We could have had something like, “If This Be My Vampire!” or “Fangs Very Much!” or “A Stake in the Company” or something.  I’m sure you can come up with better titles in the comments section!

PASS: Two Assistant Editors – Why is this a pass?  I am ever optimistic folks and am hoping that Cohick is training her replacement as she takes over Lowe’s spot. 


OOTI (Onomatopoeia of the Issue)

On a scale of 1 (POW) to 10 (BLRKBQRKPQRBLNB),  SLICH gets a 7.5.  Nothing fancy, but gets the job done.  That’s a nasty sound for skin being sliced up!


Director Danger – I like her role here and I love everyone’s reaction to her considering turning Ben into Spider-Vamp.  This whole shady factor of the Beyond Corporation is really making this book enjoyable for me.  I am glad that the Beyond Board aren’t trying to be coy about this and letting us know right off the bat that these guys are no-good cotton-headed ninny muggins.

I also like how there are many in the Beyond Corporation that truly believe in the good fight and are appalled by Director Danger’s attitude.  I was really hoping they would hold off of giving Ben the antidote just to see what would happen.  By the way, if you were trying to figure out when Ben got bit, it was how last issue ended. I had forgotten.

We are also left to wonder what Director Danger may do with the Morbius body parts that she collected.  We may soon have a coven of Morbiuses (or is is Morbii?) like we have a congress of Vermin running around the city.  Ohh!  Maybe that’s how we’ll clean up all those Vermin?  Then what would need to clone to get rid of all the Morbiuses?  Then clone something to get rid of them!  And so on and so on!  I see how we could get a whole series of stories out of this!  It practically writes itself!  Why hasn’t Marvel had to foresight to hire me????

While we are on the topic of a shady Beyond Corporation and a less then ethical Director Danger, who wants to bet that they are behind Morbius’s inability to control himself?  He is clearly beyond his normal blood-thirsty, fun-loving self.

Prediction – How good is Janine’s memory?  I think she will use this code to bypass the security system later when all goes bad.

More Prediction – Does Ben know that Photon, Misty, and Colleen are investigating Beyond Corp?  If not, will he end up fighting them at some point?  I think he knows and possibly brought them in because he was worried.

Extra Credit

What do you think Black Cat says?  Best answer gets the bonus points!

I think she said, “Deb Whitman wanted me to let you know she is on her way.”

The Teacher Is Tired, So Let’s Roll in the TV Cart

OK, we don’t still use those old TV carts, but you more “experienced” fans like myself (turning 51 this Sunday) will know the joy of seeing the big massive TV precariously sitting on the black rolling cart.

Final Grade

While I certainly would rather have a Peter Parker Amazing Spider-Man comic rather than a Ben Reilly Spider-Man comic, it’s not a bad read.  I’m not interested in the Misty portions, but I do find Director Danger to be intriguing and I like that the writers aren’t dumping MJ into angst-mode.  It’s an enjoyable read, but one that, if I were not reviewing, would probably wait until it came out on Marvel Unlimited to read.


(but I could probably be persuaded to bump it up to a B-)


What’s Next?

So we get a .BEY issue.  That sounds…fun.  But what do I care?  Good ol’ Chi-Town is taking #78.BEY because he’s a huge Misty Knight fan, so that leaves me #79 and I get Kraven 87!  Oh yeah!  What’s better than a bad villain?  The 87th clone of that bad villain!  I’m ready!




‘Nuff Said!

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  1. Good Review Mark.
    After 4 issues now, I’m just not finding this arc enjoyable in the slightest. I’ve always liked Ben, even in the ’90s when he and Peter were “brothers” but this I just can not get in to. I don’t like Pichelli’s art on the title and the story by committee approach doesn’t fill me with good feelings. The whole Beyond thing seems so overbearing yet without any logic. Why would Ben, a clone of Peter with all his memories (up to a point) and, more important, his intelligence make this deal with them? Yes love and getting Janine back might blind him but there are too many shenanigans that they don’t even attempt to hide from him that I fail to see how he’d put up with it.

    I did like the MJ/Felicia interaction. I’d hope they can be friends to get through this together. Peter’s going to need all of his friends and loved ones to get through this (and I know Beyond isn’t that long an arc, but I’m still not entirely convinced they won’t try to keep ben in the webs afterwards so I worry for Peter and MJ).

    Hoping it will improve as we move along.

    C- from me on this one.

  2. @Mark — I kinda just assumed you knew what the significance of “Leto” was, or else I would have explained that specifically. My mistake! I’ll try to keep Chi-Town from finding out that you didn’t even watch the trailer you posted, but I can’t make any promises: he’s got a Spider-man suit and he’s bigger than me.

    For what it’s worth, I liked your interpretation of that particular alternate story title far better than anything Jared Leto has done. (That’s meant to be more to your credit than to his detriment.)

    PS — The fact that new comments posted to the Crawlspace appear in the right-most column but are then delayed in the article proper make the wait for them to appear (so that I can respond) all the more suspenseful. But I hope the comments keep coming!

  3. Not sure if I’m worthy of the title of Morbius Master (albeit it sounds good), since as I said, I read very little of Morbius. Surely I always had a fascination with the character, especially the ’90s cartoon version, with the blood-sucking suction cups on his hands (how cool is that?!).
    About that, after proper research, it seems I probably remembered badly and he wasn’t able to infect others in the cartoon. Now I’m curious to read the comics where he is said to have the power to transform others in pseudo-vampires.

  4. @Anthony. I dunno MJ and Peter haven’t had much of a chance to interact this run (which you could see as a problem itself.) so I would wait until they do a bit. They are certainly pushing how devoted she is to Peter hard and i think we will get an issue where they interact before all this is over.

    Hell I’m still of the mind they are going to just redo the marriage thing at some point. I don’t have anything to base it on but it is my feeling

  5. @Anthony, @Gieseric, and @Aqu@, and just a nod to @Evan and @Adam

    Anthony – Your assessment of Aunt May’s reaction vs MJ’s reaction = Awesomeness! I saw the Black Cat moment as more of Black Cat’s growth of a character and just happy that they didn’t revert MJ’s character to an angsty mess that was rethinking her relationship with Peter. I still have concerns that the writers are going to pull that after Spencer set up their relationship again, but I don’t think the previous actions are doing that. However, I see your point and I will be looking for how this might be a trend. Two times might just be a coincidence, but three of four is definitely a trend, so let’s keep watching and I’ll hope for the best here. I forgot about the mafia wedding! Ha!

    gieseric – I usually try to avoid the previews because they spoil the upcoming story for me, but I guess I need to pay more attention to what is coming up because I didn’t know anything about an MJ and Black Cat team up in January. If that is the case, then I think the interaction between those two certainly was setting that up. We had MJ concede to Black Cat for getting a reaction from Peter and Black Cat concede a bit to MJ by apologizing and not getting angry at the “don’t wear your costume” bit.

    Aqu@ – You are hereby deemed the Morbius Master as far as I am concerned. You know a lot more about what was going on with him than I, certainly. Thanks for sharing! Why didn’t I mention the wings? I don’t know. I know he doesn’t have wings, but honestly, it just never really connected with me that it was something out of the ordinary at the time. Outside of that one What If?, I can’t say that I ever really enjoyed anything with Morbius in it.

    Which is why I didn’t pay attention to the video I put up for you guys to watch and why I didn’t know what the Leto reference was to. I will now put on the dunce cap and sit in the corner for the next hour.

    Oh, and Aqu@, DO NOT ENCOURAGE ADAM. If you encourage Adam, then that will make Evan jump back in and I just got him calmed down. If Evan jumps back in, that will only encourage Hornacek to start adding in obscene comments to try and one up Adam and Evan when he finally goes to his LCS and reads this issue next week. Then it’s going to be a big hoopla and they will somehow drag in how I don’t like Shawshank Redemption and go on a long rant back and forth trying to out do the other and I’m going to get called into Brad’s office again.

  6. I, too, found the maiming surprisingly brutal, especially since Morbius can’t regrow limbs for what I know, so I’m eager to see how they will fix him (hoping they will).
    His aggressiveness may as well be a result of the events in his last ditched series (as you already found out, Mark), but he must have had a regression, since he was apparently stabilized by the end.
    In fact, I was a bit surprised no one asked in the comments last issue why he has wings: a byproduct of his new mutation (for once, it isn’t Pichelli’s fault!).
    On the same topic, I don’t think Morbius has ever been infectious, aside maybe from the ’90s cartoon, but I have never read all of his appearances. Surely I don’t recall him becoming infectious in the last series, but it was pretty forgettable (and incomplete).

    As for Pichelli’s infamous wandering mole, this time she stayed consistent with Ms. Danger’s face. Even when Felicia and MJ appeared, I was happily noting no moles on their faces and complimenting the artist… Until she slipped. A small mole on MJ’s face. It’s just a single panel, but it seems she really can’t help it. At least, this time the spider symbol has always four pair of legs. Can’t say she didn’t try her best.

    The issue, like the whole story so far, is ok. Just ok. However it bothered me a little the fact that Ben was going on a date with Morbius still at large. Like: “Well, I did my best, I almost died, but now someone else is taking care of it, so, whatever, let’s go on a date!” Unless I got the timeline wrong and that happened way after Morbius was apprehended. Surely it doesn’t seem so.

    Isn’t Jared Leto the actor who portrays Morbius in the movie?
    Ah, that would be a valid reason to wake up. Incidentally, I’m pretty sure something like that already happened in some comic on the internet, if you search deep enough. Probably even a foursome including Gwen Stacy. Eh, good old rule 34.

  7. @geiseric – Admiitingly I am exaggerating but right now the book is at strike two with me with this kind of stuff. Just doesn’t feel like something Spencer, JMS, Peter David or DeMatteis would write. But the Brand New Day team if you forced them to write MJ? It’s exactly what they’d do. “Mary Jane is going to spend all her time with Peter but only Aunt May and Black Cat will make any kind of real progress towards making him better MWUAHAHA! Drink baby blood now?”

    Currently hanging in there for now because I like all of the Ben Reilly and Beyond stuff. I’m at a point where I don’t even want to see Peter and MJ in the title. Especialy if next month have to read about Carlie Cooper giving Peter Parker some Krakoan Drugs so he can breakdance for 10 minutes.

    Oh and what did Black Cat whisper to Peter Parker? “I spoke to Wilson Fisk and through his connections he got rid of our stupid Mafia Wedding.” That’s my mental wash for Black Cat’s appearance in this book and I’m sticking to it. 😛

  8. @Anthony I think your being a bit unfair. So far (and according to the solicits) MJ is the only character consistently with Peter throughout this ordeal. Hell she’s with him more than Aunt May. Letting Black Cat have her own little moment doesn’t take from that.

    Had they played up the angst jealous angle, then i would be worried. But this seems more a way to show their connection for that one shot in January.

  9. @Mark – Great points. I too have found ways to mentally wash down some of these things. I figure that on top of what you said, MJ knowing the fact that Peter is Spider-Man and Aunt May not knowing would make MJ worry more and not notice little inconsistencies. These are things I’m telling myself to enjoy the book and keep going. I haven’t had to pull any of these mental gymnastics during all of Specer’s run, but I sure did it a lot during the Brand New Day Error / Era.

    Regarding MJ growing as a character and not being jealous of Black Cat, like we know that already. When was the last time she really was jealous of Black Cat for real, like the 80s? We saw MJ and Black Cat get along swimmingly in the Marvel Knights book. I’m not sure if the perception of MJ not married to Peter has made people think she was a jealous person, but she really hasn’t been in decades. I mean she was BFFs with Carlie not so long ago. So for me I didn’t see that as growth, I saw that as Kelly acknowledging what’s there.

    Perhaps I’m being too sensitive as a Peter x MJ fan. It’s just that the book right now almost has this tone –

    MJ: Peter’s in the hospital so I sent a tweet to Iron Man and Doctor Strange talkin’ ’bout #HelpSpidey yup yup LOLZ!

    AUNT MAY: Peter’s in the hospital so I am going to suplex a nurse, hang a doctor out of a window by his legs and bang Doctor Octopus!

  10. @Mark — Wow! I’m truly honored, not only to have a gold-foil-edition Crawlspace No-Prize to look forward to, but to have all of my title submissions personally reviewed, as well.

    I must share credit with the earlier Marvel writers, however, since the last three are just parodies referring to existing story titles. “The Lo, this Leto!,” for example, is a reference to “Lo, this Monster!” from Spectacular Spider-man Magazine.

    I think Jack Brooks has the right idea with Felicia’s statement to Peter, and I couldn’t have phrased it better myself. I didn’t read Adam’s until after I came up with mine, and I thought, “Oh, boy, here we go.” At least I didn’t mention centipedes.

    Thank you again!

  11. @Evan and @David

    Evan – Those titles are BRILLIANT! Holy moly! I set a low bar, but that didn’t stop you from rising to the occasion and knocking out of the park! They are so good, I feel the need to personally review each one of them:
    1. A SLICH in Time – Using the OOTI is obvious sycophantic pandering to the writer of the review; however, I think we have firmly established that the author of these reviews thoroughly enjoys sycophantic pandering.
    2. Armed and Dangerous – HA!
    3. “Grrrrahnoooot workinnnngggg.” – I need to get a screen capture of that panel and use it as a review scale. From a scale of “Grrrrahnoooot workinnnngggg” to “Face It Tiger, You hit the jackpot”, how did you like this issue? Oh yes. I’m definitely changing up the user poll to reflect this…
    4. How Lowe Can You Go? – HA!
    5. Beyond Corp: The Vampire Strikes Back – Nice allusion/pun combo there, sir!
    6. The Corporation that Collects Vampire Limbs – Now I will be up at night wondering if that should be the name of Beyond Corp or if it is just a subsidiary branch of Beyond Corp. Here’s to hoping we will get a CCVL spin off series on Disney+ using the two actors that played the speeder biker stormtroopers that had Baby Yoda at the end of the first season of Mandalorian.
    7. Lo, this Leto! – I thought I was quick enough, but this one flew over my head. I get that Lo is probably an insult to Lowe, but I’m stumped on the Leto. All I can think of is the titan mother of Artemis and Apollo or Jared Leto, neither of which seems to make sense here. I am feeling quite like how Chi-Town must feel on a regular basis, but as Ben Franklin once said, “Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn,” so teach me!
    8. How Maimed Was My Morbius – This is an absolute masterpiece! The others were great (well, the greatness of #7 is still TBD), but this is Shakespeare level, nay, this is STAN LEE level! In fact, I’m making Brad Douglas send you a gold-foil edition of our Crawlspace No-Prize! This one has original art that we stole from Romita of a lost issue when Spider-Man and the Invisible Woman (she went by Invisible Girl back then) switched powers. What you’ll see is exactly what everyone else saw when Spider-Man first used his new powers.

    As for your Black Cat comment, you and Adam are going to get me in trouble with BD!

    David – I like the interaction too. I think what we are seeing from Black Cat is some maturity gained from her own series. If you haven’t been reading those and you have MU, then go back and read her current series. It’s rather good and she is developing a bit of responsibility now that she has a crew that she cares about. We still see her cockiness, but she is developing levels in a similar way that MJ started as the party girl and we started seeing that it was mostly an act to cover her insecurities. I think her apologizing to MJ is both showing that and revealing that she still has complicated feelings for Peter. Twice might be a bit much, but I’ll chalk it up to seeing him so near death like this shook her more than she cares to admit. Now later, once he has recovered, I would not be surprised if she dropped a little dig at MJ for being the one he responded to.

  12. @Geoff and @Anthony

    Geoff – Thanks!! I’m glad you like Misty and given her connection to Spider-Man, maybe I should be a bit more open to her. For you, I’ll will strive to give her a bit more of an open mind next time I see her in these hallowed pages. Kelly’s character interactions are well done. I’ll agree 100% with you there. and The Felecia and MJ interaction could have easily turned into a CW-esque angstfest, but she refrained fro going in that direction and I appreciate that. Who do I like better so far? Hard to say. I think that, judging by these two authors only, the Beyond Board must really have hashed out their stories ahead of time. Zeb and Kelly’s stories appear to my eyes as moving seemlessly together, and that is not typical when you have more than one author. I subscribed to Kelly’s email newsletter once I heard she was writing ASM and she really does seem to crave fan interaction (I mean that in a good way), but in yesterday’s newsletter she said she won’t come back into the story arc until the end, which does seem to indicate a sooner-rather-than-later ending to this Beyond story line.

    I wasn’t completely against the .HU or .LR (I thought it was best done with the .HU but not as much with the .LR), but I am not willing to absolve Spencer of his role in the creation of them. From what I heard somewhere, Spencer wanted more room to tell his story in hunted and they gave it to him in the .HU. So maybe he’s the one that got Lowe all excited about it and now that is why we are getting a .BEY.

    Anthony – I see your complaint about MJ’s character eroding, though I am not as upset by it – at least not yet. The two instances can be fairly easily explained away without it being anti-MJ. Aunt May realizes that it’s not Peter because when Ben starts to lie to her, he messes up and there is some definite tension in his voice that Peter wouldn’t have. Ben would have no such qualms about lying to MJ, so it comes off just as smooth as his original DNA donor. As for Black Cat, I’m thinking that it wasn’t so much about that it was Black Cat that woke him up as much as it was what she said. The fact that he doesn’t wake up to MJ, despite her being what has brought him back from the depths so many times before , shows us how powerful the words were that BC said to him. Now, I highly doubt the words will live up to that level of hype, but that’s how I’m reading it. But I will, now that you’ve mentioned it, keep an eye out for a continued MJ smear campaign. I hope you are wrong there. As much as we all feel that Deb and Peter (or rather Lisa Skye (https://www.spidermancrawlspace.com2016/10/cobwebs-29-youll-get-a-big-delight-in-every-bite-part-2/)) are truly meant to be together, I like the Peter/MJ pairing.

    I do wish that Danger had followed through on her initial thought and withheld that serum…

  13. @Jack and @Adam

    Jack – OK, I just did what I should have done for the review – I looked up Morbius on Marvel Fandom to find out the answer to your question and here is what I found. Morbius recently tried to cure himself, but made it worse. That is why he is out attacking more people and acting a bit more savagely than usual. He can turn others into vampires, or pseudo-vampires like he is, but he has to drain their blood to do so. There is nothing there to support that he would need an anti-toxin for a bite any more than he would need an anti-toxin for the cuts from the claws. I guess we could say that this accelerated state is mutating his powers and I guess we could speculate that perhaps Beyond had something to do with it, which is why they might have an anti-toxin on hand, but that seems like we might be stretching the narrative here. I also read there that Morbius saved Misty Knight in Absolute Carnage and I wouldn’t have gotten that they had any interaction prior to this judging on the way she treats him here.

    Tom Brevoort – LOL!

    Adam – I live to serve, sir. The Crawlspace Committee has approved your willingness to continue reading my reviews as replacement of reading the issues as long as you comment on each review and as a penalty for violating a standing Crawlspace Committee Directive, you are required to read every word of Chi-Town’s review. I am sorry, buddy. I lobbied on your defense and they still handed down that extreme punishment.

    As for your Black Cat comment – I don’t think Marvel has any plans to resurrect their MAX Imprint anytime soon… Though we could get some Three’s Company shenanigans by having a situation where Peter, MJ, and Felecia have to share an apartment – You know, scratch that just in case Lowe is reading. Don’t need to give him any ideas.

  14. I liked the MJ/Felicia interaction. It’s nice to follow up on what Spencer built in that MJ is no longer jealous or feels threatened by Felicia or her standing with Peter, she accepts her connection and is just grateful for the help. I did think Felicia having to apologise to her twice was a bit out-of-character though, she’d totally own being the one to stir Peter.

  15. @Mark — Another great review. I humbly submit a list of alternative titles for this chapter, in no particular order:

    1. A SLICH in Time
    2. Armed and Dangerous
    3. “Grrrrahnoooot workinnnngggg.”
    4. How Lowe Can You Go?
    5. Beyond Corp: The Vampire Strikes Back.
    6. The Corporation that Collects Vampire Limbs.
    7. Lo, this Leto!
    8. How Maimed Was My Morbius

    As for what Felicia said to him: “Pete, your Crazy Town Banana Pants are showing.”

  16. B+ from me. I’m already getting tired of these back handed jabs at MJ. First Aunt May realizes that it’s not Peter Parker on the phone while MJ does not. Then Black Cat gets Peter to move while MJ cannot. It’s like all the work that Spencer put in to build MJ back up as the love of Peter’s life is getting slowly flushed down the drain. That’s really my only complaint though. Definitely loved Danger considering leaving Ben Reilly as a Vampire. And overall I still like Kelly Thompson over Wells.

  17. Great Review Mark!! Enjoyed your thought on this one. While I disagree with you a little on the grade(I give a B +) I understand you not being as interested in the misty plot. I did enjoy seeing them here.and giving more prominance in marvels flag ship book.

    I enjoy Kelly Thompson’s character interactions alot here. Especially with Felcia and MJ. I think I like her more than Zeb rn tbh. Who your favorite right now in the beyond board that we’ve gotten?

    Also, can we now fully admit that Nick Spencer deserves no blame for the .HU or .LR that plagued ASM during his run. While I enjoyed the Gibbon .HU story, most of the .LR really broke the pace of the story and I wonder if it was Nick Lowe who forced spencer to expand his story now more than it needed to be.

  18. Thank you Mark, for reading these, so I don’t have to. I’m taking a break from reading, regardless what the Crawlspace officials decided, but I would never not read your reviews. Or Chi-Town for that matter, (even if he is your arch nemesis.) I may come back when Peter gets out of bed…
    As for what Black Cat might have said, I didn’t read the comic, but my guess is that she said her and MJ have agreed to a threesome.

  19. I didn’t think Morbius’ bite could turn someone into a vampire. I know it happened one time, in his debut issue, but I don’t think it ever happened again in all these years. Because Morbius is a “science” vampire, where the traditional vampire is a demonically-cursed being who transmits an occult curse through the bite. If a person with leukemia bit you, you wouldn’t get leukemia.

    Felicia said, “Let me remember”, but then, off-panel, Tom Brevoort rushes in and lies about what she said.

  20. @Chi-Town – We were writing comments at the same time, apparently! Great minds think alike. Glad you are starting to come around on Deb Whitman (I see your bluster there hiding your true thoughts).

    The Kraven/Spider-Sense is a good question. The sense is always an inconsistent thing. Maybe he is just ignoring it. Maybe since Kraven is only watching and not ready for attack, the sense isn’t blaring. Maybe that bite took a bit out of him and since he is so tired and weak at the moment, it’s just not registering.

  21. I’m glad you are liking it more than me. I do want to like it more and typically if I’m down on something, but you guys are up on it, it sways me to liking it a bit more. So here’s hoping!

    I’m betting the bite hurt more because of whatever is happening with Morbius right now. He is definitely out of control here. But I do agree with you that it felt odd that Ben could come out of the U-Foes unscathed and fall to this loser.

    Keep trying to make me like these issues better and thanks for the kind words!

  22. Nicely Done, Mark! For once we come to an agreement. Not just on the grade but I too believe that is what Felicia said to Peter. What else could wake him up in sheer terror and struggling to stay awake in order for that NOT to come pass. Has to wake up and leave if Deb is on her way. Alas, the struggle was too much and he black out again.

    Here’s another one. Why didn’t Ben’s spider sense go off when Kraven was watching him? Also I’m not a Misty Knight fan, I’m just sharing the responsibility load of the ASM reviews. I’m not a Ben Reilly fan, yet here we are!

  23. Hey Mark! Great reviews. But as I often do lately I enjoyed this issue far more than you did! I loved the bit between MJ and Felicia. I tough the writing was phenomenal on both character.
    I also like how director danger is an obvious slimey POS but as you pointed out most people seems to genuinely want to do good. I like nuance.

    I never thought Morbius could hurt Ben that bad with his bite. If I recall correctly he bit Peter many time and aside from an hear infection (yes, I’m serious, check ppsm vol 1 84 if you don’t believe me), it never bothered him THAT much.

    I hope Ben enrolled the daughters of the dragon to spy on beyond corp. That’s make his decision to take their offer make more sense. Look into it and see what they do with the spider-man name. Which, as I explained before, belong to him as much as it does to Peter!

    Solid B for me!

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